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Everything posted by seeh

  1. do you think this originals are allowed to use?
  2. i know only only game soundtrack. i dont want here this all the time. to boring then. ah now i undestand. that you mean with "Original Soundtrack". i hdard a "Original Soundtrack" from somwhere ==> its added now new PlayList: 0ad only music no speaking ( the camel dance : ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qh3Pk9g338k&list=PLNH5-ARCZN6RGlT25QFbt_25zn4EL3Lri&index=61v1 just cuban music - devilhook(1265, maur) VS seeh(916 ptol) in mainland_alpine i think the Metal versions sound not much like metal ( but i think the music fits very well here ). metal is not my fav music - rally not: https://youtu.be/2UJWS0Ei5bI this was wish some free klassic from offered by youtube ( i think the music fits here ).:https://youtu.be/MTP3TnB_8zo
  3. sure then vids vill propably deleted. right? i cant maybe use orgian. i got it offered what yt free offering: 'https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCnpCp_OvNm0_FgD_5rSrxbw/music
  4. conflicts with patrol : hotkey.monitor.quickShowProduction = "Shift+P" ==> hotkey.monitor.quickShowProduction = "" then you could patrol your horse complete around your cc for example BTW any idea only select idle womens ? ==>thats not easy. you always need on mousclick too probably. i rember i asked that before here. its prop not possibly without work into c++ source
  5. bot working. also other hotkeys bit like so here: https://github.com/sl5net/0ad_autociv_tips_trick_help_collections/blob/master/user.cfg-versions_only-the-middle-of-it/seeh/user.cfg#L130 BTW maybe i do it shorter and set: hotkey.session.gui.diplomacy.toggle = "SYM_100" ( its "<" . think about: give out, move resources to your partners out) )
  6. so i use now: diplomacy with Ctrl+< (think about: give out, move resources to your partners out) hotkey.session.gui.diplomacy.toggle = "Ctrl+SYM_100" and (as before): hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Market|MilitaryColony) = "Ctrl+M"
  7. i want by using Ctrl+M open: 1 Market then 2 MilitaryColony then 3 gui.diplomacy it works with 1 Market then 2 MilitaryColony . then i modified with this not working try: hotkey.autociv.session.(entity.by.class.select.(Market|MilitaryColony)|gui.diplomacy.toggle)) = "Ctrl+M" any idea? thanks
  8. what you think about this ? North is on the top of the map. show it like so: ( pics are from here : https://youtu.be/HI1TBz12iOk )
  9. found it : i didn't searched near the title. i searched here as one design element (of many) in my titled posting:
  10. or a Compromise first: automatically send position in chat at the beginning? like 6 o'clock or 3 somewhere in middle. today happens me i said 3 but it was 6 (map was turned)
  11. i mean something like this for example: <section data-controller="core.front.core.poll" id="ips_uid_4654654"><h2 class="ipsType_sectionTitle ipsType_reset"> <span class="ipsType_break ipsContained"> Should alsdjfösldkfj <p class="ipsType_reset ipsPos_right ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsType_light ipsType_unbold ipsType_medium"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"></i> 54321 members have voted</p> </span> </h2> <div class="ipsPadding ipsClearfix" data-role="pollContents"> <ol class="ipsList_reset cPollList"> ....
  12. I agree with nani. In some random maps players of 1 team could be spawned all in a cluster at the centre, in which case this pointing system is useless. understand. i hope this helps / its better idea:
  13. that would be also fine for me too. But for me it is only about the rough orientation and that you don’t have to write a lot in the chat at the beginning. often also ask. unnecessary and sometimes a long time.
  14. unnecessary and therefore a bit annoying and i something i do it wrong (seldom but happens e.g. when I've already turned the map). then it happens i attack in the wrong direction for trying get help a partner. or i build house-walls at the wrong side. ( sometimes the partners are not so nice to my in the team chat. as if I were doing it on purpose. some beginners don't say it either. was the same with me. ) maybe the effort to program this is too great
  15. suggestion (please see the updates in last postings)
  16. example (prob not to long for other, but for me) : commands.txtmetadata.json
  17. if a game takes unexpectedly much to long time for me, I click resign (regardless of rated or not). happens sometimes
  18. what are your favorite ? asking becouse using the free music genres offered by yt. https://music.youtube.com/moods_and_genres i want add a poll here. is that possible?
  19. every game (consist to config / user ) could be different. so i need ask you again. which 0 A.D. 0.0.24a game you mean? a game from a youtube? could you tell that? thats the config think
  20. archer not (always ?) a problem for very good players https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WrgHGJTjHo . (but btw, i ok with all your decisions. )
  21. as you know "right click default formatting" please add that "right click default for aggresc/defense/..." maybe also possible to add that in a25?
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