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Player of 0AD

Balancing Advisors
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Player of 0AD last won the day on July 24 2024

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Primus Pilus

Primus Pilus (7/14)



  1. Well, that's just logical. Swordsmen and skirmishers are promoted to rank 3. Spearmen are transformed into units "that can't promote".
  2. Week #2 As Marc and Ginnu had no time, I did the organizing today Game 1 (Mainland) commands.txt Game 2 (Red Sea, Regicide) commands.txt
  3. Isn't that just an autociv feature? You'd need to install the new autociv version.
  4. Good idea, but would be even better if macemen and siege weapons (other than bolt shooters) would still attack buildings automatically.
  5. Yes, that's what I meant with "update". Still gets A25. Quote: get:1 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy/universe amd64 0ad-data all 0.0.25b-1 [1.274 MB] However, I managed to compile A27, so there is no hurry with the ppa for me.
  6. No. What else could be the reason? Does the mentioned PPA work for anyone?
  7. How to use this to install A27? I expected that it works like this: -install that ppa - update - $ sudo apt-get install 0ad However, this gave A25 instead.
  8. Hi, as far as i know, the economy tutorial has no sequels.
  9. So what? Hans farm faster because they are only 3 units on a field maximum, not 5. So they still have an advantage.
  10. How to install it on Ubuntu? ppa:wfg/0ad gives A26 instead. The following gave a sligthly wrong version: svn up cd build/workspaces ./update-workspaces.sh -j3 cd gcc make -j3 Whats the correct rev number and how to include it in this process?
  11. The game would be better if bad changes wouldn't be integrated to the game. An example for such a horrible change: "Cows don't belong to villages, they lived in cities only"
  12. Now would be bad timing, because there will be soon Alpha 27. So it can make sense to wait for that.
  13. This is wrong. Become a skilled player with a decent understanding of the game and play on Mainland, then you'll learn that champions aren't useless at all. However, traders are very bad, that's true.
  14. So many clicks per second is very unrealistic. That would be 100 clicks per second. At another spot the side says that the record is 17 clicks per second, which is more realistic.
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