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Everything posted by maroder

  1. Discussion should be there but I can't find specifics @borg- @maroder [Differential] D4713 [balance] Han unit roster restructure (wildfiregames.com) Yes, it was a decision of gameplay over historical accuracy. If they also had the swordman, they would have had basically every type of unit which would make them extremely strong as they could easily counter everything. If we see that they are not op in a26 we can see if we can integrate the swordsman, but I think they would need some kind of different nerf to balance out such a huge unit roster. (right now they also have a strong eco and siege unit availability so it would have just been too much imo)
  2. Disclaimer: I don't frequent the normal lobby, so everything that I experience as problems regarding this topic is based upon the topics I've read here on the forums/ heard from other team members. So just some general thoughts... in my experience moderation should be: based on clear rules that are known to everybody : rather self explanatory consistent : It is important to have consistency to avoid unfair treatment and to not undermine the rules from point 1 immediate : people learn better if the response to their behavior is immediate and not delayed + depending on the violation it is important to act quickly better safe than sorry : If one person gets muted unfairly, that's bad for them, but if a toxic person is is not moderated, that is bad for everyone in the lobby. I would say point 1 is fulfilled in our case. ______ Point 2: To me it seems like there are some problems here with our current approach. While we require users to accept the terms when registering to the lobby, we don't enforce them consistently, which undermines the rules in general. I personally don't care if people smurf or not, but since it is in our terms of service and we don't enforce it, I think it sets the expectation that the TOS are only a 'guideline' and can be disregarded in other places as well. imo: We should either actually enforce this rule or remove it from the TOS. _______ Point 3: I guess this is the place where more mods would be very helpful. It is clear that no singular person or even a few persons can monitor a 24/7 lobby and react within a short time to violations. I would estimate that you would need around 10+ persons to get an good coverage around the whole day in the long term. So this: sounds indeed very good to me. And also +1 for automatic muting. _______ Point 4: Just my personal opinion, but I would rather have people coming to the forums and saying: "hey, I got muted/ banned from the lobby for an unfair reason, can you please unban me" vs people coming here and saying: "there is someone spamming xy toxic stuff and harassing other people in the lobby". It is certainly good that it works for the most part, but we also have to keep in mind that only a small percentage of people will report, even tho they are bothered and how easily one toxic person can ruin the mood and turn people away from using the lobby (or the game) altogether.
  3. imo the should be moving while switching weapons (in the best case with an animation ofc). The question is if units should be moving while upgrading in general and if we are just misusing the upgrade mechanic in this case since we have no other option for weapon switching right now. Running units did never round corners? It has always been straight lines and sharp turns. And yes that the accelerate now is actually a feature.
  4. by all means we can give them a different name and bring them back e.g. infantry_special_swordsman_b Just the standard naming makes problems
  5. the other option would be to keep them with a different name, but having random templates with an "_unused" suffix or another random name seemed also bad imo.
  6. that is know. The problem is we have no one to do the animations at the moment.
  7. https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP27038 https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP27037 https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP27040
  8. there is already a ticket: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/6005
  9. Yes, you just need to change the map type. We have 'scenarios' which have the number of players and their civilizations locked, 'skirmishes' which only have the number of players locked an lastly 'random' maps, where you can choose the amount of players. So in the menu to start a game you need to click on the map imagine and then choose one of the random maps. Then you can change the number of players.
  10. Just so that everyone here has the same knowledge about what was discussed in the past here are some cross links: [gameplay] Revisit Vision (and Ranged Attack) ranges : https://code.wildfiregames.com/D76 [gameplay] unify unit vision range : https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3487 [gameplay] lower soldier vision range : https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3486 [gameplay] increase vision of support units : https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3776
  11. No the problem is that you have an integrated graphics card on your cpu -> that's the amd one and a dedicated graphics card -> that's the Nvidia. And unfortunately your computer uses the integrated one by default and there is currently a bug with the amd graphics which prevents the game from working properly. But you can tell your computer that it should use the more powerful Nvidia card (see the link) and then you should be able to run the game.
  12. the concept is the same engine wise, just a unit that is not automatically targeted by other units / buildings. The shrubbery is just the excuse to allow it. Because why wouldn't a unit be noticed, if it is not hidden by something.
  13. there is https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4291 which could be repurposed/ expanded for general units. But that's a whole other discussion about how exactly stealth should work
  14. does indeed look nice. The next problem would be that you can select buildings at the same time as units: which makes it additionally harder to fit everything into separate columns. And we give the player no information about what building belongs in which phase, which might make it more difficult for new players to understand what to build to be able to phase up?
  15. Yes, but how do we fit that into the tab on our minimum resolution?
  16. Hey everyone, one question regarding the UI, specifically about the order the buildings are displayed in the building tab. Do you prefer if they are sorted: Left: First by function (eco, trade, unit production, defense ect...) and then by strength / phase or Right: First by phase and then by function
  17. yeah seems like not wanted. more discussion is ofc welcome and can be easily patched if more people are in favor. For the rest of the heroes: yeah, there are just ideas missing.
  18. Indeed. They are smaller, so you can fit more around the cc which protects them. As that is an advantage compared to other civs they only have three worker per field.
  19. what case are you thinking of? I would say if you have a unit selected you automatically see what it can build, so that duplication is unnecessary in every case. An the "trained by" doesn't make that much sense to me either, as you usually have already built the unit from the exact building, before you look at the tooltip.
  20. The more I think about it, the more logical this seems to me
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