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Everything posted by Centurion_13

  1. Oh cool, I wasnt expecting to be on the homepage news. well I am extra happy now. I am sure I will enjouy it mythos
  2. Also the roman military was quite different after the marian reform which is reasonably nicely demonstrated in rtw.
  3. yeha, just let it do its thing. there is no need to contiinue posting whenever it appears.
  4. which means a very powerful editor would be a great thing.
  5. I wondered where these went. good to see them back.
  6. yeah. Honestly I'd rather spend time on the WFG forums. At my stage in life it really isnt nesacry IMO as there are more accademic things to pursue
  7. If they made all this 3d stuff it seams rather pointless to make it 2d. all the same Im glad 0ad has turned 3d.
  8. Welcome New person to the mighty kingdom that is the WFG forums
  9. I doubt it would be that hard. although I only know a little so my statement is rather uneducated but it is a little bit.
  10. I dont even have one of them. good work I suppose. you read my mind
  11. well then you can get much more done and do a much better job.
  12. yeah I was sure it said this xmas but the probably changed it because its still in such early stages.
  13. good question. AoM just used a transparent blueish layer on the water surface. when the camerea went under neath it, all the underwater area looked as if it was on land and if you have the camera so the water is only half way up the screen you got this bluish line at the top of the water.
  14. My country doesnt widely celebrate it but the large coperations are trying to bring it in.
  15. I can post the Full code if you guys want but Its very long
  16. Here is the random hero name code ES used. Its pretty simple but you can see some of the potential funny names in there. This is just the egyptian pharoahs but the norse hersir names are don differantly. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <names> <pharaohnames> <name>$$21587$$Amenemnisu</name> <name>$$21588$$Amenemope</name> <name>$$21589$$Amenemhet</name> <name>$$21590$$Amhose</name> <name>$$21591$$Amhotep</name> <name>$$21592$$Bubba Joe</name> <name>$$21593$$Cambyses</name> <name>$$21594$$Cleopatra</name> <name>$$21595$$Djedkare</name> <name>$$21596$$Djer</name> <name>$$21597$$Djoser</name> <name>$$21598$$Hakor</name> <name>$$21599$$Harnedjheriotef</name> <name>$$21600$$Hatshepsut</name> <name>$$21601$$Horemheb</name> <name>$$21602$$Hotepsekhemwy</name> <name>$$21603$$Imhotep</name> <name>$$21604$$Intef</name> <name>$$21605$$Khasekhemwy</name> <name>$$21606$$Khendjer</name> <name>$$21607$$Khufu</name> <name>$$21608$$Larry</name> <name>$$21609$$Menes</name> <name>$$21610$$Menkauhor</name> <name>$$21611$$Menkaure</name> <name>$$21612$$Mentuhotep</name> <name>$$21613$$Namer</name> <name>$$21614$$Nebkaure</name> <name>$$21615$$Nefaarud</name> <name>$$21616$$Neferhotep</name> <name>$$21617$$Neferirkare</name> <name>$$21618$$Nimlot</name> <name>$$21619$$Niuserre</name> <name>$$21620$$Nynetjer</name> <name>$$21621$$Osorkon</name> <name>$$21622$$Pedibastet</name> <name>$$21623$$Peftjauabstet</name> <name>$$21624$$Ptolomy</name> <name>$$21625$$Psusennes</name> <name>$$21626$$Ramses</name> <name>$$21627$$Raneb</name> <name>$$21628$$Raneferef</name> <name>$$21629$$Sahure</name> <name>$$21630$$Semerkhet</name> <name>$$21631$$Sethnakhte</name> <name>$$21632$$Seti</name> <name>$$21633$$Shebitku</name> <name>$$21634$$Sheshonq</name> <name>$$21635$$Siamun</name> <name>$$21636$$Siptah</name> <name>$$21637$$Smendes</name> <name>$$21638$$Smenkhkare</name> <name>$$21639$$Sobekemsaf</name> <name>$$21640$$Sobekhotep</name> <name>$$21641$$Sobeknerfu</name> <name>$$21643$$Sunusret</name> <name>$$21644$$Shepseskare</name> <name>$$21645$$Shepseskaf</name> <name>$$21646$$Snofru</name> <name>$$21647$$Taharka</name> <name>$$21648$$Tanutamun</name> <name>$$21649$$Thutmose</name> <name>$$21650$$Tutankhamen</name> <name>$$21651$$Twosret</name> <name>$$21652$$Userkaf</name> <name>$$21653$$Wadjkheperre</name> <name>$$21654$$Wahibre</name> </pharaohnames> </names> Norse Hersr names are generated from a large list of First names, And 2 secondary luists of last names.
  17. if we had rep you would be getting one from me for it
  18. Thanks Dnas, Im on the other side of the planet and I still get to sea this cause of you. thanks.
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