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seeh last won the day on September 7 2023

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    "the greatest error is not to move. The greatest error is to be paralyzed by the fear of failure" 16.03.2020

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  1. its works in both. maybe you want look at autocivP implementation
  2. when mods overwrite the main menu or something (maybe bad) as a workaround it could help set your mod behind. or automatically set your mod behind. then you need to identify what mods that are and then set you mod behind automatically and then automatically reload the game. Engine.SetModsAndRestartEngine(["mod",...clean_array])
  3. Release notes for version v1.0.64. Contributors: @sebastian @dependabot[bot] @sl5net @snyk-bot @wonderinglostsoul44 Download Link: https://autocivp.netlify.app/download/latest.zip update version delete empty file update toml move ts file ignore a file in tompl fix fileName extension to ts add typscript draft npm install @netlify/functions node-fetch @types/node @types/node-fetch --save-dev add @ symbol to contributor replace email addresses with the names from git config Contributors sebastian, sl5net, and 3 other contributors
  4. Battle FeldFeld Borg #1 Sonntag, 9. Februar 2025 https://youtu.be/O27zgXNs4Lw
  5. btw when i press prettyToggle<tab>(*1) during the game it looks like so : i do this when i in a 1v1 game with your( @Seleucids ) kate mod and want have pretty tree grafic back without want restart the game. *1 autocivP command
  6. hi @Stan` , hi Mentula (you probably know replay-pallas) Yes replay-pallas.wildfiregames.ovh/LocalRatings is great. i love it. <3 I'm running into a bit of a challenge: my localratings don't have replays anymore (i delete always after upload). I was wondering if there might be a way to get access to replay metadata, without requiring the download of a mass of replay files. Ideas? Thanks best seeh
  7. or use the Indent-style-SL5small-Stil (or archive.org) but most IE don't support it (btw its founded by me ). BTW i have wrote a formatter that can do it for many many years 20+ ... yes, it's not Json. but this is simply about saving space. off topic. Was short time a bit famous autohotkey?t=8678
  8. overlay stats + small adjustments Latest fixed overlay stats - thanks Atrik set ceasefire automatically in some maps. send message to all about ceasefire state send ceasefire messages in countdown messages
  9. do have solution already? i have asked geminie: { // ... other tech properties (name, description, etc.) ... "requirements": { "all": [ { "entity": { "class": "Village", "number": 25 } }, { "entity": { "class": "Town", "number": 2 } } ] } // ... other tech properties ... }
  10. I can't say anything about the main layout (menu button and so) . I've gotten too used to the previous design. But I'll definitely try it out.
  11. v1.0.58 Big Games Latest Kate Overhaul Automation: Added an option to automatically enable the Kate Overhaul mod in 8-player games. The mod now automatically enables when a game reaches 8 slots. Graphics Optimization: Introduced an option to automatically limit graphics settings in large games to improve performance. Other Improvements: Dependency Update:** Bumped the translate dependency from version 2.0.2 to 3.0.0. Toggles corpses.max to "low" in big games. Updated readme with prettyOnOff and others
  12. thanks for your great work again. now you use already 6 tabs in the options. the last tabs is nearly out of my screen (see picture). can you may merge some config together?
  13. and/or use nani's corpses.max e.g. "autociv.session.graphics.corpses.max": 50, https://github.com/nanihadesuka/autociv/blob/master/moddata/autociv_default_config.json#L11 or/and use a command (during the game play) as soon it starts getting slow (helps also a bit): https://github.com/sl5net/autocivp/blob/master/gui/common/functions_utility~autociv.js#L1320
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