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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. @BreakfastBurrito_007 Pikemen are only available in P2. In P1, the only place where you can train archers is from the CC... So if 12 Cavs come to your base at min 5 then you have little to defend with unless you make more archers than women -> you can't afford it because you have spent your wood on paddies already. This is not to mention a camel rush - your enemy can take out your eco then outspam you in camels. GG Right now this civ is unplayable in the lobby, because the Han player either dies of a rush, or sacrifice their boom for archers, or if they are given the chance to boom, Ptolemies or Macedonia or Spartans will wipe them out in seconds. Crossbow +archer + pike + spear is no match against javlin + pikes or slinger + pike, not to mention cavalry. I suppose the only possible play with this civ is doing an archer cav rush, but you are just no match against the Ptolemies whatsoever
  2. I definitely like the idea of small fields so you can cram more around a cc or farmstead - better at anti-rush This reminds me of another weakness of Han: no way to counter jav cav rush or camel rush! Archers can only be produced from the CC in P1 and their cav is archer cav. You will die to javelin cav instantly and you can't outspam a ptol player in camels or inf archers
  3. @BreakfastBurrito_007 Each Han paddy costs 100 wood, but only 3 women can farm on it. The farming rate of paddies is 0.6 compared to 0.5 of wheat fields. In early game, you need 5 fields for most civilisations, that means 25 women gathering, so 12.5 food income per second. Now with Han, you only need 21 women farming for food. But these 21 women will require 7 paddies. So the total amount of wood you spent to set up your food eco is 700 wood compared to 500 wood of other civs. I like the idea of same cost, same stats but different model size and appearance. The Han storehouse and civilian house look too similar as well.
  4. Recently I found the scoring system at the end of the matches quite misleading. For most people, this is of no significance, however, I still felt the need to bring it up as it is quite useless at the moment and can be improved to have some real uses. There are a few issues: 1. Economy score is given too much weight in total score and military does not have enough weight. 2. Economy score purely focuses on resources gathered, which is of little significance if the player just floats resources without using them. 3. Exploration score is useless. Let me show you some replays to illustrate this problem: Seems like atila1752 is the mvp here, huh? he indeed gathered a huge amount of resources, but by the end of the game he was floating 30594 resources, and he sent absolutely nothing to his teammates during the entire game! On the other hand, I spent more than I gathered. How? I loot from the dead enemies for my eco! Now let's see in-game performance: It's quite obvious who here were the best players in each team. Not this red dude. What you can't see behind the summary is, when I asked atila for help, he had 50 infantry chopping trees right next to where I was getting destroyed by 2 enemies, but refused to move them to help me! I had to pause the game to make him come. Yet the score system gives him the mvp... hooohooo also did a great job at defending his flank against 2 players without any assistance, buying me enough time to kill my side and come to him. So my suggestions are, for economy score, take account of how much resource you spent and the RATE of gathering. Furthermore, decrease its value relative to military score.
  5. Temple was replaced by Laozi gate - it was intentional, not a bug. Anyways, I can add a temple if you want. I think quite similar. Although I didn't find it too annoying today. Almost every unit. Some have different skin colour, others have different standing positions or armours...
  6. Today I ran the latest release 26436 and tried the commited version of the Han civilisation, and these are the feedbacks: General impression: completely new playstyle for this civilisation; the previous build orders don't work anymore -> forces you to think about new build orders. Graphics are very nice as always; animations are very smooth and I even saw a few new Icons! What I liked: Beautiful graphics as always Gameplay feels smooth and satisfying with the acceleration feature, especially when controlling archers. What I disliked: Icons and buttons have become smaller and smaller... Huge tree canopies as before, hiding my storehouse placements and making my eco less efficient. (Not a problem, KateGUI will fix it) Changed unit icons - yes they do look prettier now but old player's can't recognise what's what. (not a problem, KateGUI to the rescue) I fear that acceleration feature will cause some complaints amongst lobby players Now let's talk about the Han civ: Differences from other civs: 1. Rice paddies - same price as field, but smaller in size and only 3 women per paddy. However, gathering rate is 0.6 instead of 0.5. Suppose you want to go heavy on cav, other civs might need 12 fields and 60 women on them. For Han, you will only need 50 women + 17 paddies. So paddies are more expensive to set up but great for late game. In early game around 6 paddies are enough, so the wood demand in early game is slightly higher. 2. Ministers - they can speed up gathering -> compensates for greater resource demand. 3. A lot of techs available - good for late game. 4. +10% pop bonus -> amazing late game. 5. No temples, can only train healers from captured temples -> too bad, need to fix. The Laozi gate thing is not good enough! 6. Ranged barracks + melee barracks So the general feeling is they are strong at economy but slightly weaker at infantry. Most old players will have a difficult time getting used to this civ! Suggested changes: 1. Use actor model for rice paddies, but use the same stats as farms. Or, adjust the price accordingly: 70 wood per paddy (since they are smaller anyways). 2. Crossbow infantry have same attack stats as slingers but at greater accuracy; let their cost stay at 50 food, 30 wood and 20 metal. 3. Champion crossbow cavalry do 28 pierce per 1.25 second. 4. Either give all civs ranged barracks + melee barracks or cancel the idea for Han. Right now this nerfs their economy too much, as well as early defense.
  7. On the contrary, Spartan hoplites have +10% health bonus, so they come at 111 health instead of 100 health. They also have Hoplite Tradition tech which makes them rank up as fast as mercenaries -> OP Same price. Skiritai commandos are expensive because they spawn at rank 3, but they are not spearmen / hoplite) There are infantry skirmishers and cavalry skirmishers. It does have less unit types than other civs, but you do get everything you need: champion infantry, 2 strong heroes, spear cav, javelin cav, ranged inf, spear, swords. You even get boltshooters on top of rams for seige.
  8. I have fixed the giant chicken, replaced them with blue peacocks. Please try the newest version V8.0 before you judge
  9. @user1 auxilientmoon lost 1v1 to Cousin and did not resign commands.txtmetadata.json
  10. @Stockfish there are night maps and day maps and cloudy afternoon maps. Just try one of them. E.g. Greek Acropolis Night, mordor map, alpine mountains, ... Personally I like the lighting on Mainland, Lorraine Plain and Guadalquivir River. Phoenician Levant is the most beautiful but nub at everything else.
  11. So it won't crash if I play on Linux? What about if I build it from source (SVN revision)? Can I get it to be 64 bit?
  12. TG hosts @juarca @Cesar @king reza the great @Player of 0AD @Emperior @BreakfastBurrito_007 Any thoughts on this? @LetswaveaBook what do you think about these maps in 1v1 situation?
  13. Example: Mainland (temperate) Spawn: I gave 1 because there are pocket players and flank players - some are under more enemy pressure than others. Pocket players have to walk extra distance to reinforce meanwhile flank players may not have enough space to build. Also there are inconvenient ridges that may cause bugs or stuck units. Woodline: very good, very large woodlines, dense enough Other resources: Not lacking anything in particular. No ships Balance: most of the time each team gets enough resources and the layout of the map is balanced enough. Turtle: not easy to turtle because your enemy can attack you from all directions (if you don't scout or build enough palisades in time). Lag / bug: If you don't use KateGUI mod, then the temperate trees have quite elaborate leaves -> might lag. Lorrain plain Spawn: ideal spawn, enough space for everyone, symmetric layout. Occasionally 1 team will get a small stream on their side, cutting off a bit of landmass but it is no big deal. woodline: as you can see the trees are large and dense. Other resources: reasonable amount of berries and hunt; metal and stone are abundant at the back of each team's territory No ships: at medium size, the river is too narrow to fit in docks and ships; it is too easy for the enemy to deny or capture your docks; towers, forts or even ranged units will destroy your ships before the ships can do much (remember there is elevation bonus) Balance: seems quite even Turtle: there is enough hunt for cav rush; there are choke points but also so many river crossings, so it doesn't really encourage turtles. Lag/bug: if you don't use KateGUI mod, you will see that the trees there are A23 trees -> less laggy than A24 or A25 trees. Only cause of lag is huge battles and pathfinding when dancing 100 units at a time. But, large battles can happen anywhere, so not a problem with the map but player strategy.
  14. Some players have become bored of playing just Mainland after spending years on this one map, so I decided to rank other available maps in terms of how suitable they are for 4v4 TGs, hopefully we can bring a few new maps and playstyles to the lobby. I made a public spreadsheet that anyone can edit, so feel free to put your opinions down! This is a screenshot of my table as it is now, containing a few of my favourite maps: The scoring system is as follows: 2 = Absolutely perfect in this aspect 1 = Very good but not absolutely ideal 0 = meh -1 = bad, but we can get around it somehow -2 = Unplayable, eliminates this map from the list Explanation of each criteria: Spawn: Is there enough space to build? Are all players equidistant from their enemies or are some players in dangerous spots meanwhile others are very safe? Are there many obstructions? Is there hostile gaia? CAN IBER WALLS GENERATE CORRECTLY? Woodline: high score for large and dense woodlines that you can gather efficiently from; 1 for small but dense woodline or large but loose; 0 for small and loose but enough wood within territory to go P2; -1 for single trees or small patches or needing to extend to get trees and 0 for not enough wood for even P2. Other resources: hunt, berries, metal, stone. Is the map severely missing stone or metal? Are the berries or hunts near the cc? No ships: 2 for not needing ships at all, 0 means you can reach the enemy without a ship but only through chokepoints or difficult paths; -1 means you have to use ship to transport but most fights happen on land (british channel); -2 is all naval with only small islands (e.g islands). Balance - does 1 team get more of something than the others? Are all players getting roughly the same access to resources or are some people being left out? Turtle - does it encourage turtling strategy at choke points or are you given the opportunity to rush or push early? Lag / bug - is there any significant code bugs with the map? Does it cause a lot of lag? All of the conditions are assumed to be 4v4 on medium sized maps, temperate biome. So the next time you host a game, you know what other maps you can play apart from Mainland.
  15. before the game crashed, Havran had an OOS error and caused him to disconnect from my game. When he rejoined, it became very laggy. crashlog.txtcrashlog.dmp userreport_hwdetect.txtoos_dump.txtoos_dump.datmainlog.htmlsystem_info.txt The map was Guadalquivir River at medium size.
  16. This happened during an intense game. My problem is, I have 16GB of ram, but only 50% of that is being used. So why did it crash? Another thing I observed was, the game audio randomly disappeared halfway through the game, causing me to perform badly and let my teammate die as I couldn't hear his pings
  17. Show me a picture please, I think I might know what you are talking about but an example would be nice.
  18. Good idea, but not all of the places in the world contain peacocks (in real life) I find peacocks still a little bit hard to click on ( because I am nub), would you mind me replacing it with baby elephants or giraffes or uncommon cattles (with different skin colour)? @king reza the great this is how you install the mod
  19. So this dude enabled cheat without telling you. In which case, just beat him by cheating as well. You were iberian, so build a few stables, enable champions and spam firecav. He will die in seconds.
  20. There are 3 types of smurfs: 1. People who want a new name / identity just for themselves. Maybe for some anonymity, maybe to escape persecution, or maybe just want a cooler name. E.g. me, IsuckNubton, 01100...., Daughter 2. People who forgot their username or password or both but can't be bothered to ask for help on forum then wait for someone to respond. Creating another account is much much easier and quicker. E.g. Cousin, Christoffel symbol 3. Malicious people who just want to cause trouble. E.g. Melusines, PhyZic I don't see why people in category 1 and 2 would refuse to conform to the badge system. If a game is imba because they lied, they wouldn't have much fun neither, we all know that, so type 1 and type 2 smurfs will use this as a quick way to get back into TGs and rejoin the known players list. So it is useful. Type 3 will refuse, of course, but their acts will soon be reported and they will be banned, not for smurfing but other malicious behaviour.
  21. Updates to V8.0: Chickens are now blue peacocks - easy to see and click on meanwhile not so ghastly looking Grapes and olives are also pink now Fixed some tree bugs that were present in v7.0, especially Aegean-anatolian maps and Lorraine plain. @LetswaveaBook @BreakfastBurrito_007 please try this version out and tell me if you are ok with how chickens, dogs and trees look like. The mod is the most significant on temperate, Indian, Sahara and Nubia biomes. On these maps you can see exactly what's under the canopy so that your storehouse position is the most efficient. It also reduces lag by removing props from trees so I really recommend using it even though it looks a bit ugly.
  22. Stan claimed that he has a way to make beautiful videos of scenes. Idk how exactly he does it, but you can configure user.cfg and local.cfg such that the game allows viewing at extreme angles and very close-up perspectives, which will give you good shots like the thumbnails on Vali and Jim's videos
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