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Everything posted by Outis

  1. Thank you very much . Is there a way to see the disagreed and closed ones?
  2. The Democratic champion could be Syrakousios Epilektos, a citizen Hoplite chosen for excellence. The Oligarchic champion could be Geomori Hippeus, a member of the landed aristocratic class. The Tyrannical mercenaries could include, depending on the hero selected, the infamous Mamertinoi hired by Agathocles which ravaged the land, and the Calabrian Sileraioi hired by Dionysius I.
  3. I wanted to vote after finishing reading the while thread and i missed my chance to exercise my vote . Can someone mention what proposals were accepted and what was disagreed and closed?
  4. May I make a suggestion @wowgetoffyourcellphone? I propose to add the Kingdom of Pontus to this list. They were able to field huge armies the size of the armies of major Hellenistic Kingdoms, and they could challenge the Romans multiple times. Their unit roster may represent the diverse ethnic background of the region to include: Chalkaspides (pikemen from Greek settlers) Bosphoran archers (later kings of the Greco-Scythian Bosphoran Kingdom were from Pontic royal line and were allies) Cappadocian cavalry (Kingdom of Pontus included Cappadocia) Corduene slingers (Anatolian people skilled with slings, may be ancestors of Kurds) Colchian javelineers (Ancestors of Georgians) Armenian cataphracts (Kingdom of Armenia was an ally, this would be a chance to include more cataphract units which you wanted to differentiate from regular spear cavalry) Scythed chariots (known to be used by Pontics, another chance to include a unit which you wanted to differentiate from other units) Bastarnae mercenaries (known to be hired by Pontics) Getae mercenaries (known to be hired by Pontics) Possible heroes: Mithridates I: founder of the kingdom, built many cities Mithridates VI: 3 times challenged Rome Pharnaces II: also challenged Rome I think all of them can be covered by existing artwork with the addition of some shields/emblems. As for the buildings, a mix of Seleucid, Hellenic, and Persian art may be used.
  5. Hello @trompetin17 One other request: I think it would help map makers a lot to have building snapping in Atlas like we have in the game.
  6. @andy5995 great! Thank you very much . One observation: I think Italian Peninsula should also allow to select civilizations.
  7. I understand about historical battles but even for non-historical scenarios like Caribbean Island and Northern Islands? It would be good to have the freedom to chose by default rather than modifying the maps in Atlas.
  8. Yes, it is possible to copy objects. There is no way to copy terrain though.
  9. Hello @trompetin17, Is it possible to implement a feature to copy selected section of one map onto another map? It may even have an option to copy terrain, objects, or both.
  10. Hello @andy5995, Some skirmish maps have preselected factions. Is this by design? Can you allow faction selection for skirmish maps?
  11. Hey @vladislavbelov, I just updated my NVIDIA drivers and now it works! Thank you very very much
  12. Hey @vladislavbelov, i added the lines to the user.cfg, but I see the same behavior. Can you check my user.cfg file attached? Does it look correct? user.cfg
  13. Hello @vladislavbelov thank you very much for the quick response . The OS is Windows 7. I am attaching the hwdetect and the systeminfo. system_info.txt userreport_hwdetect.txt
  14. Hello friends, I receive an error screen when I try to launch Alpha 26 after successful installation, and the game does not start. When I install Alpha 25 again, it works normally as before. Reinstalling Alpha 26, I get the same behavior of the game not starting. I am attaching the logs. Can you help me? crashlog.dmp mainlog.html crashlog.txt
  15. Not exactly, please consider it with: - siege units function only with units garrisoned, - when you damage an enemy siege unit below a certain level, garrisoned operator are kicked out, and you have the capability to capture it. This accomplishes 2 things: - reintroduce the capture mechanic, but hopefully with enough micro to make it worth it (note you still have the no-painful-micro option to destroy it completely like the current game) - introduce the mechanic to make siege units move and attack faster in a micro-intensive way, all the while avoiding loss of function without painful micro In other words, no forced frustrating micro like suggested by @chrstgtror @real_tabasco_sauce, but hopefully implement some ideas from @Darkcity in a fun way.and give more options.
  16. Fair enough, what about training siege units with a couple citizen soldiers already garrisoned inside, that way the micro of garrisoning extra units for extra speed and attack speed is optional and not forced.
  17. This is an RTS so i expect some micro is in order to win. Besides, siege units are generally not plentiful, so i expect it will be manageable.
  18. Maybe the garrisoned units are kicked out after the siege unit is damaged below a level, and it is captureable when not garrisoned. So, to capture, we damage the siege unit first, get rid of the garrison, then capture. This way, it is not a disaster when your siege is captured because it is time-consuming to capture and the siege unit is vulnerable when captured.
  19. @BreakfastBurrito_007 & @real_tabasco_sauce fair enough about complicating without any added benefit. What do you (and everyone else) think about this: - Sparta has Spartiatai in P2 in limited numbers (historically, they could create a champion army due to their social structure without creating a large state, or P3 in our case) - Spartiatai become much stronger than champions of other factions in P3 through technology pairs suggested by @wowgetoffyourcellphone, still in limited numbers but more than in P2 (historically, they suffered from low population, due to being a small state and population decline a.k.a. Oliganthropia) - As a further strategic choice, include Cleomenes III as a hero, instead of Agis III, who brings a technology, call it Land Reform (help me with a name please), which removes or relaxes the limit to Spartiatai in exchange for a slight decrease in stats or nullify the above techs (historically, Cleomenes III made a land reform to increase the number of Spartiatai, slight decrease in stats is my interpretation for a break in tradition. He also reformed Spartiatai to use sarissa rather than dory, we may include it as well)
  20. They did not have anything special, but since they achieve free status after serving in the military, they must be good enough soldiers to survive at least one campaign. I think such a mechanic existed in DE @wowgetoffyourcellphone
  21. This historically accurate and truly represents the strength of the faction. Great idea .
  22. This would work like taking the ship to drydock for repairs. Sounds cool .
  23. I agree unique is better. One can argue starting completely defenseless, but garrisonable, and gaining experience over time, is also a derivation of a very long creation time. Ultimately, all units are similar in the way they are created. Nuances are subtle, but they make the difference. If we can find a completely unique idea, I'm all for it . In the meantime, i will try to make my idea more interesting with the hope of winning you . The spartiatai can "train" by using the attack animation on some wooden dummies around the syssitia, so no need for a new wrestling animation. The number of wooden dummies available may be a limiting factor for the number of spartiatai which can train simultaneously. An interesting mechanic could be: if spartiatai do not train or engage in combat for x seconds, they start to lose rank. Spartiatai were better because they trained whenever they were outside combat. We can make them lose their status if they are idle.
  24. What didn't resonate with me about defenseless was: 1) even measly helots can fight immediately after they are trained, why are spartiatai completely defenseless? 2) training is a gradual process, from complete defenseless to champions doesn't feel organic. I agree it shouldn't be identical to garrisoning a barracks. Increase in experience can be faster, and rather than garrisoning, they can train within an aura, so they are still vulnerable.
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