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Posts posted by vinme

  1. finally som1 is getting it @badosu.

    whoever it is might be paying som1 for the ddos services cuz i mean who would take the time to just annoy the shlt out of dizaka atleast few bucks is reasonable or it seems so i mean what could dizaka do anyway online.did u like slaughter someones family to the 7th generation all north korea style @Dizaka cuz its obvious theres some beef going on here and ur not telling us shlt -_-


    happened to me too 

    btw dizaka who did you piss off so much?

    we need names for just in case you dissapear we can know what you knew 

    im not a computer guy but this isnt gonna turn out to be some huge hac atac on all 0ad ppl attacking eachother and spreading some hac virus and in the end the masterminds presses a button and we all lose our money and our shameful collection of extremely ugly pug pictures gets leaked online while this guy laughs maniacally in his secret lair under a volcano while eating peanut butter with his bare hands and maybe setting up plans having his minion write down the dates and time to destroy other ppl in other games hes played who pissed him off?

    • Haha 1
  3. ty for the input @badosu @Issh @bb_ @smiley  i figured that information issue wouldve been the most problematic.

    on your last comment smiley thats what i assumed that everyone gets waay too much info and is politely asked not to look.

    ill guess that lockstep is all players having back and forth with eachother and client-server is "server"/separate party handling it all.

    yes without a separate party theres no way to prevent players from cheating XD i mean someone is supposed to have the info or ..well it wont exist 

    thats somewhat what i was trying to say with my i guess hard to connect to the main subject, cloud gaming example.in this case would be great if the host was the "server" then i could host or have a trusted party host and ppl wouldnt get to see everything from enemy summary stats to vision.

    you said that this might just be impossible at this point.to me its obvious that without a secure system in place game cannot grow and will always stay small.

    even ignoring the practical advantages of data transfer with this system its ill guess impossible to have any level of security from cheaters

    not only does it cut out a huge chunk of monetization potential it pretty much cuts out all of it with the way i see it.no monetization ofc dooms the game.

    so what you mean by it just might be impossible is that the game is programmed in such a way that for someone to try to make it so that only server holds the total information and everyone gets specific information that hasnt even been defined in the game programming. so the amount of things needed to be done to completely 180 the game design means that youd have to pretty much do everythign all over again?


  4. 9 minutes ago, badosu said:

    Sorry, I can't decipher your encrypted message

    If you're talking about cloud gaming, someone had the same idea many years ago and many companies are or will be launching it soon.

    yes i think thats what it was called.cloud gaming.where all the processing is happening on the company umm..servers?the company does all the processing..actually now that i think about it ti has far more advantages than wed imagine.in terms of fairness.no party will have advantage via game graphics quality or ping or whatever.assuming you have enough internet speed which should be the only factor.also it should be cheaper so if you are buing a pc for gaming it would be more economically wise to just get that service.like u buy a pc first of all since its a small size purchase its more expensive than a company making massive processing ...procesors? like crypto mine rigs or somthign.

    when u buy a pc average person who buys a gaming pc games like what 6 hours TOPS prob like few hours thats 18 hours atleast on avg of wasted value.with large numbers a cloud gaming company would be far more efficient.anyway great idea getting off point.

    not ping but fps*

  5. eyes that arent being paid dont have all that much motivation other than interest in the game.thats like publishing a government owned recreational building schematic online having it being built purely by donations and willing participants.it wont be all that secure id imagine and if theres value in it som1 is far more likely to use the schematics to break in or whatever than to fix the flaws for near 0 motivation.am i talking shlt here? idk 

    i assume it would be fine to just do the event but im just making sure.

  6. ok let me write it better.let me ask first what kind of cheating is possible?

    mostly id assume most threat comes from a player getting information he is not supposed to have

    like vision,game stats like pop ect.

    ofcourse if he can change like unit damage or only target ranged in some way ect taht is bad too but i assume wed notice that while watching.

    in conclusion i dont know how it all works but wouldnt it secure everyhtng if a program could be written where i or a trusted party would host the games in a way where no information or power is given to the potential cheater.is this already like that with a third party hosting a game? or are there still threats of someone gaining an advantage somehow by manipulating somethign even tho they are not hosting?

  7. its a community project open scource not well funded so makes sense it wont be secure and i can tell with near 0 specific programming knowledge.

    and alot of ppl im sure would hack for even 50$ first place prize lol tahts what like 5k in africa or other poor areas? XD (no offence pls dont hack my potential event)

    anyway borg said ppl wont hack and we could tell from watching but i get the feeling that there may be ways we wouldnt notice.

    i will HAVE to put in a disclaimer either way giving me complete autority to do as i feel is right either way no matter what anyone thinks with decisions without any need to prove anything.

    so if i think som1 cheated ill just ban them for good

    can ppl like see others vision ect r there such in game hacks? or give units 100% accuracy or something like taht that might be a bit harder to notice?

    i assume ppl cant change such things like ingame mechanics? am i wrong? prob not

    but even info is relevant like inf amount ect and we may not even notice such things sadly..seems problematic


  8. was thinking of organizing a very simple properly made paid tournament.like 100$ total prizepool but was told 0ad isnt secure that ppl would cheat 

    is it feasible to make it secure within reasonable effort or should i just forget about this idea?

    some bits of what i was planning:

    to enter gotta qualify via ingame rating and send a few replays of ur games so i can tell u can play well

    probably gonna qualify like top 50-75 on leaderboard


    50/30/10/3/3/3  1/2/3/4/5/6 places respectively for 24

    and 50/30/10/10  1/2/3/4 for 16

    prob would have done 16/24 players 

    for 16 i would have to do 4 rounds of course

    round 1 1 game per 1v1

    round 2 1 games per 1v1 

    round 3(semifinals) 3 games per 1v1

    round 4(finals) 5 games per 1v1

    if i had chosen 24 id do 3 rounds + 3 ppl faceoff on finals (each 1v1ing other 2)


    r1:1 game per 1v1

    r2:1 game per 1v1

    r3: 3 games per 1v1

    r4:5 games per 1v1 

    at round 4 they each play vs the other 2 with total 15 potential points

    in case of draw 5/5/5 or 6/6/3 or 7/4/4 the apropriate prizes get added up and divided equally so 30/30/30 40/40/10 or 50/20/20

    all dates and times for all potential games would have gotten set and agreed upon before the tournament the tournament entry post would mention the 12 hour frame and heuristic advice for convinience but anyone willing to free up the time would be allowed to apply

    also winners would get certificates for n1 vinme 0ad tournament 


    payment would be in bitcoin

    top rated 16 or 24 players who sign up would get spots

    id hope to find som1(s) to do commentary and all that 

    theres bunch of other details but that was the plan in general :p.


  9. 2 hours ago, Feldfeld said:

    The weird part is that he actually recommands positioning it in the back in priority in the guide. I don't understand.

    In all seriousness though, if for once we want to discuss the actual arguments, I think that the assumption that the enemy will want to cut off woodworkers is wrong. Typically the cavalry rusher will not be able to overpower the woodline, therefore he will want to come from the shortest path to see if he can do something (and fast) and if he can't, find another target.

    i was half joking in overdramatic "WRONG" comment dont take things too seriously.but i did mean it .ill take some blame for writing incoherently but if u read it and managed to understand my incoherent writing what i specified was that most important is the woodlines closenes to cc as that is the largest factor to security(ill say rn prob 75% of importance then lets say 15% size and 10% backwood).back woodline while its good its the third most relevant from what i wrote right after woodline size.for cav not being able to overpower men the standard min 2:20 or something(dont quote me on time) 8 cav rush can kill a player by default if a bad woodline is chosen as 8 cav is more than enough to kill all the woodliners including women,4men via cutoff.yes its not usually practiced these days but attacking the way i specified maximizes results and is uncounterable if relevant lines in my priorities list arent followed assuming enemy does some cav for hunt that early its still nearly uncounterable not enough time by the time enemy sees u u already inbetween enemy badly picked far woodline and cc.yes the more common,maybe more advanced cav use offensively is to harass and deplete enemys micro with few cav the clicking/brain juice contest and yes then you keep cutting wood while defending with micro but that rush isnt deadly in theory it is clearly counterable but the few (significant) seconds that enemy saves by me choosing upfront closer to cc woodline over back woodline is worth it for me to play theoretically correctly even tho ppl rarely do the standard 8 cav min 2 rush that was the go to in previous alpha or even scout woodline b4 rush or try to cutoff at all whatsoever.a much worse build of same cav count and similar eco backup employed in previous alpha atacked min 3:30 or something.anyway just to clarify i respect you as a player and am not saying that you are all clicks and no brain or something derogatory like that but with that said as i wrote in my "what makes a great player" essay like 95% + is very very simple physiology stats or basic understandings so im not at all suprised that someone in top 3 isnt using 100% most optimal strats.again i like ur 1v1s ect and the way you play so dont take me disagreeing with you as a sign of disrespect.you should try the cutoff strat with 8 cav once but not vs pto ofc i promise youll be suprised.also i wanna note that in terms of human capability(imagine if 0ad was as popular as starcraft)im 100% sure that top 5 players rn arent even 10% of what the top 100 would be if 0ad was as popular as starcraft.theres a long way to even being 1 tenth as good as general human potential for us all and huge mistakes are being made even by the best players.if u want specifics on 8 cav build pm me.u can even do it without scouting via scouting 20 meters off enemy border with 8 cav but that risks discovery and wastes time.

    19 minutes ago, badosu said:

    Sorry, don't know, didn't read

    i ranted on 0ad being a sport over an intelectually taxing game

  10. picking a proper starting woodline and properly positioning storehouses and other buildings is vital for optimal economy growth and security.

    proper woodline(s) management is vital for proper men and women positioning early,mid and late game.

    1.everything about first 0-5 min.

    2.middgame(after first few min) to till u reach p3.

    3.endgame(after p3)


    1.to start with your first woodline will significantly impact your economy and security.

    usually you will want to pick a patch of wood around the border instead of opting for placing your first storehouse near cc wood but exceptions apply.ill note thoes later.

    prioritize following factors listed from most important first:

    1.how close the wood patch is to your cc

    2.the size of the wood patch

    3.the position of the wood patch

    4.i forgot something while scrolling up to add hope i remember.

    5.properly rotate and position the storehouse to be close to as many trees on the surface as possible.

    now of course you must pay attention to all 3 of these factors and alot of point 3 is better than a slight bit of point 1 but the significance based listing still applies.

    woodline.png shows several options.wooldine.png.ad9d3fe4ddc3d4f1d156023e4afb94e9.png

    here based on 6 total options including the cc wood option 1 is the best as it is the closest to the cc and has a large amount of wood.

    its most important to pick a woodline that is as close to cc as possible.while these factors may not cause significant difference to less expirienced players its best to learn the most optimal ways from the begining.closer the woodline is to cc the less distance your units will have to walk to security if you get rushed and choose to retreat.many times if you pick the incorrect woodline you lose by default if you get cavrushed assuming both sides play without making any errors you just wont have the time to reach security.

    i recomend placing house(s) next to but not in the line the new spawned units have to walk form cc to the wood.if you were to place it on the line you would hurt your eco by hindering your units from quickly going to the woodline.also do place the houses within your cc arrow range so that if the enemy tries taking the houses your cc will damage their units.if this happens also consider trying to garrison the house under threat with women but only if enemy units are that of a low range type and only if your women can safely garrison.you place your houses like this so that you can do the garrisson>ungarrison trick with wood women if enemy rushes to decrease the distance you need to travel to cc and to increase the security.also the buildings will block the enemy from taking the shortest route to your women when he is rushing as you can see with the pink start representing enemy rush units and the red line representing the detour they have to take.


    for a barack you can use it as a blockade same as the upper house in that picture or you can place it above or around the woodline as barack can be a powerful defensive tool.it is quite difficult to take assuming you at least have a small part of the mencount of the enemy rush army.dont know the exact proportions but with barack garison>ungarison trick as a threat enemy will think twice before getting close to your baracks as you can quickly ungarison your units onto the enemy units gaining the advantage in certain scenarios. 

    the size of the wood patch is self explanatory its value is that you can load it with more men and itll last longer before you have to switch lines compared to a smaller wood patch and by this it gives an economy advantage as you have to pay the toll of switching woodlines later than you would have otherwise.

    the positioning implies that you want to have the woodline as far away form the enemys potential line of travel as possible which basically means you want it at the back.the enemys line of travel is :


    assuming your enemy is competent:first he will know where your woodline is before atacking you.then he will engage inbetween your cc vision range(larger than attack range ccvision:blue) and your woodline mens vision range(pink) from either side of the 2 circles intercepting.

    this will allow the enemy to get as close as possible before you see him and to be as close to cutting off your wood units from security as possible.

    as the enemy will come from his cc the shortest route will be if you have your woodlines on the sides where he can intercept them by just taking a direct line and they are quite close as they are somewhat upfront.

    the front woodline is slightly better but pretty much the same as enemy has to go around it and to the side which wastes slightly more time as they have to walk around a circle that is slightly larger than your potential vision so they wont get spotted by the rule of thumb of not seeing any of the wood on that line>you cant see them.still these 2 options are near identical.

    the best one is the back wood as it takes the enemy far longer as the distance is longer and every second counts in 0ad especially in higher level games.

    last bit for the early positioning is the cc wood.if conditions are abysmal and you have no close woodlines(lets say overlaping the teritory by atleast the width of one 10 pop house) and your cc wood is large enough(atleast 5 trees (1k wood) or more) you might choose to place a storehouse at the start on the cc wood but this is horrible as your cc wood is your lifeline in case you get rushed of secure wood to cut and if you deplete it form the start and get rushed you will have nothing.just remember to keep scouting and stay vigilant if you use up ur cc wood as if you get rushed youll be in a bad position.otherwise as well cc wood storehouse hurts eco as youll ahve to get an another storehosue quite quickly in few min after the few trees near ur cc run out.


    2.midgame woodlines.

    this is where youll most likely start to need second,third and maybe even fourth (if you are really unlucky) patches of wood utilized by your woodcutters.

    basically you shouldnt overcrowd a woodline as units will need to walk to a single storehouse and if overcrowded will be bumping into eachother ruining efficiency.optimal limit depends on specific civ storehosue size,woodline size and specific wood layout. a good rule of thumb is to literally never put more than 30 units on a single woodline or atleast depositing on a single storehouse. its best to start a new woodline after 20-25 units are on the first one.this may vary mainly depending on woodline size but also on storehouse size.


    when picking a second woodline make sure to place it with a path in mind.

    both woodliners must as game progresses emigrate to the front slowly but surely as you want your units as close to the enemy as possible during the late game for a variety of reasons.for example in this case:p2.png.2d195f4c4c05b2b31c57b8e8b6285e40.png

    if your first woodline 1 is at the back you wanna imagine future migration paths forboth woodlines.had you placed your second storehosue closest to the first one the first line would have to walk longer to a nearest lone and this is especially bad if your first woodline isnt at the back and you block the front adjacent line forcing ur first line to move back upon exausting the wood patch.but i wont draw that i just wanna finish at this point.

    also make sure to have proper map awareness and secure the awareness of the p3 woodlines by patrolling and placing watch towers not to get denied proper woodline positionging late game (see the late game section for more) this is especially important against colony civs as they can very quickly build leaving you little time to prevent and this is one of the reasons you must have front placed men even during a large part of the middle game so they reach intime to defend you phase 3 reachable woodlines,place baracks at the front not the back at this stage.

    also dont be afraid ot get baskets if you have overcrowded woodlines and no better options. 600 res is often worth it to reduce the walktime.im gonna guess that you can place proportionally more units so if max was 30 and u boosted capacity by 50% u can place 45.


    at this point the relevance of mapcontroll skyrockets as you are going through woodlines like one of thoes advanced deforestation machines.you have alot of woodcutters and the 50% efficiency upgrade so you can easily run out of not only properly positioned wood(where placing men is good as if enemy atacks you an respond well where your men arent out of line of defending your key points cc,baracks,caslte ect/) anyway at this point you wanan make sure that you will have proper woodlines by also patroll and outposts so enemy wont palce a civic building or tower your woodlines.you can ofcourse do these thigns to hurt your opponent as well.here its a good idea to have some units preferably largely women for total eco viability as back then it wouldve cost far less to get women and now you can send most of your men to atack instead of having men cut wood while other men fight or having to move women from farms.anyway its a good idea to have a group of units cutting wood from the back,out of position as this boosts your total wood avalibility by you spending less of the well positioned wood and as this little group consisting partly of women being out of position wont hurt your security in any significant manner.

    if you see that in the future you wont have optimal woodlines either reach for some by palcing buildings on the edge and building to the woodline over time or place a civic building if you think thats the right move.most importantly you must decide and notice in advance as if you run out when the time comes withotu any prep you will be in a bad position disadvantaged by having either no woodline or a bad one at the back.and when enemey atacks your units wont make it in time and youll lose :p.

    hope this helps

    heres my donation adresses

    bitcoin- bc1qhp8xa956p2veyd0mmf328tp2rmmuuvez5cnxlz

    monero - 84iSSAx1H6mWG7z49sgcBe7ZWfLHoQp4TCMcpnq94KZpGPKqRehMZ8LeKMpADRaiCEMSJKmcueLU1HLtPTqu6nDQRQDNU9o



  11. 21 minutes ago, badosu said:

    It's a poor man's GPT-3

    THANKS..now i wasted more of my energy looking up GPT-3 understanding like 30% of what the programer guy explaining it has said,wondering wtf a watermelon means in coding,tiring my already exausted brain by thinking in moderate intensity for 7 minutes and now im even more terrified of the advancements in programming,technology and human capabilities that are incoming..and no this isnt the same shlt as 1990s when pp wouldve thought of flying cars coming in 20 years this is some real shut..and its like we have a magic sword that if we swung could cause alot of fuced up shut and now thinking about all that and that for past 5-10 years each year something retrarded couldve been caused now i wonder why wasnt it caused? and as well all know large governments are ahead in tech compared to generally avalible stuff by around 20-80 years depending on the specific subject can you imagine what they know now if they knew this shlt 20-80 years ago?

    this following parts for anyone enjoying my harder to comprehend rants: i tried making it as ambiguous and abstract as ever but as always with a clear goal in mind of expressing some opinion:

    also theres nothing wrong with ebing confrontational,rude or in any way improper in relation to scared ppls outlook on behaviour and their moral values stitched up from spit and cobwebs usually resulting in something aproximating optimism and every horrid thing being fine as long as fault isnt theirs.

    also yes a serious amount of what i write is wrong,not thought through completely or just sketchy and that might seem intimidating to some "people" whos patter of thought is to try to defend themselves from ideas and its hardly possible to see patterns in my functioning let alone constructing some sort of a psycological barier (not including blind ridicule or any response pattern completely excluding analyzing information largely with the lense that their decisions are based on) but that cant take away from my credibility if i was viewed by someone who sees the world apropriately as a mine to take the raw material and extract somethign valuable and to consider that the waste product can also be of value if properly utilized.anyway i am an artist and i dont mind not sounding all cool by speaking only things that make sense as its far more productive to just try to express everything in there to show my thought pattern at the moment of the realization to show potential values and in the end this provides alot more than being clearer would.



  12. 11 minutes ago, badosu said:

    @vinme Rationale for civ ratings unclear, please describe the thought process and calculations performed (in a single paragraph if possible).

    The 0ad community thanks you.

    rationale is my intuition and understanding from watching/playing thousands of games.while i dont play many civs my enemys play a variety of civs so i have many iterations of expiriences.i look at 2 civs and think hmm how much better is civ a compared to civ b and other civs in general % wise? then i make a guess and i do this for every single civ.eventually i end up with all civs numbered then i repeat again thinking hmm is civ a better than civ b more than civ b is better than civ c? ect  ofc some civs counter others so i cant do an exact guess so ill guess an average in relation to all 12 other civs.also i consider advantages and disadvantages while considering potential great strats but not going too far into the theoretical.for example: celts have op eco mainly because of all wood buildings,early on the pop bonuses from all buildings and faster buildable buildings.theres also melonas 25% food building. but celts have no ranged siege and their buildings are weak.rome doesnt have some op bonuses but is an amazing civ.rome is probably the most flexible civ with the most options. ect. you get my point.

    after all this i just fix it up so proportions stay the same but average is 100.yes this is just a guess and only filter is me looking at it and thinking:does this make sense? but i think this graph represents reality quite accurately.

  13. 5 minutes ago, thankforpieOfficial said:


    e.g gauls,ptoles,brits,roms

    are most often played civs

    and they win more often than other civs

    ill try rating atleast top 5 civs by points just by guessing with trying to keep 100 the average between all ingame civs:

    pto 113

    gau 107

    brit 107

    rome 104

    athen 103

    sparta 103

    im not as sure about the rest but here goes:

    iber 102

    sele 102

    mayu 95

    pers 94

    carth 93

    kush 91

    mace 86





  14. @Feldfeld i mean ppl clearly overplay the stronger civs and are generally highly unimaginative in their gameplay which makes sense because they cant afford to do otherwise as they are weak/incompetent in one way or another.I suppose that applies to pretty much everything even life itself.Humans rarely pop out high quality enough to be able to gain maximum results by being highly open minded .Wherever you look,wherever you go anyone doing anything even someone you admire has cut corners in a magnificent manner to compromise for their own incompetence.Briliance and perfection isnt real isnt admired isnt valued in human minds its not even an ideal image a dream a measure point for the philosophical final destination its so far away that the weakness that embodies a human or more percisely humans are the vessles of weakness themselves it resents even the theoretical possibility of Brilliance and perfection hates it more than all else and uses every vile trick to potray it as less than.It makes sure that humans dont even believe in its existence,give its name to accomplishments that are slightly less pathetic than most and that too purely by chance.Humans dont want briliance they wanna die in peace human greatest desire is to never be so darned* and unfortunate as to have to face the horrors of the potential and the theoretical.

  15. Anyone who thinks when seeing obvious stupid mistakes from someone that the player wasn’t intelligent enough to have thought of the issue should know that  99.9% of the time its just confusion from brain overload that causes the mistake.

     0ad is a very intense,demanding game so it’s wouldn't be surprising that some days you could be much worse at playing than others.

    Even "good" players make insanely simple mistakes because of simple exaustion or low stamina(at that time)/brain juice.

    Maybe they feel tired that day(week’s ,month’s) or are feeling off and that’s an easy skill drop cause.

    It’s true that top 3-5 players are insanely competent physiologically in sustaining proper functioning for long periods of time in a stable manner but don’t think that everyone is like that.

    everyone doesn’t have same capabilities ,weaknesses or potential.


    For those stable ones their gameplay in several matches skill wise is extremely similar they can’t really play much better or much worse than their average skill level although even they can get really weakened significantly from getting sick or in any other way suffer anything that weakens you physically.

    These types off people are the best at reaching the top of 0ad.


     number one issue stopping people from improving in 0ad is physiology.


    yes it’s fun to think about 0ad strategies and other non-simple matters but what really matters for being a good player and nearly completely decides your skill is: physiology.


    Stamina 45%-self explanatory it just means endurance


    multitasking efficiency 22.5%-extremely low cost in stamina to be aware constantly, of many extremely simple variables.


    micro22.5%-reflexes in fighting and micromanaging basically anything that requires lots of clicks, timing or reflexes.


    then comes probably the (areal)awareness 5%- real time awareness of your future potential and theoretical plans:

    strategic building placement, enemy unit(s) theoretical position awareness based on units speed and last seen position, knowing all likely enemy’s future plan(s)(for example if they didn’t scout and they are a competent high rated player you know they won’t risk attacking a point that as far as they are concerned will be highly secure), mineral(s)/woodline(s) position awareness ect. key point awareness.

    (areal)awareness5% also includes the skills of "trapping" unit(s) with same speed units or slower, map control, woodline/working men positioning, attack planning, scouting, outposts, targeting enemy awareness(targeting enemy scouts/outposts).


    the % of relevant stats for a player might be mildly confusing but I think I wrote it quite clearly and it should be understandable .Of course not all pros are just good at those specific proportions for example Valihrant is highly reduced multitasking(10%+?) but insane micro his endurance is huge but slightly less than feld and borgs I’d guess 5%- less(5% of the borg/feld total stamina) although right now I’m sure his stamina is even larger than those 2s stamina as those 2 don’t play much recently.


    He is unmatched in micromanaging things and sustaining this insane micro use with much less stamina cost than anyone else in 0ad.

    Although you could argue that maybe he is just incorrectly using his stamina by exhausting himself with extremely costly micro abuse.

    In that case maybe his stamina is 50% larger than borg or felds and he’s just not using it wisely but I don’t think that’s the case people usually naturally intuitively lean in the most efficient direction as they progress and improve over time.

    You can tell while he plays he occasionally forgets houses ect. and during a game randomly keeps quickly turning to random usually multitasking tasks as if they were an enemy attack.

     An extremely high level multitasking player wouldn’t forget simple variables ever even in the most exhausted state as a high level multitasking player has such low multitasking stamina cost.

    An extremely high level multitasking player wouldn’t need to with such high speed/intensity manage his eco or adjust it as it would all come to him naturally. 

    You can see in the way he thinks in commentary his style is really not about saving as much energy as possible with minimal micro/improvisation/high intensity and expending stamina in a calculated manner.

    Stuff like being aggressive, constant high intensity high harass often with small amount of cav exchanging your stamina for enemy’s stamina with the one with superior micro suffering far less in stamina loss but this has no other ulterior motive like a clear strategic plan towards victory) ect.

    The few cav often highly outnumbered by enemy woodline forces stands no chance of directly attacking the enemy or scaring enemy off the woodline making him lose position thru simple proportion of strength its simply human error exploitation based play not error of something relating to intelligence but of something simpler, micro.


    This isn’t multitasking as the tasks that are often optional but are still preferred by the micro type player.

    The tasks are too complex and frequent this is all conscious all on the surface of the mind at once functioning in conscious clarity aka micro.

    More like fighting or playing basketball 1 one 1 or a simple FPS? than lets say umm what preserves alot of capacity for a calculated use? a caveman hunter gatherer? I’m getting off point...

    There’s a strategy style of defense : defend ,progress with perfect security and look for an opening,  an advantage to expend your saved capacity through and there’s a strategy style of offence : keep attacking and exhausting the opponent wait for HIM to make a mistake you can take advantage of to secure the victory offensive style.

    Of course  most players fall in the middle.

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