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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Dnas

  1. I would like it, but we'd need more than one new member a day.
  2. Ouch. Moral of this story: Never ever floss your teeth. Actually, to be honest, I've never had baby teeth hurt. I'm the type of person who's scared to death of any pain, so, I would just wiggle them a bit and let them fall on their own. Almost swallowed one once. Well... I did have a few that had to be ulled out because they were interfering with my braces. That wasn't fun. Anyway (sorry for going completely off topic) that really sounds painfull. Hope it stops bleeding soon. Don't drink from a straw or anything like that for a while. Maybe don't drink carbonated stuff either. iirc, the dentist people told me those would make bleeding worse when I had them removed. This is probably similar. (not certain if I had to avoid carbonated stuff. I avoid it anyway, so I never noticed, but I seem to recal them mentioning it.)
  3. Well, Timbo gave me the job. And I think it would be nice if they wre the same style. Maybe not even one of the original one styles. Maybe we could make our own WFG style.
  4. Okay. I assumed you wanted those gradients so I left them as they were. I'll go and make my own.
  5. Thanks! How's this for gladii? Note: There were some UV problems, and in C4d, UV Editing is rather difficult and since the demo doesn't let me save anyway, there isn't much of an incentive for me to fix them all. Actual texture: http://wildfiregames.com/~art/david/02-weapons/weapons.jpg
  6. Actually, is part of the standard style. The IPB version of it is different.
  7. Well, you can, in a way. There are export scripts to Yafay. But lighting is soooo hard to get right. Hmm... I need to look at that script and see if I can get a POV-Ray export. I like POV-Ray better anyway.
  8. Timbo has given me the job of giving all the smileys a consistent style, but.... which style should that be? IPB Style: Standard Style: :worship2: Umm... I really don't know what to call this third one... Other Style: (Hmm... this looks tricky to mimic) So... which one?
  9. Umm.... nothing really. I don't exactly have money of my own. Also, I don't celebrate Christmas anyway (not Christian). I'll probably be transfering files for my dad though. I'm always doing that for him.
  10. Cool. Actually, it's outdated. I had no time at all to upload the most recent one earlier today. Hmm..... I feel stupid! I have a trial of Cinema 4d installed here an it can read 3ds files. (but not gmax, so I'm glad you fixed up the UVs). I can just render from there. Okay, here are some updated renders. We'll need to fix some UVs or the map.
  11. Yes and no. GMAX is sort of the free version of 3ds Max, but it isn't as powerfull and is really only suited for games. (AFAIK)
  12. 3d Studio Max. It's a 3d modelling program.
  13. Tsk tsk, Randy. You're not keeping up with your usual standards. j/k Hmm.... could a moderator edit this topic title so that it works? EDIT: Yeah, it should work fine if you just hit edit topic title and submit. The < and > should stll be fine.
  14. I noticed this a while ago, but keep forgeting it, so... to prevent myself from forgetting again... The codebox tag doesn't seem to work quite like the code tag. BBCode isn't done in the code tag, but with the codebox.... This is a test [b]Moo[/b] [i]Frogs[/i] Linux Rules [spoiler]Really, it does.[/spoiler] instead of This is a test [b]Moo[/b] [i]Frogs[/i] [size=14]Linux Rules[/size] [spoiler]Really, it does.[/spoiler]
  15. http://wildfiregames.com/~art/david/02-weapons/weapons.jpg Latest pic. Wijit, if it's not too much of a bother, could you put together a screen with those in 3DS MAX? I've gotten Yafray to export the models, but Yafray lighting and GMAX lighting doesn't match up well and it's nearly impossible to get good lighting. It's either all grey or all white.
  16. Same here. All my cousins and aunts and uncles and my grandmother are in Taiwan. Except there are a few in Texas and my half-brother in Massachussets, but that's nowhere near me either.
  17. I think he was talking about my brother, I_Would_Say. Paul knows his name because it was in his historian application. Hmm.... problem.... two Nathans....
  18. I know. I'm trying to get that renderer to work because it really is annoying to rescale the UV map for every screenshot. I'll make one next time I get time to work on the stuff.
  19. Let's see if the admins will allow it. It will go under Fun and Games, but it's still quite a lot of spam.
  20. Started on Akinakes. Just need to do leather grips on two of them. Good news: Found way to export gmax to yafray and render. Bad news: The script refuses to work on 0AD models.
  21. Try the Internet explorer theme. The default FF theme is a bit ugly. (So is the IE theme IMO, but that's probably what you're used to.) http://www.extensionsmirror.nl/index.php?showtopic=1929 I would recommend something like Noia Extreme (based on the great icons for KDE). If Noia is too.... different, try Qute. Or Plastikfox Crystal SVG. http://www.extensionsmirror.nl/index.php?showtopic=1556 http://www.extensionsmirror.nl/index.php?showtopic=1893 http://www.extensionsmirror.nl/index.php?showtopic=1741
  22. I'm certain we'll be able to prevent those problems.
  23. lol.... some of the numbers seem a bit off though... Hmm... maybe we should try setting this up exactly in the Fun and Games forum.
  24. Staying home. (I'm not Christian, so I don't really do anything special on Christmas.) And I'll probably be watching RotK EE. Not any significance of the date. I just plan on watching that a lot over winter break. Hopefully working on 0AD texutres. And definitely doing lots of math. (I do that every day.)
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