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Everything posted by seeh

  1. implementation idea: automatically resign if pop is lower than player with highest pop
  2. if there was a timeout for the duration of a game, i would use it very often. sometimes you only have half an hour or at most an hour and you already know that before the game. the best calculated summary should win. is that possible to program that as mod?
  3. yes i think so. a few days ago i saw it raining somewhere, in some map. was really surpriced
  4. if you are able to compile it by yourself and find the icon in the source. then its probably easy, i hope, to change that icon. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions
  5. ah. ok. probably i set it before to true and the system sets it later to false
  6. UPDATE: I found out that it has nothing to do with outpost. problem with shortcut o happens also with wonder ( hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.wonder = "o" ) and probably with every build. you may remember same problem with that: 1) hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost = "Ä" or 2) hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost = "O" but 1) i found out its because of its special character (Ä Ü Ö ....). this is working: hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost = "P" i not really want use "P" so much becouse of the rule to build all with first letter. video by using hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost = "O" "O" is the only problem i found. ==> it selects outpost but deselect workers at same time ==> nobody build any idea? my temporary workaround is now to add outpost into the end of wall stack (T) also, and give it some other shorcuts (P, Space O) workaround: hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.outpost = "P", "Space+O" hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.temple = "T" autociv.session.building.place.temple = "defense_tower sentry_tower outpost" _____________- problem not exist by build other building or if use "Space+O". problem is only with Outpost BTW here outpost build is working: autociv.session.building.place.temple = "defense_tower sentry_tower outpost dock"
  7. hi i found out that my config was changed automatically to gui.session.attackrange = "false" that's no problem i think. i am interested to understand wahts gui.session.attackrange = "false" is doing. thanks
  8. i love this / added/changed today to my user.conf hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Ram)&!Ship = "Alt+R" hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Ram|Fortress)&!Ship = "Ctrl+R" hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship = "Alt+M" hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship&!Ram = "Alt+S"
  9. i often need often restore windowed = "true" sometimes its windowed = "false" again could the be maybe a autoCiv update? i dont know maybe i press alt+enter accidentally
  10. feature request : select only womens by one alt+a: hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Wimen = "Alt+A" double sleect good: Wimen and working ele "Alt+A" ,"Alt+A" ByTheWay : this is working: hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship = "Alt+S" hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry = "Alt+E" hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Support&Worker|(Support&Elephant) = "Alt+A" this is not working: its not select Fortress: hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.by.class.Farmstead|Fortress = "Ctrl+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+G its not select Storehouse or Farmstead: hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.by.class.Storehouse|Farmstead = "Ctrl+S", "Ctrl+Shift+S" needet to change to : hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Storehouse|Farmstead)&!Ship = "Ctrl+S" this is not working: hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.by.class.Farmstead|Fortress = "Ctrl+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+G" but this: hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Farmstead|Fortress) = "Ctrl+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+G" ==> bit funny. -- "Ctrl+F" gives the fortress sound but selects Farmstead -- "Ctrl+Shift+F" or "Ctrl+G" selects both probably the line 154 has priority: hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.field = "Ctrl+F" i changed therfore to: hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.field = "" and it works :-) this not select forge: hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Farmstead|forge|Fortress) = "Ctrl+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+G" but this also select forge with Ctrl+Shift+F (all this Farmstead|Forge|Fortress): hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Farmstead|Forge|Fortress) = "Ctrl+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+G" i also like this (maybe better): hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Farmstead|Forge|Fortress) = "Ctrl+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F" then this is working like normal: hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.farmstead = "G" hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.field = "F" this is workin with a simle Ctrl+F, i love it: hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Farmstead|Forge|Fortress) = "Ctrl+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F" whey i dont need here "Ctrl+Shift+F" ? and wey "Ctrl+Shift+F" is not working (its only place where its defined) ? # thing about barracks selection (default "Ctrl+X"): default is CTRL+X hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks = "Ctrl+X" my feeling says me it should maybe CTRL+B but CTRL+B is 'Barter and Trade' (in DE: "Tauschhandel und Handel") if i set hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks = "Ctrl+B" both happens ('Barter and Trade' and select.barracks) in the GUI it says: 'May conflict with: session.gui.barter.toggle' hmmm. i dont know
  11. if it's also may be possible to select only the women's? yes it works shows first defense_tower then dock: autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower = "dock" shows first dock then defense_tower : autociv.session.building.place.dock = "defense_tower" its always bind as expected to (here my config): hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower = "D" hotkey.autociv.session.building.place.dock = "J"
  12. is it possible to have this both config lines working? working for shows first defense_tower then dock with its shortcut: autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower = "dock" interested in this also. shows first dock then defense_tower with its shortcut: autociv.session.building.place.dock = "defense_tower" possible?
  13. and i need to delete probalby lines like: farmstead = "Space+G" forge = "Space+N" fortress = "Space+R" or set in comments. whats comments? // ? # / /* ? other additions they have may this effect: # build with f autociv.session.building.place.field = "farmstead forge fortress" you dont need edit the other fields. # build with c autociv.session.building.place.civil_centre = "corral" # build with d autociv.session.building.place.defense_tower = "dock" # build with e autociv.session.building.place.wallset_palisade = "elephant_stables" # build with s autociv.session.building.place.storehouse = "elephant_stables stable sentry_tower" # build with t autociv.session.building.place.temple = "defense_tower sentry_tower" # build with w autociv.session.building.place.wallset_stone = "wallset_palisade wallset_siege"
  14. with this autoKey python script you could build everything (what is already defined in autoCiv) with firstLetter (little config see in script): https://github.com/sl5net/0ad_autociv_tips_trick_help_collections/blob/master/user.cfg-versions_only-the-middle-of-it/seeh/user.cfg example if press F: if fPressedCount == 1: # field = "Space+F if fPressedCount == 2: keyboard.send_keys("g") # farmstead = "Space+G" if fPressedCount == 3: keyboard.send_keys("n") # forge = "Space+N" if fPressedCount == 4: keyboard.send_keys("r") # fortress = "Space+R"
  15. # default-keys for build using Firstletter: arsenal = "Space+A" barracks = "Space+B" civil_centre = "Space+C" wallset_stone = "Space+W" <=== whats that? defense_tower = "Space+D" field = "Space+F" market = "Space+M" storehouse = "Space+S" outpost = "Space+O" temple = "Space+T" house = "Space+H" you could learn about 20 default builing hotkeys here https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1625690939
  16. upate: 20210319151825 found out tat if i delete: snap/0ad/201/.config/0ad/config/config.cfg i starts with default. ==> conclusion 199 probalbyl old whey there are two folderns in 0ad 201 199 . could i delete 199?
  17. this is not working. this complete morining i try to reinstall my hotkeys and its not working. what terrible morining :-( i think we/i need a good documentation of this. wiki or so.
  18. /home/x/snap/0ad/201/.config/0ad/config/user.cfgnow my config was not overwritten. but was is wrong in my file here in line: 261
  19. i have problem with reconfigure this shortcuts. not working. any idea? this my new (not working): hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.Support&Farmstead|(Support&Fortress) = "Alt+F" or so hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.(Farmstead|Fortress) = "Ctrl+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+G" hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.(barracks) = "Ctrl+B", "Ctrl+X" whey my changes in the user.cfg are destroyed by starting 0ad?
  20. example its changing the folder: ~/snap/0ad/201/.local/share/0ad/replays/0.0.24/2021-03-19_0001 ~/snap/0ad/201/.local/share/0ad/replays/0.0.24/2021-03-19_0001 0AD1v1 x(Mauryans) VS Dido(Carthaginians), 2xSpeed, random Map maps∕random∕mainland
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