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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Dnas

  1. Soon to be 599 I hope. I just referred another friend (forgot to refer him at first). I think he'll register. Unless the new guy is him, but I doubt it. He usually registers as zzzz3660. Soooo close. EDIT: Just talked to him. He wants to register with only 1 second left.
  2. Alright, here's what I have so far. The mapping on the spears is pretty straight-forward, so I think it shouldn't be too disasterous if I don't post a rendering. http://wildfiregames.com/~art/david/02-weapons/weapons4.jpg I'll get a rendering ASAP. I didn't know whhere they are going grab the spear, so the leather grips have to wait.
  3. Hope they register soon. We have very little days left.
  4. Okay. I merged most of what I've done up to now. (as a separate files so I can still get to them if I need to.) EDIT: cool! I figured out how to resize layers (so their boundaries aren't so big). That would have been really helpful earlier.... EDIT: Even better! Autocrop layer so useful.
  5. Possible. I'm out of people to refer. I've tried everyone I can think of but they don't want to register.
  6. That's what I thought. Hmm.. I thought they used it more often than that, though. because I know my mom (Taiwanese) told me about how she could 'talk' to people in other asian countries by using the writing. Maybe it's changed. That was over 20 years ago. (I think)
  7. Are you sure? The WFG logo looks more like a Chinese style than a Japanese style to me. And IIRC (probably don't), the Chinese invented the characters first and the Japanese borrowed them. But anyway, it is the same character, more or less.
  8. Ah. Okay. Jason, do you mind if I merge some of my layers? 52 layers is quite a bit for my computer to handle and GIMP won't save the psd right anyway.
  9. Yeah, I have a lot of computer friends. (Actually, most of the people I've reffered I know personally anyway. And I still have a few more to refer. ) Another David Benjamin? I know I've read about a David Benjamin from Rhode Island (I think it was Rhode Island), but another one? Heh. And a Google Search reveals another one in Minnesota. And one in Ohio state. One in Florida.... the UK... New York.... We must be a thriving species. Maybe my dad shouldn't have changed his last name.... But then, no one would be about to pronounce it. (I don't even know how to spell it. )
  10. Google Search -> AOMH -> Some LotR Topic -> TLA -> WFG. Then I lurked for a looong time and finally registered.
  11. Alright then. 12-26-2004 Added some slight color variations in wood (some a bit darker and some a bit redder, etc.)
  12. Quite an old topic.Good luck if it's not over yet If it is, how'd you do?
  13. Beta testing isn't going to be any time soon. (afaik) Why don't you introduce yuorself at the introductions forum to get an "official WFG welcome". (and so others know who you are.)
  14. Improved knobs. Texture map: http://wildfiregames.com/~art/david/02-weapons/weapons3.jpg So.... if that's good enough and all the other swords are good enough, I'm going to need more info. @Paal: Here's the map of all the weapons that are here, so you can get the info all at once (assuming that's more convenient for you). http://wildfiregames.com/~art/david/02-weapons/weapons.gif
  15. Yay! You're here! After how many emails to ask you to join? So that makes 5 people (at least) that I have referred here. to WFG! You never showed me your Egoboo stuff before.... what's Egoboo? You're not the only one. *points at self*
  16. Look. We did this at the last minute.
  17. Weird. Don't pull it out yourself.
  18. 592 now. Nice. And I still have my 3 friends to invite. And maybe more, but I doubt they would want to register at any messasge board.
  19. Ahem... everyone who celebrates Christmas. Merry Christmas (to those who celebrate it) and Happy umm.... December! (I can't say holidays because some people might not celebrate holidays now, and I can't say winter because people at the southern hemisphere have summer (afaik)) That was a long sentence.
  20. http://slashdot.org/articles/04/12/24/1847259.shtml?tid=105 That is just freaky.
  21. Welcome! That has got to be the shortest introduction I've ever seen. Not that that's a bad thing.
  22. Welcome! Nathan told you to post that. I heard your conversations from the other room. Not that I would be a good historian.
  23. 590 members now. I just got one of my friends to register. Maybe if enough of us invite our friends, well make it to 600. Hmm.... oh yeah. And I also refered a friend to this place because he wanted help on building a computer. 591 if he registers. Really have to convince Pteromys to join too..... 592 And Mr. Person-who-always-chooses-a-different-username.... 593 But that's assuming I'm successful in inviting them. So... umm.... invite all your friends!
  24. Better? Ignore the blades. I was too tired to adjust the UVs again. They're the same as before anyway. I'm still not happy with the roundness of the knobs, but the UV map is confusing. I'll work on that part some more later. Actual texture: http://wildfiregames.com/~art/david/02-weapons/weapons3.jpg Hehe. After looking at the texture, I think it's obvious approximately what order I did these. I may have to touch up a few of the older ones.
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