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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Dnas

  1. Heh. I wonder if it's a coincidence. Because if they meant for it to be there, surely they would have made it more noticeable.
  2. We usually take them in the beginning of the year here.
  3. Reminds me a lot of Doodlebug. But this is better than Doodlebug. http://artpad.art.com/gallery/?igax7e1iuwww Attempt at a watermelon.
  4. I've received this error too. But, apparently, the message still gets sent. (That last PM I sent to you, Wijit, gave me that error.)
  5. Congrats! Now I'll have an easier time recognizing your posts. (I generally look at the avatar first.) @Argalius: That's a fractal... he likes fractals quite a bit.
  6. Cool! Me likes. Ends of the spears look a bit dark though... must be the lighting because they seem to look fine in game.
  7. They don't have very detailed pics of my house @Ykkrosh: The World Wind stuff looks really cool... I'm going to have to download it some time...
  8. I think it looks cool. Anyway... The border seemss to be fixed more-or-less now... They never disappear, but still shuffle around a bit when I resize the window. Sometimes parts are 1px, sometimes parts are 2px. And at a few sizes, some segments are back down to 0px.
  9. Well, techinically, making the variations usually inviolves at most 5 more minutes per texture. (Of course, this is only for slight color or switching some pieces type variations.)
  10. They stop moving around when I resize the screen now, but they are still off a few pixels (screenshot stays the same)
  11. Browser: Firefox Resolution: 1280x1024 - window was set to full screen. It's odd though... if I resize the window, the lines move around and some sizes it works great, while others it doesn't. (Yeah, I hate gifs, too, but the way Irfanview saves pngs is too complicated for Windows to understand and I don't want to fire up the GIMP to take a screenshot.)
  12. Yay! It doesn't look plain anymore! It looks clean. The border on right side seems messed up though. The menu makes the border get offsetted.
  13. The link to the CGs has an extra / at the end of the URL. Other than that, looks good. A bit plain though... Maybe add some of the gradients from the forum? I don't know.
  14. Keep it as it is. It's just a tiny annoyance. Not anything worth a complicated fix. The only theme it does create a bit of a problm is the TLA theme because the icons are so big. But it probably makes more sense just to shrink the icons in that case.
  15. Links as read: good point. Normally, it doesn't do this, but I never have a windows full size, so it does wrap to the next line for me. It's just a tiny little annoyance, hence me posting it under "Various nit picks"
  16. The bullets on the subforum listing should probably be using list-style-image. That way it won't look odd when the text has to wrap around to the bottom.
  17. RSS Feeds Subtle little fixes to the forum skins The Crier Reputation Better Lo-Fi version That's all I can think of for now.
  18. Well, you need programmers to implement and fine-tune randomization before you really can use it. Besides, most of the unit art you're seeing is placeholder.
  19. Well, rolling boulders and stuff works better in a game where you're one person moving around rather than an RTS game. Welcome! I don't think you'll really have to worry about the sword thing much. http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.p...ndpost&p=137588
  20. You're Russian? Cool! My dad's Russian... not that his opinion of it is very high.... (he hates Communism)
  21. Congrats! Urgh. I forgot to celebrate mine.
  22. Same here, except with the 04 USAMO and AIME. I barely understood their solutions when I read them much ess be able to solve them, but in the actual test, I got an 8 on AIME and 4 (out of 42) on the USAMO. Other than that, yeah, I pretty much always do that. But I'm getting better. I'm not so nervous now. It's probably something to do with the "I have to get a high enough score or else I'm going to make a fool of myself" feeling. Because, last year on the USAMO and AIME, I didn't have that feeling. I had more of "Whatever. The problems are interesting to think about, but it's not like I'll make it to the next test" feeling.
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