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Everything posted by Centurion_13

  1. Well for me its xhristmas day in 26 minutes so its is close enough for me. Merry Christmas to all and may you all be blessed
  2. @lorain. Dentist would probably hurt less. there is sa thing called novacaine. it numnes your mouth so much you sound like an idiot and you drool all over youself but you dont feel a thing. I had to have a few teath removed.
  3. AFAIK they're going to be external files (not locked away in the engine) because we are encouraging moddabilaty and making the it as easy as possible to mod most files. but Im not sure how much more I can say on this so I will leave it at that.
  4. obviously if you want ot be able to play the games. It would be a bit pointles releasing a full game without all the models and textures etc.
  5. Infact to my knowledge it would be very easy to vreate an entirely different game on it using the same engine by modding it. For example TLA and 0ad are both very different games but TLA is going to use the same engine as 0ad.
  6. Yeah I too found out at age of mythology heavens when bobby posted a pic of a roman house in the mod eyecandy thread. Then Mythos but I didnt get into it so much until I met Mike (Mythos_Ruler)
  7. Yeah I say standard style. although the IBP one is alright too.
  8. Ill keep this thread in mind next if I ever get an electric guitar
  9. we have an artificial one that looks pretty good. Its cool cause you can bend the wire branches to any shape you want.
  10. I sometimes feel tired at school especialy when I get a migraine (I think thats how its spelled) I have fallen asllep in class twice. once in year seven and last wednesday when I had a migraine. (well I think I fell asleep) I dont remember anything of wednesday between goign to sleep the previous night to waking up at 4:45pm. apperantyly I went to school and stuff and coame home half way through when I fell asleep and couldnt remember my name.
  11. Well since my bed is also my lounge its not that big of a deal
  12. I have several favourite positions 1 hanging upside down from a tree. 2 sitting under computer chair with plate on top of the chair J/k now for real ones 1 in font of computer on my reclinable chair (when it is half reclined) 2 on lounge watching TV 3 sitting on bench or stair at school 4 Bed 5 standing 6 any conveniant place.
  13. that would be cool if you could, especially if its a really good camera. but somehow I doubt you can keep it.
  14. I have great hearing and hear in perfect tone or something like that so I sleep either way and listen to all the sounds of nature with all its glory
  15. A very busy month it seems. good work all. that subversion stuff is really good
  16. Well I dont see it anywhere now EDIT: oh yeah I think I deleted my post when I decided that I may be wrong. Although I still think a bit if the romans attack greece in their prime especially if the greeks were united they could have beaten roman legionaires.
  17. Ahh well that would make more sense, I was a little puzzled about the othr guy being a king.
  18. huh who mentioned hoplites? Maybe but in RTW I have seen phalanx units decimate forces of romans if used corrctly wuth appriate backup.
  19. Yeah if legions can fall to germans (remember varius) then they're certainly not all powerful
  20. Nice simpl;e explanation. thanks
  21. You wouldnt want to give me your new computer would you? *begins hypnotism* "you want to give me your computer"
  22. Im not sure how accurate one of those archers would be.
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