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Posts posted by maroder

  1. 4 hours ago, andy5995 said:

    I don't know if there's already code or a function that does something similar, but here is some code that randomizes the heights over the entire map when its generated:

    See e.g.


    or also this:


    • Thanks 1
  2. I'm not a 100% sure, but comparing it to fireworks.xml, which I guess should look close to what you want to achieve, it looks like veloxity.y is actual the vertical direction while x & z are the horizontal directions.

    So I would suggest trying a similar/ the same small (possibly negative) value for x & z and a higher (positive) value for y.

    nice hills btw :)

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, alre said:

    this is mindful designing. something 0AD never bothered about.

    sounds unnecessarily harsh and generalized.

    but I agree that having a clear distinction between trees=wood and berries=food does make it easier to understand.

    The question is if we should copy that or if there is another way to make the food trees visually more distinct?


    3 hours ago, faction02 said:

    Not sure if something new to help players find what they are searching for could be useful. I vaguely remember a post talking about having different icons around selected champions/CS, I am wondering if applying the same to trees would help. Then maybe defining a "select all berries" shortcut to highlight them ?

    something like this for example.

    But tbh, I wouldn't mind switching to just berries for food. We can still keep the models for the trees, only that they would only supply wood then.

    • Like 1
  4. 19 minutes ago, Player of 0AD said:

    Furthermore I discovered another bug which is probably easily reproducable:

    - put 4 starting infantry into a box formation.

    - let them cut wood at a normal tree

    - execute with them an attack move (only attacking units,  which is ctrl+q+rightclick by default on the ground somewhere)

    - they will not move at all and you get an error message

    Should be fixed in the newest svn:


    • Thanks 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Moving Champions back to the Fortress might make them less used.

    I don't think that is necessarily bad.

    4 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Moving Champions back to the Fortress could unbalance the Fortress?

    It will definitely be more used as it is at the moment. Not sure if it will unbalance it, but one could increase its build time.

    6 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    There is the notion that the Fortress should simply act as a strong defensive/offensive position, like a large overpowered defense tower instead of a uber barracks.

    I disagree with that notion. It should have some other function than just being a large tower.

    • Like 1
  6. On 04/03/2022 at 10:33 PM, BreakfastBurrito_007 said:

    If 10 damage is applied along with the accuracy changes, then I would not worry about them being OP anymore. The unit is used for its damage and -10 damage is more than the -15% cost that they get from indibil. Is -10 pierce still a “go”?

    right now this is the package: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4516

    less accuracy, organic units don't take fire damage, and -10 pierce

  7. 28 minutes ago, BreakfastBurrito_007 said:

    What unit would do this?

    The reduction does not work conditionally, so decreasing the cost by five means decreasing the cost by five in all cases, even if the original value is zero.

    So all units which are e.g. not slinger would cost -5 stone and units that don't have a metal cost would cost -5 metal.

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, chrstgtr said:

    (are they supposed to be good against units, buildings, or both?). 

    pretty much up for us to decide I guess.

    I like the mobile siege role. (Although I doubt that it's historically correct)

    5 minutes ago, chrstgtr said:

    Indibil allows for unique strategies that otherwise are not possible.

    true, but after I thought a bit about it, that aura itself is kind of op. -15% cost on all soldiers + less training time is huge.


    That being said, we can also keep Indibils aura, but go with a stronger pierce damage reduction / or just use -5 and see how it turns out in combination with the other changes.

  9. 37 minutes ago, chrstgtr said:

    For this patch, I don't care if organic units are flammable--it doesn't really do much because by the time fire does real damage all units but heroes would have already died.

    mh true, I doesn't change that much, but I think it adds just enough damage on top to make them op.

    Otherwise, why isn't there a problem with the briton champion chariot, which has the same values?

    • Like 1
  10. 13 hours ago, chrstgtr said:

    I would personally like firecav to go back to their status before a24 where they were basically roaming siege that would quickly destroy buildings and not be very effective units, so a huge nerf to pierce and an increase to crush/fire.

    I like that idea.

    10 hours ago, LetswaveaBook said:

    Rather than increasing its attack, I would prefer to change the sentries upgrade such that the number of arrows is increased by +2.

    Why? That would only be helpful in specific situations, while I feel like towers are just a little bit to weak in every situation.

    • Thanks 2
  11. 37 minutes ago, Nullus said:

    It always crashes when I move the building placement preview for some reasonably complex building, such as a stable, over an area outside of the map boundaries.

    can reproduce, same for me. It doesn't trigger with every building and sometimes you have to move it around quite a bit outside of the map boundary to trigger.

    interestingly my error just says: (error while formatting error message) and I can click continue without crashing.

  12. You know how it goes: feature freeze is planned to be next sunday, so last chance to discuss balancing patches from which you think that they are needed and generally accepted.

    Feel free to post your own patches here (or create new ones) if you feel they fit this description and indicate via comments or reactions if you agree with the patches that are proposed.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 2 hours ago, asterix said:

    There definitely is. Look at eg. Blender or Gimp projects, in blender i believe it is coded in icons are in svg. 

    I know that there is generally a way to do that :) my problem is more that the pyrogenesis engine is not designed to build that kind of UI. The combination of javascript and xml that is used for the UI is good at producing static elements (or semi adaptive), but what is normally used in combination with javascript to produce reactive graphic elements is CSS -> and that is not part of pyrogenesis.

    So every element that should be reactive has to be coded with a custom logic, which is just much work. But as I said, I will look into it, maybe it's not so complicated.

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