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seeh last won the day on September 7 2023

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    "the greatest error is not to move. The greatest error is to be paralyzed by the fear of failure" 16.03.2020

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  1. what does that have to do with autoCiv... ?
  2. so possible to get the AI a localRating? suppose we always give Petra a different name like P1etra?
  3. btw e.g. valihrAnt is using autoCiv since long time and many op players do it
  4. Firstly, it says several times that in can only approximate, very rough estimates and secondly, it's about an expanded perspective. You would have noticed that in articles from me in 2021 and in the last personal message (which you have not read since a week - I tried talk to you personally about transparency). I didn't invent created this new mod, but I always liked using it (and when is was always using it was visible to everyone, but I still hadn't played a rated game... -> transparent). but some articles that are much older are included here. If there is anything wrong with the article here, it should be corrected immediately (i have added your arguments also, didn't you see?).
  5. i agree. thanks remember this. i was not aware about
  6. ~/.local/share/0ad/mods/ simply make the AppImage executable: **chmod +x my.AppImage** (i personally not prefer to use a appimagelauncher ) and you probably interesting to this postings. thanks to @andy5995 again very much:
  7. for me this all feels not like a bog. its ok for me. and elephant have larger range feels locial for me.
  8. interesting. i understood it means hmmm: When a file is signed, it means that - someone has checked and confirmed that the file is safe and hasn't been changed. -- But just because a file is signed doesn't mean it's official or perfect. - It only means that the signed file is the same one that was tested by the signer.
  9. I don't know. In any case, that doesn't apply to me. and I had previous games (years ago) where I was just as good. I first played as follows and as a child I was a football manager (and didn't control any football players). And I'm pretty sure some here thinks the same way. There are certainly both. I once described here what it otherwise feels like (a little bit) for me: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/106491-progui/?do=findComment&comment=556313
  10. why not try to let run some security tool's at this mod? first of all mod.io itself seems have very good security scans. for you it should look like so: as modder looks like so, here you see a scan is running at the moment: of course there are other services that can scan online source. e.g. check viruses with virustotal https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/fb6659bb29431c709f0ef3e72363d66bbf6f971320abcbcb60b50a21fb78109e/detection or maybe better snyk ( i guess this is more solid check then for virus only ) github itself also checks for risks: https://docs.github.com/en/code-security/secret-scanning/about-secret-scanning
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