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Everything posted by Clodhopper

  1. Lets see... Brave New World, Congo, Sphere, The Lost Baron, etc.
  2. Now that I think about it, I don't have any interest in being an actor, but it would be nice to get their paychecks...
  3. I like ROTS an War of the Worlds, though Speilberg(sp?) tends to mess everything up.
  4. Wow. So are you going to change that MinneSNOWta thing? There can't be snow there with temperatures that high.
  5. Probably Mel Gibson, of Russel Crowe, or Christian Bale... or...
  6. Hahahahaha!!! lol Why do you need the "back" picture anyway?
  7. Lol. Well, I had better go eat some Coco Rocks. I suddenly feel the urge to do so...
  8. Uppy, not again, please. I'm sorry guys, she's been like this ever since... well... the accident... Back on subject, I have a clone scout walker, which is pretty cheap ($10.00), but Cobra and I might be getting some more soon... Emphasis on the word "might".
  9. Well, anything sounds bad when you say it with that atitude...
  10. Hmmm... Yeah, I guess- but I don't agree! My wish stays the same! :obsinate:
  11. No, it's normally called the Civil War, but that's actually not what it is...
  12. My hampster owns you all! Especially you penguin! Hahahaha! :Evil hampster: BTW, cool pic, Curu!
  13. That's great! Quacker: Do you plan on getting married?
  14. Well... I'm not really into that kind of thing, but I'm already falling in love with Revenge of the Sith!!! It's supposed to come out this year, I think. W00t!!! But, that's getting OT. (Off Topic, not Old Testament)
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