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Posts posted by maroder

  1. 31 minutes ago, chrstgtr said:

    one-change-at-a-time system would inch us towards ultimate balance.

    which would mean never including new features, as they might change balance again.

    E.g. improvement in the pathfinding leads to faster units, which mean units spend less time traveling, which means less effective ranged units.

    I strongly oppose that.

    • Thanks 2
  2. 4 hours ago, Philip the Swaggerless said:

    While there are many interesting topics. Some of them are quite large changes

    that's the old problem with only doing small balancing changes vs actively adding new features.

    Every alpha needs to be rebalanced based on the new features that have been added. (Which is why more people who give balance advice should try out the development verision)

  3. Actually I don't quite understand the suggestion @dave_k

    While those tools can incooperate vcs, aren't that mainly project planning or agile development tools?

    From my quick look I can't find that much information about how making a diff and then discussing/ reviewing/ requesting changes works there.

    And for the security concerns: I think this is a case of who looks the most finds the most.


    Generally, Gitlab meets all? of the requirements and has migrating scripts (or at least many useful looking results on google) for the migration from trac and phabricator.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Radiotraining said:

    It opens the door for an interesting work of concept art around it

    That was my thought process. Would make it easy to give every faction a completely unique look. One classic human, one super organic and one all tech and robots.

    16 minutes ago, Lopess said:

    initial names

    For names I'm unfortunately not that creative. I would stick to humans, mechas (for the robots or the alien-human-robot hybrids) and to give it the special 0ad flavor, maybe just Gaia for the aliens.

    And yes gameplay ideas would be good to have :D

    • Like 2
  5. my thoughts (just as inspiration :) I quite like your ideas) :

    On 02/12/2021 at 5:26 PM, Radiotraining said:

    After a third world war that has consumed the planet the inevitable ecological collapse of the earth, the surviving human race population has finally found was forced to find a compromise for global peace, creating a new overarching power to keep stability... It all goes well for years and the humans learn to adapt to their post apocalyptic home planet until one day an alien civilization finally makes contact with the earth. Due to the vastly different nature of their existence and the human tendency to be hostile towards everything that is unknown, there soon starts a never ending series of skirmishes around the the resources and space left on earth the two parts finally come together. Thanks to the contact with the aliens captured technology from the aliens, the humans enter in possession of new knowledge and resources that make space travel quick and affordable.



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  6. 10 hours ago, Samulis said:

    so I would encourage that we consider an option that has some kind of at least somewhat functional GUI-based option

    I think for either svn or git, there are appropriately easy to use GUI, so imo this should be taken care of either way.

    10 hours ago, Samulis said:

    On the other hand, if something is so easy that even a total beginner can contribute to it without any kind of technical hurdle, it may lead to a risk of lower quality code or assets being contributed.

    I agree, but that could be avoided through better documentation about what patches / art / sound assets are actually wanted and what quality is expected. Having a lower barrier of entry doesn't mean you have to accept anything and it is totally fine to decline patches / pull requests when they don't meet the quality standard. The important thing for people to not get mad about this is: having a proper reason why something is declined and having a place / code of conduct / design document where all the quality standards are described.

    • Like 3
  7. @bb_ I agree with many of your points. Sovereignty and the option to be able to switch the platform if anything with a certain provider goes wrong, are important things. Also the stuff @Freagarach and @Lion.Kanzen mentioned about people loosing access due to police changes. That sucks.

    But then again, what are the odds that actually happening/ having an impact on the currently active team members and also as @smiley said:

    54 minutes ago, smiley said:

    Hosting providers are not relevant to this discussion, you change remotes and push to another place if "Company Hosting Git Repo" shut downs.


    Despite this point, I think we need a more differentiated discussion on the different aspects that influence the choice of a version control system. (Or create different threads, whatever is preferred).

    Because it is not only a question of: What system has which features. Other options / question are bound to the choice of hosting solution/ provider:

    Should the code hosting, documentation/ wiki and project/ feature planning be on one platform?

    Here I think Gitlab would be the best option. It is actually quite decent in the whole project managing department as well as code hosting and CI.

    I heard good stuff about OpenProject @Freagarach mentioned, but their focus is more on project management and less on code hosting/ review.

    How do we want to handle account registration/ third party data collection and stuff you mentioned?

    I can not argue with that. If that is a heavy concern than there is no way around self hosting. Personally I wouldn't care that much. Just wanted to mention that keeping control means putting in maintenance work and binding human resources.

    What does the choice of hosting provider mean for the barrier of entry and the possible pool of contributors.

    This would be the biggest argument for GitHub. It has an extremely large and active community of developers.


    Something to the cons of svn: to move / rename files is majorly annoying (to me). Git seems to handle that way better.


    • Like 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Freagarach said:

    I've read thew article, but that is still not a pro for me, that's a con :D

    With branches you don't have to stop development of new features just because there is a release. You can split the release branch of, feature freeze it and still continue other work.

    See the blender release process: https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/Process/Release_Cycle


    What I generally want from a version control system:

    Since patches tend to stay uncommitted for quite some time, it should be easy to rebase them. And maybe its my fault, but I never found out how to do that easily in svn. The branching system of git on the other hand does that quite well in my experience.

    As a windows user I would like to keep the autobuild.


    General thoughts not specific to only version control:

    It hugely annoys me that there are at the moment so many different places (trac, forum, irc, phab) where stuff is discussed and where information is scattered (and more or less outdated). Whatever option is chosen should combine them (probably still +forum +irc).


    4 hours ago, Stan` said:
    • Already used by most (if not all) mods

    ^ this. huge pro for git. It is just the standard.


    General thoughts on self hosting vs relying on third parties:

    I get the whole point about reducing the dependency on big companies and honestly, at the end of the day I don't really care as I won't be the one maintaining it, but there are a few things to consider imo.

    Yes the companies may shutdown their platform without any warning and we couldn't do anything about it. But how realistic is that?

    Self-hosting means that there still needs to be someone in the team who puts in the work maintaining the server, getting new updates, doing other sysadmin stuff....

    Sure, this reduces the potential risk, but it binds development resources that are from what I know very sparse right now. So is it worth it? Imo no.

    • Like 3
  9. ok thanks, now I get what you mean :D

    11 minutes ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

    You can see that the margin at the top with the "0" is very low, at the bottom you have the same problem and more serious and the final dot (.) also has that problem.

    11 minutes ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

    just increase the central element.

    Yeah I did that deliberately, since the logo takes up too much space otherwise. But yes maybe I will increase the margin in the next iteration or decrease the logo size.

    11 minutes ago, Radiotraining said:

    Maybe a further improvement would be to have it round, so it can host the logo more softly, or maybe a square, without those angles.

    mh yes, maybe I will revert back the the last round design or a rectangular one.

    I just have a hard time with the logo. It's at the same time round an also not centered due to the text.

    • Like 3
  10. 14 hours ago, faction02 said:

    I am not sure what you mean by that it would introduce a "lot more micro"

    Maybe its a misunderstanding about "a lot", but I would still say it it means more micro. Since you want to make sure that the specialized units only gathers the resources it it supposed to (best at), you have to manage more different units on different resources instead of just sending your soliders from e.g. wood to stone whenever you are missing on or the other. Or maybe I'm not 100% getting the concept.

    But yes, you got a point with the global effect of techs.

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