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Posts posted by Genava55

  1. 32 minutes ago, Ultimate Aurelian said:

    Mmm the wikipedia article is not coherent, in the beginning it is said as belonging to the Enchele territory but further in the page it is said as belonging to the Dassaretae.

    A quick glance in Google Scholar gave me this thesis about interactions between Illyrians and Epirotes:


    It seems Selca is associated with the ancient city of Pelion. The author notes the uniqueness of the tombs in comparison with other Illyrian tombs and burials, they are closer to the Macedonian kind. Four names are written on the tombs, Μηκος (the architect), Γενθιανὸς, Πλάτορος and Γένθιος. Excepted the first one, the others look Illyrian.

    So yeah, it could be a good idea as a wonder.

    • Thanks 1
  2. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/77/f4/67/77f467e67bc578eab3fec2d1c0b829f8.jpg




    Not necessarily accurate but it gives an idea how it could have been. Although the symbolic depiction of the lion skin is maybe probably mythological.


    Different coins minted by Alexander and his successors:




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  3. 1 hour ago, Sergio said:

    add the egyptians, minoics

    The current version of 0 A.D. in development is focusing on the time span 500 BC - 0 AD. Further development in the future could include 0 - 500 AD.

    The ancient Egyptian civilization start to collapse after the end of the New Kingdom in 1070 BC. The Minoan civilization vanishes around the same date. So their inclusion in the vanilla version of the game is not planned. However, a mod centered on the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age is planned:


    1 hour ago, Sergio said:


    The Han dynasty of ancient China is a candidate for the game as a new civ. You should try the mod of @wowgetoffyourcellphone, he already included this civilization.

    See his mod there:


    You can download a mod by following those guides:



    2 hours ago, Sergio said:

    ancient korea, ancient japan, and add the incas the mayans and the aztecs only to play with them lol...

    About them, the mod Terra Magna is planning to include much more Asian, American and African civilization.


  4. I think something that should change in US culture and mentality is their excessive and twisted faith in meritocracy. A lot of people in the US do not understand how socio-economical disadvantages can undermine the destiny of individuals and their community. It is really tiresome to hear US politician labelling their opponent as communist or marxist simply because he/she defends a better social system.

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  5. 46 minutes ago, Thorfinn the Shallow Minded said:

    That first sentence is a bold claim.

    A bold claim I assume entirely. But I don't think it is as bold as saying moral values are on the same level than mathematical theories.

    46 minutes ago, Thorfinn the Shallow Minded said:

    Simply because there is no physical law does not mean that there are no moral absolutes; even a good number of atheists such as Sam Harris subscribe to the point that a distinction between values and scientific facts is arbitrary and instead use naturalistic principles to derive their moral systems.

    It means simply that you cannot test a set of moral values and you cannot replicate it. There is no demonstration on the level of a scientific theory.

    Most defenders of moral absolutism are slightly disagreeing with each others on which values are absolute. The same for moral universalism.

    For me it is really important to point it out that you cannot hold the entire truth of what is wrong and what is right and everyone should remembers the fact that your opinion on the moral is as much flawed than the human nature.

    In my opinion, people having an issue with a statue are simply displaying an excess of ego and confidence about their righteousness and are trying to use a monument as a political symbol in the debate. This is politicization of historical monuments and it shouldn't be taken lightly. I can understand the issue with Confederate monuments because they are politicized from the beginning but for monument like Columbus statue this is not the case. People seeing the world only through their ideological and political lens are really a danger in my opinion.

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  6. 8 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    First Nations tribes are still reeling from 500 years of degradation, ethnic cleansing, and forced poverty.

    He is really responsible for this? I don't think so.

    8 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    /Building/ the statues had an ideological motive. They weren't built by academics intending to represent history fairly and impartially. You've indicated already you understand that. Keeping them up is yet another ideological motive by many who oppose their removal.

    The statues are a part of history either. The image of Columbus in US history is not based on his tyranny against the natives. 

    If he was revered as an important figure of US history three centuries after his death, this is mostly based on the adventurous explorer imagery.

    See Irving biography of Columbus, it had a big impact on public opinion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_History_of_the_Life_and_Voyages_of_Christopher_Columbus

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  7. 9 hours ago, m7600 said:

    @Genava55 That's relativism, not a cold hard fact.

    Here's some food for thought: 2 + 2 = 4 no matter the place or time. It's valid for Ancient Rome, for our current time, and for the distant future. In the same way, an unethical action is always an unethical action, no matter the place or time. Ethics is universal because it is predicated upon an imperative which is not hypothetical, but instead categorical. You can claim that 2 + 2 = 5, that does not mean that you are right. An entire group of people, even the entire population of the world, can claim that 2 + 2 = 5. That does not mean that they are right either. Future generations can minimize or even glorify Hitler's actions, that does not mean that they are right.

    Moral is not really a fact. There is no physical law making an action right or wrong. This is always a matter of point of view.

    Moreover, moral judgement is often driven by emotion as much than reason. If again I take the example of Genghis Khan, he was viewed as a tyrant and a bloody conqueror. The consequences of his conquest on the history of several nations are not small. Nonetheless, he is viewed as a neutral historical figure for most people. It is acceptable to portray him as a protagonist in a video game for example. My point is that when time passes, emotions fade.

    • Like 1
  8. 23 minutes ago, m7600 said:

    By your logic, 5 centuries from now on, it will be a bad idea to moralize about Hitler's actions.

    Hitler's action were viewed as bad in his current period. So you can moralize his action according to its context yes. But you cannot moralize his action from 5 centuries in the future. Maybe that most people 5 centuries in the future would not really give a s..t of his actions, the same way we do not care about the bad things made by most of our historical figures. Maybe yourself would be viewed as a bad person from the perspective of people 5 centuries in the future.

    For example we could have 5 centuries in the future, the same view on Hitler than we currently have on Genghis Khan or on King Edward I.

    There are plenty of historical figures that were bad persons from our current perspective. There are also several historical figures that were considered as bad persons by the standard of their epoch.

    Even a peace figure like Charlie Chaplin was in fact a misogynist, see his relation with Lita Grey.


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  9. 36 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Churchill I can give a pass on since he did some admittedly great things despite being a racist imperialist, but Columbus was so @#$% that he was roundly condemned even in his own time.

    Moralizing the actions of someone that died 5 centuries ago is really a bad idea.

    Christopher Columbus is a major figure of history and most of all, of historiography.

    And furthermore, nobody has currently discriminatory practices because of Columbus. It is pointless.

    I am really against reshaping history because of ideological motives (moral is ideological).

  10. 17 minutes ago, Loki1950 said:

    Old Frank Zappa lyric from the first Mothers of Invention album the song "Trouble Everyday" "I ain't black but sometimes I wish I wasn't white"

    As the Western civilization is the only one to really have an interest in the defense of the minorities and in the human rights, I don't see why there is an issue in being white.

    I don't see the point in cutting off the branch we're sitting on. I know white people have done bad things but it is not the full picture.

  11. 4 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Big proponent of #blm here. Last poll said 70+% of Americans think the police unfairly target minorities, that includes even a significant portion of Republicans (right wing conservatives). More positive change has come about in 2 weeks of protests than in 2 decades of voting.

    I hope there will be deeper changes in the mentalities and in social protection instead of symbolic (and unsmart) destruction of Columbus, Churchill and other historical figures statues.

    I can understand the issue about Confederate monuments (because they were build specifically to insult black people for a big part) but for the other historical figures it is really excessive.

  12. On 1/5/2020 at 10:10 PM, Nescio said:

    The Palaestrina Mosaic is magnificent, but it is a Roman mosaic depicting what some Romans imagined Egypt, an exotic place for most, would look like; it's rather similar to chinoiserie and other forms of orientalism in the Early Modern Period.

    The mosaic is an artistic Roman fantasy, not a reliable source from Ptolemaic Egypt.

    I never seen an author dismissing this mosaic. I agree on the idea it is not the perfect representation for the entire Ptolemaic period and that is I kind of exotic representation of Egypt but at my knowledge it is a reliable piece of evidence for the end of the Ptolemaic period (1st century BC). The author of the mosaic has clearly seen Egypt.

    I don't see why the author would have made up the rectangular shield. It is not a common representation in heroic and mythological depictions of the Hellenistic period.

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  13. 9 hours ago, Orphydian said:

    did alexandermb already done some eatsern celtic helmets variants (derived from the Port type) like the ones found in Slovenia, Croatia or even in Poland ?  Its so cool to see Thracian and Illyrian influences on them.

    Yup, he did one. For the moment I think it is enough. The Britons should be the next to need attention, not the Gauls.


    On 2/4/2019 at 1:54 AM, Alexandermb said:

    To continue the celtic faction Redesing - Visual Update done this helmet:

    1024 texture vs 256 texture for game usage (Blender tip: Always bake the best resolution possible you can handle, because if you bake directly a 256 texture or 512 they will bake with 80% imperfections, if you can bake 2k textures and then rescale to 512 or 256 better).

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