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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Wijitmaker

  1. Ah, sorry. the axes should have metal heads, and the mallot could have a wood head. If you have everything done on the texture, I suppose so?
  2. 'fraid not, thats just to long ago!
  3. Sure, you'll be able to test out and more once we get to beta testing. Right now, we as developers are finidng plenty of bugs to fix on our own Stick around and keep an eye out for beta testing (probably a long ways away yet).
  4. Yeah, I've been watching your thread since you started Its an ambitious project! Hmm, were to begin. I guess the biggest thing I would advise you about is to just step back and consider the massive size and complexity of the project your setting out to do. Single civ set conversion (like RaW) is hard, but your talking about doing not just one but 5! Thats huge man. Not only do have you have all that building art, but you could potentially have thousands of slp frames to edit for units. Not to mention the UI graphical changes, and now with philip's new tool - the ability to change units stats. Personally, I don't love AoK that much to make a mod anymore, but... there are those (like yourself) who do. So, here is what I would suggest: Use as much of the origional AoK art as possible (especially the units). Use AoE units when possible (though they are a bit smaller). I would also use modified SWGB art, some would work nicely (like the Naboo) Break up your project in minigoals (probably per civ set), so you can see your achievements and have some feeling of accomplishment. If you do a little dabbling here and a little there, its easy to loose focus and get discouraged by the massive ammount of work yet to be done. Keep your team small, you don't want to spend your time managing people - your time is better spent with a small group of people who know what they are doing and do it quickly. Save walls (construction and deconstruction is a killer) and town center (anchor points are pain in the butt) for last. Don't waste time discussing what you want to do or debating with people what you should do. Concentrate your time on the mod itself. Talk is cheep, take action. Don't make publicized release dates unless you have done 75% of the work. Not sure if this will help you at all, but here is some documents for you that are 4.5 years old! Yikes, time flies. 0adaok.zip
  5. @Titus: jerk? thats a little excessive Thanks for stopping by the website Adder. Pass the word along at HG that we still chuggin away
  6. Probably won't be able to show you the script, but I bet if you ask him nicely... Simon might be able to point you to some tutorials he has found on this subject.
  7. nice axes! And yes, Paul, we can customize the meshes to make them look persian and not like some viking meat cleaver. correct the hoe, farming only
  8. Alright sounds good. Keep working on it as you can. Yeah, probably won't have you doing units ATM because we don't have many sketches that are totally decided on. All the ones that Brendan has done are ok to texture, and a few of the romans and greeks that have been sketched... but a few things have changed even since those. So its best to hold off on unit textures till we have a better idea of what the concepts are. Helmets are helmets, they won't change
  9. yeah go ahead, then we could have someone download it and upload it
  10. Great detail on the axes, I like it allot! Sorry to come back to the spears, but I was shown a picture by Paul the other day here: http://www.deepeeka.com/store/comersus_vie...?idProduct=3366 I'd like make the shank and head of the pillum a darker metal like that image if possible. Not much left to do on that texture is there? I'll have to get some helmet work sent your way
  11. Ah, sorry I must have missed you... Yeah it'll be shrunk down to 256x256 Maybe have a cinimatic version that will be 512x512. Ok, next... go ahead and work on the bows and axes. Hold off on the dds plugin. Philip is working on a little stand alone program for incoorperating player color usage and dds files.
  12. I don't see any AI scripters? There is 2 AI programmers... but thats totally different than scripting. That is low level AI work that will be programmed in C++ and hardcoaded into the game engine. Scripting is the high level 'scripts' that utilize the low level programming. Scripts will be availible to modders for tweaking. As far as designing the AI goes... I'm not totally sure on this, so if somebody can correct me - feel free to do so. Basically your scripting the entire actions of the computer player. From the start of the game till the very end. They need to know what to build and in what order. They need to know how to attack and defend. They need to know what units to train and when to train them. They need to know what technologies to research and when to research them. They need to know how to use formations, how to explore, how to ambush, how to seige...etc... There needs to be three varying levels of difficulty. There needs to be different types of behavior... boomers, rushers, turtlers... etc... We are basically trying to simulate human players with artificial intelligence scripting. Now, there isn't a how-to guide about how to go about this. This is something that will need to be researched, well thought out, planned, and written down. This is what I mean by 'design'.
  13. Sort of, we don't really have any AI scripters employed at the moment because it needs to be designed first, and nobody has been interested in helping design the AI, they have only been interested in scripting. Actually, AoK scripting knowledge will help because we would like to have our AI scripting friendly and easy to use. AoK was that way, but AoM was not as friendly to modders. And we want to be friendly About the javascript... that one is out of my relm of knowledge... You'll have to get one of the programmers to answer that one for you.
  14. Hmm, I'll have to look into that. Though it looks like somebody fixed the group images. Whoever did that... thanks!
  15. Congradulations! Lets see, the AI scripter position is basically a position for the design and writing of high level AI scripts. If you know the AI scripts in AoK and AoM that modders mod... basically the individuals writting AI scripts will be making those from scratch. Before the actually writing of the scripts can be started though, the AI system needs to be farther in development than it currently is. However, it is going to require much preperation in design. Which possibly could be be started now. Basically it invovles studying other AI scripts in other games then figuring out how they work. Then you would need to decide how best to make high level AI scripts work in our game. You'll need to probably define all the needed functions, conditions, variables, etc... and create a "high level AI design document." This way, the development of the low level AI can be guided by what is needed by the high level AI. Also, this document can be used to assist AI modders when the game is released. The languages the AI scripter would be working with would mainly be Javascript and XML. Hope that helps
  16. Indeed, much better! Consider the pillum done.
  17. Oh, and about your article idea. Sounds good to me. If you have trouble with making it a long nice article, maybe ask around the artists here on staff for more tips and tricks.
  18. OK, lets see.. things are always looking better! Few comments: For the pillum, here this will help: http://www.wildfiregames.com/~art/history/...ages/PILUM.html The things you colored in are supposed to be wood The only thing you'll have to texture on that part will be the two 'bolts' and possible a metal cap that fasten the wood block to the shaft. Also notice above the wood blocks... the shafts of the pillum is all metal. About the grips.. lets not worry about this yet because I'm not sure of this myself. I want to do some animating first and see where the hands end up. So if you could just make the grip layers I can stick those where I need them be later.
  19. A nice research paper on the subject of height: http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/uni/wwl/koepke...womillennia.pdf
  20. Ok, the large movie is up. Small one is next to come.
  21. The following are the outstanding accomplishments by the 0 A.D. Staff Members for the month of December: Philip Taylor (aka Ykkrosh): For his highly competent and relentless assistance in a wide range of areas this month. No problem too large or small, with great initiative and never a word of complaint, Philip fixed bugs, built tools, and made welcome improvements to such diverse areas as the GUI and editor. A real asset while we've been understaffed during the holiday season. Accomplishments for the month of December: Found and fixed bugs related to the build system, game engine, SpiderMonkey, garbage collection, and pretty much everything else. Cleaned/Optimized source code. Internally renamed the game engine, many name corrections were made replacing the old with the new. Added graphical effects (greyscale, recolouring, etc) to textures in the GUI system. Provided support for icon-sheet textures in the GUI. Implemented tooltips. Made the sky blue. Reorganised build repository. Implemented archive builder. Made Scenario Editor recompilable and improved. Built multiplayer connection / IP hosting screen and message box. Built SP map selection screen. Further refinement of session GUI (particularly status icons). Established build lists (train, construct, research, etc). Revised GUI to take advantage of new improvements like icon sheets, tooltips, and sprite colouring effects. Fixed a raft of bugs and improved the low-level code, including texture flipping. Made various user interface placeholder art, like command buttons, unit icons, etc... Started on in-game Editor GUI (aka Atlas). Made static loading screen and F10 menu. Wrote and released 2D/3D developer article. Hired two new historians. Created and released eight screenshots. Updated DD with some changes to match entity implementation, and initial plan for charge effects. Various mundane admin, management and discussions too random to detail here. Carthaginian structure concepts finished. Iberian concepts started. Created placeholders for all the structures in the game (60+ actors). Created placeholders for all the units in the game (150+ actors). 12 humanoid charecters modeled. All Carthaginian structures modeled. All Persian structures modeled. Hellenistic voice acting started.
  22. Well, just wait a few seconds and post again Its there for a reason... we have had people flood the forums in the past, and its a pain to clean up.
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