0 A.D. Sponsorship Program:
Each sponsor pays €10 (or more voluntarily).
first known sponsor:
Software Lab 5 (SL5.net)
Rules for Participation:
Games must be uploaded to https://replay-pallas.wildfiregames.ovh/Replays.
At least one game (either the last game played or a particularly good game - from the current month, of course) must have a commented YouTube video (or similar online video service). A speaker must comment on the gameplay.
Game Mode Restriction:
The commented game must be played in "Nomad" mode and as a "TeamGame" (minimum of 4 players).
Sponsor Obligations:
The video description must mention all sponsors. A link to each sponsor's website is appreciated (if available).
Prize Structure:
The prize consists of contributions from the sponsors.
Each sponsor pays €10 (or more voluntarily).
Winner Determination:
The player with the highest rank (Example: Rank: 8 / 678) in https://replay-pallas.wildfiregames.ovh/LocalRatings will receive the prize.
Requirements for winning:
The last game played must have taken place within the current/just-ended month.
At least one game (either the last game played or a particularly good game - from the current month, of course) must be commented on online (YouTube video (or similar online video service)).
The commented game must be played in "Nomad" mode and as a "TeamGame" (minimum of 4 players).
The video description must include the mention the sponsors.
Proof and Transparency:
At the end of the month, the video link (to the commented game) and the link to the game in Replay Pallas MUST be posted in here in forum, in the same board