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Posts posted by ShadowOfHassen

  1. 6 hours ago, Norse_Harold said:

    I think that "inflammable" is not the word to use here. Inflammable means capable of being set on fire; combustible; flammable. Scroll down at this dictionary entry to see an explanation that people tend to think that "in-" means the negative, but it doesn't in this case.

    Instead, I suggest using "nonflammable" or "noncombustible".

    @Norse_Harold is right. Inflammable is one of the places where English breaks its own rules.


    They're more like "guidelines" anyway...

  2. 2 hours ago, Stan` said:

    If its missing changes then it's bad. It needs to be updated. In a perfect world commit(er)s would update it. Basically any relevant changes to either players or modders should be there. (Also anyone following commits can update it)

    I don't know if trac can do something similar, but GitHub has the ability to autogenerate release notes by looking at what PRs were merged.

  3. 57 minutes ago, vladislavbelov said:

    We have kind of a changelog here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Alpha27, but indeed we might have a more user friendly one.

    I'll can do it. I can write it like a blog post, so laymen can easily read it. Just let me know when we're close to feature freeze and I'll start. (Or if you want it done now, I can do it now too...) Someone just need to tell me where I put the text.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 10 hours ago, AIEND said:

    Chinese Buddhism and Taoism only took their prototypes in the Han Dynasty. The popularity of these two religions was from the Northern and Southern Dynasties to the Tang Dynasty after the collapse of the Han Dynasty.
    According to Emperor Liu Xun, the early ideology of the Han Dynasty was "霸王道杂之", that is, the balance between power and morality. Later emperors abandoned the pragmatist attitude and turned to extremely respecting Confucianism, which actually led to the demise of the Han Dynasty.
    In addition, the statement about Confucianism here is very stereotyped, and it is a view of Confucianism a thousand years later. The characteristic of Confucianism in the Han Dynasty is actually respecting ancient times, believing that there was an ideal society in ancient times, and the way to establish such an ideal society is Retro. At the same time, Confucianism also began to become religious, linking the destiny of the country and society with various astronomical and geographical phenomena, which was called "天人感应".
    Chinese society during this period was actually much flatter than later, because the social system of the Han Dynasty retained many remnants of the ancient commune system, so its class and relationship between men and women were much more equal than later.

    Thanks, @AIEND for the feedback. It's really hard to find good resources on the Han dynasty, so its good to find someone who has studied this. It would be great if could go through all our written articles (found Here: https://github.com/TheShadowOfHassen/0-ad-history-encyclopedia-mod/tree/main/0-ad-history-mod-package/simulation/templates/structures/han and Here: https://github.com/TheShadowOfHassen/0-ad-history-encyclopedia-mod/tree/main/0-ad-history-mod-package/simulation/templates/units/han

    If we messed up, please let us know, and I and @Vantha will correct them. Also, we haven't completely finished with the civilization, so if you want to help us write you are more than welcome.

    One thing is, I especially want to know if there were any problems with the Han Female Citizens. It was really hard to find sources for that article. I had originally wanted to quote this source https://zh.wikisource.org/wiki/女誡 but there were no translations available and while I consulted a version ran through Google Translate that translation doesn't cut the standards I have for inclusion in the encyclopedia, and without an expert on the language I wasn't going to make changes.

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  5. 50 minutes ago, Vantha said:

    What I'm picturing is the articles of the encyclopedia referencing each other. No external links.

    If that is really not possible, linking to related encyclopedia articles at the bottom and of the page seems good enough as well.

    Yeah, there wouldn't be external links, but internal links should be easy. The links as basically really tiny buttons that go with the text.

    • Like 1
  6. 57 minutes ago, Vantha said:

    Hi everyone, I have got a suggestion:

    Let's redefine the encyclopedia's goal, not writing an article about every unit, building, etc., but instead writing enough articles so every unit, building, etc. can be linked to at least one article. 

    For example: There is not much to say specifically about Han sword cavalry, however, there is much interesting information about the swords they used, about Han cavalry in general, and maybe about the breeding of the cavalry's mounts. 

    So, instead of writing a text about these exact cavalry swordsmen, I could write about the topics I just mentioned in the example which are way more interesting.

    And yes, I know that I've to some degree already been doing this. But if the encyclopedia ends up outside of only the unit or building overview in-game, then each article will need a title. And for example, the text for the stable  describes that civ's cavalry in general. And I find it misleading and simply wrong to title this text 'stables' since the text is not actually mentioning stables themselves.

    I know this might seem irrelevant, but it's really not for me. That would give me more freedom, I could eloborate further and entirely leave out what would have been plain and boring texts anyway.

    And it would only affect only about 10% of units or buildings, and nothing needs to be redone to to fit this new goal.

    And we can of course still store the texts in the unit's or building's game file that will eventually link to the exact text in the encyclopedia.


    Do you get what I mean? What do you think?

    In my mind, the encyclopedia articles are supposed to. A. Enlighten the player on the unit/building, and  (B) Illuminate the unit's use. (Give some hint on what the unit/ building is supposed to do.)


    If there isn't anything specifically fascinating about the unit, you write something generic like what was does with walls, treasures or storehouses.

    Yes, you can at the moment write articles about more interesting things and put them in the unit descriptions, but eventually, all of that should probably be turned into extra linked information. For example, you have a short paragraph on the Han sword Calvary and have links off to the swords and the horse breeding.

    • Like 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Vantha said:

    We decided that this text really doesn't have a place with any of the units, but because @Vantha put the work in, we decided to add it in an unused file in the base part of the encyclopedia repository.


    However, I recently had an idea, once the article is tidied up a bit, what if it was used as a sort of promotional trailer? If someone read it aloud and someone else gave it clips of the game, it might be an interesting thing to show off what the game looks like.

    • Like 2
  8. 50 minutes ago, alre said:

    very interesting option for a tech cost: collection of meat is nerfed (by half?) in exchange for some bonus.

    what is a possible bonus for Brahmanism?

    This sounds weird, but what if its collection of meat rate is halved for all units costing half the amount of meat? It's an interesting trade-off.

    Can we also think of another use of the Zebu? Because it seems really silly to have it in

  9. Whether eating cow or not was OK in Hinduism aside, this probably should be changed. The Zebu was used as a beat of burden, not for eating. According to my research, both the milk and the meat of the Zebu were terrible.

    • Like 1
  10. I just came across this post:

    It says that all the art for 0 A.D. is CC BY-SA 3.0 and the code/data is GPL 2.0

    Technically, the way I'm reading it, the encyclopedia would fall under GPL 2.0. I'm not an expert on licenses, but I think the GPL is not the best license to use for the encyclopedia.

    We could also license the encyclopedia under CC BY-SA, except it would be better probably to run with 4.0 (because of the additional protections and the fact that it makes you state changes to the work) Alternatively, I think, to be certain that no other game is going to take the encyclopedia for themselves (and not do the research themselves) it might be better to place it under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. However, I'm open to the C BY-SA

    Here are the links to: CC BY-SA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

    CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/


  11. 1 minute ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    WFG is very conservative with its funds. Mostly warranted. The funds have to last as long as the project does and the last fundraiser was... a challenge. But there is an excess of funds, yes, and I'd like to see a portion of that go toward some art commissions. 

    I agree that 0 A.D. shouldn't kill itself (they do need to keep the servers online), however, if some of the money was invested in the game so that it's good enough to post on steam, we could get a large enough player base that fundraisers might be easier. Besides with inflation (which I think is happening everywhere) 0 A.D.'s only loosing money.


    I'll look forward to seeing the yearly report.

  12. 12 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    I have long hoped and advocated for WFG to commission an artist for Hero/Unit portraits, but nothing has been done. 

    If 0 A.D. has excess funds, why not? It would be good to have illustrations for the encyclopedia, (maybe even get the Open source person who does Pepper and Carrot?) Contracting some programmers also wouldn't hurt, anything.


    Slightly off-topic, but how much funds does 0 A.D. have exactly?

  13. 8 hours ago, Vantha said:

    Quick question: what historical unit is the 'Wu Wei Yin Cao Cao Guard'? Is it the 'tiger and leopard cavalry' by Cao Cao?

    And what about the other champion units? The spearmen are obviously the palace guards. But the champion archer cavalry and the champion crossbowman? Are they anything more specific than just a professional elite unit?

    I don't even have a guess. Did you try looking up their Chinese name?

  14. I want to just point out that unlike how ChatGPT says, Brasidas died around the 400 B.C. He did not live anywhere close to the year 0 A.D.

    Also, I think the LLM is hallucinating costs for units. It also spends 150 wood when you only say 100. You'd have to get a pretty good LLM to have it not do that with 0 A.D.

    However, I do like the idea of having customizable AI, probably not for the skirmish because having Athens's always do the same strategy could make the game repetitive, however having AI in campaign act like the actual generals during history would be cool if it would play well also.

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