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Everything posted by Centurion_13

  1. well you see I am italian/irish/danish/english although its the italian (more specificaly islands around sicily) and the danish that stands out most in me.
  2. no we shouldnt have for legal reasons.
  3. the whole week for me is about 23ºC during the day and about 13ºC during the night.
  4. I'll let some one who knows more answer this one for sure but I am of the impression that it is a fair bit less than that.
  5. it hasnt even started in australia. just adds the last month or so saying that is "coming soon" in other words next season.
  6. I have never encoutered this file blocking you speak of. what exactly are the types that are blocked anyway?
  7. Im reading two. The returaunt at the end of the universe and Executive Orders by Tom Clancy
  8. about 25 degrees here and its mid winter at night 3 to 7 degrees
  9. I too ambig on gaming with a collective of over 200 pc games, (with 2 personal computers) 10 xbox games, (2 xboxes) 4 ps2 games (1 ps2) 65 n64 games (4 n64s) 40 snes games (4 SNESs)
  10. Happy canada day which incidently is also my sisters 14th birthday
  11. its down now anyway so you cant download it anymore for the itme being
  12. if an enemy melee unit attacks an archer. the archer will not be able to respond with its own melee attack just like age of empires etc. ander all circumstances (unless modded I suppose) an archer can only perform economic duties or use its ranged weapon. It seems simple enough to me
  13. as have I but some of the forums I've been to, I would not encourage them to become members here without behavioral modification.
  14. just so you guys are't overly scared. since the invention of anti-venom very, very very few people have died from spider bites after recieving medical attention within time. no people with snake bites have died after recieving first aid in time and getting to a hospital.
  15. biggest house spiders we get are probably huntsmans. they can flatten themselves as thin as paper to crawl under cracks etc. about 10 to 15 cm. painful bte but not deadly. eats other spiders, mosquites etc. generaly non aggressive http://www.usq.edu.au/spider/find/spiders/images/402B10.jpg here are some others heres the deadly funnel web http://www.ento.csiro.au/insect_id/images/.../funnelweb1.jpg heres a redback. very deadly http://www.amonline.net.au/spiders/images/dangerous/13a.jpg heres a st andrews cross spider. they weave special crosses into their webs which reflects insect attracting ultraviolet light http://www.logopix.com.au/assets/photography/StAndrews.jpg heres an orb weaver, generaly harmless but make nice webs http://www.qmuseum.qld.gov.au/features/spi...s/gardenorb.jpg a mouse spider, pretty venomous http://tofuhut.racknine.net/pics/spider%20pics/July%2014.jpg
  16. if you're calling 1-2 cm spiders big you may not want to come to australia. Nice picture desmond. lorian, that one reminds me a bit a st andrews cross spider. those hobo spiders look similar to huntsman spiders in australia. in australia spiders are everywhere. no matter where you go with 2m of you there will always be a spider. we get reall big nasty ones down here, and we easily have the worlds most deadly snakes. infact a week ago I came with in a few metres of the worlds 1st and 2nd most deadly venomous snakes
  17. you looked somehwat like I thought. nice camera trick
  18. Formations are planned to play a vital role in gameplay. useing formations wisely can give you a significant advantage.
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