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Everything posted by seeh

  1. quick fix. seems working (send many messages , the pause not works but its ok for me) in StarGui Mod at File: gui/session/chat/ChatMessageFormatNetwork.js ChatMessageFormatNetwork.disconnect = class { parse(msg) { error(translate("%(player)s has left the game.")); error(translate("%(player)s has left the game.")); error(translate("%(player)s has left the game.")); error(translate("%(player)s has left the game.")); error(translate("%(player)s has left the game.")); error(translate("%(player)s has left the game.")); error(translate("%(player)s has left the game.")); error(translate("%(player)s has left the game.")); error(translate("%(player)s has left the game.")); error(translate("%(player)s has left the game.")); error(translate("%(player)s has left the game.")); error(translate("%(player)s has left the game.")); error(translate("%(player)s has left the game.")); error(translate("%(player)s has left the game.")); error(translate("%(player)s has left the game.")); Engine.SetPaused(true,true); return { "text": sprintf(translate("%(player)s has left the game."), { "player": colorizePlayernameByGUID(msg.guid) }) }; } };
  2. we/i really need the feature that a game automatically is set to pause when in 1v1 player exits the game for the first time. this is really very very very upsetting. (==>Reason: SOMETHING WRONG WITH MY CONFIG<==) That happens every third game maybe (maybe I'm exaggerating a bit :_O ). I'm so focused that I don't see the player name on the bottom right that is already shown in red. that's really no fun.
  3. there is a hunting method for move ele near to the CC/farmstead. its walking Z path. for slow down the speed of the cav. in other words. run a longer path so the cav is slower and stays in the vision range of the ele. BTW too difficult with walrus's (for me, because smaller vision range). Examples here:
  4. uploaded to github many: https://github.com/sl5net/0ad25replays/tree/trunk/0.0.25 BTW little error from github => Sorry, we had to truncate this directory to 1,000 files. 1,040 entries were omitted from the list. =>It's a limit in the webview on GitHub that lists your files. repository still contains all the files
  5. BTW i dont use fullscreen. i also have (k)ubuntuu and use obs. i dont like fullscreen. i resize it by sh-script so it look like fullsceen: #!/bin/sh WINDOW_ID=$(wmctrl -l | awk '/0 A.D./ {print $1}'); echo $WINDOW_ID; wmctrl -i -r "$WINDOW_ID" -e 0,1908,-27,1922,1089;
  6. Question aboout DamagePerSecond: DE: bezieht sich der DPS auf die jeweils stärkste Eigenschaft? EN: does the DPS refer to the strongest skill?
  7. i don't understand. was looking your videos and there are objects moving and some not. what your showing there?
  8. i was 40 minutes testing (short time for such a large game). didn't found problems (was in lobby but only played with AI today, weeks ago we played real TG's using lobby works nice) (k)ubuntu
  9. woe many trees. and seems close to the see. may many fish options
  10. no i ddnt. but i know https://matrix.to/#/#jojiiMail:matrix.jojii.de is per to peer and also syncthing.net mastadon also i think https://social.tchncs.de/web/@play0ad@mastodon.social ah you proably dont need it for chat. ah 'Boost.Asio is a cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming' maybe matrix: " it is designed to function in real-time, which means it is ideal for building systems that require immediate exchange of data, such as Instant Messaging "https://matrix.org/docs/guides/introduction
  11. Feature request: Wow really nice work with your evolution graph. BTW i interested to find out which of my games get me good rating. so i may want look the replay from them again later. eventually its possible to click in the graph and get the replay name? or add a column in the replay list (lists my rating for this game?) BTW for example my graph looks a bit more wired then most of other graphs i think:
  12. oh... i need recheck this. some of my mainland balanced videos from last days are without fruits. hmmm. confused. if press Strg+O i could read the biome? this are two games only minutes different game started. maybe seame bioma but one with fruits the other unvisible hmmm i have added the game with the invisible fruits commands.txt metadata.json
  13. some pages before was written by @Sevda: "So far the mod only aims at Mainland, temperate biome. More will come later." so for example in Mainland balanced you cant see fruits. ... i hope there is a easy quick fix for all of that. i don't know.
  14. added 36kb json ratingsDatabase.json from 0ad/354/.config/0ad/config/localratings/cache/0.0.25/ratingsDatabase.json i use mainly the config of @Player of 0AD only max game low to 3 and this with minimum games of 10: ratingsDatabase.zip
  15. i tried many different orders. the only think was helped was disable StarGui7 SartGui4 ( is working. StarGui7 changing the colors an layout of the main window and much more. best for me is delete/disable folder StarGUI7/gui/lobby/LobbyPage/
  16. i have updated it and not it now it shows error and empty lists: [75.136] eror: GUI page page gui/page_localratings.xml Failed to call init() function if i disable all other mods then i see the list again. any idea how to fix that without disable other mods? maybe a issue with StarGui 7 ?
  17. nice feldmap is included i have my own little modification Custom rating, therefor i need at it later. so maybe your version is not outdated.
  18. This Version 7 works for me with my other (must have) mods great (with only little issues). My config: this only issue is not a problem for me. only bit look and file. everything else works great: found it: gui/lobby/LobbyPage/PlayerColor.js var unique = "★ "; gui/lobby/LobbyPage/PlayerColor.js PlayerColor.GeneralNamePrefix = "★ "; BTW do i need enable feldmap? or is feldmap eventually included in StarGui7?
  19. (off-topic cant use newVersions(>4) now because need a other incompatible feature). but i like it Eventually you can cut of the shadows of the trees? it feels it could be a bit more pretty if you can (maybe as a optional feature in a config menu) and btw. if you can and want, eventually not chance the view of the main/start view of 0ad. now all blue. i now you proud of you mod. and that should be.
  20. tested locally vs AI. yes seems a problem i all games. must be something with my moods probably. maybe the buttons only not visible ahh. yes that was the problem. today i was testing the starGui - Version 7 and switched the order of the mods if boonGui is not the last mod the buttons are not vissible. if starGui7 is not the last mod then the beepIdle is not possible to toggle. so i switched back to starGui Version 4 as last mod and now anything is working like expected again.
  21. i joined a big TG and played game without any update possibilities. so no updates from storehouse, no from farmstead. and anything. not possibility to go in phase II we played about 10 minutes maybe. then i asked my team. no answer then i asked both teams. no answer. then i paused and repeated may question. then i was banned. i believe now: - it was only on my side (something maybe with new mods i not tested strong) - the player got not communications skills some conclusion: maybe its more relaxed in future not so much team-games. often communication is a bit sub-optimal. as observer/spec or in a 1v1 game is much less problematic.
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