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Everything posted by Emacz

  1. Thank you @real_tabasco_sauce Although it really isnt my mod anymore I got it going, but i have now had a lot of help along the way, including from you!
  2. thanks @Seleucids I think there are 3 main reason people dont try out historical. 1 they are afraid of change 2 Nonone wants to work anymore, everyone wants to play... the younger generations 3 they prefer tgs 3 is simple fix, everyone tries it out and there are more tgs But as i posted earlier regarding some of @real_tabasco_sauce idea's, the problem on historical will be the base stats of a lot of things are different as well. Like why should ranged units have more health than melee units? Aren't "all men created equal" Obviously we then had to tyr and balance differently from there as well.
  3. you really dont need to split the community, you can just test things on historical Granted the base stats are the same. But tehre are a few different types of "eco" units if you want ideas/see how it could work. 3x counter already exists as well. What about Han gameplay needs improvement?
  4. Still hopeing to find more people to play around with the mod. I know everyone is still excited (rightfully so) about A27. But I'm starting to incorporate units/buildings that are in the templates ie Han Xbow Cav, Range, Persian kardakes_skirmisher, but aren't in the game yet. Maybe they will be worked in later and you can get a sneak peak
  5. arent they missing "range" at least archers? I guess they have slingers... and no ranged siege... but agree they are probably the strongest or at least one of top civs. You know what my answer is gonan be
  6. I would much rather change 1 line of code then figure out how to install it off topic i need some historical help. Implemented some "new" things, well they already existed but were being used, like the range, and a cool persian champ jav.
  7. we got spikes to help out in historical too, i think a similar idea?
  8. done in historical regular spear/pike/champ spear 3x cav champ pike 3.25x cav pike/spear heroes 3.5x cav
  9. pikeman counter horses, not sure how to do double counter. Maybe skirmishers? since they are already the weapon of choice against eles, 1.25, 1.5, 2x dmg ?
  10. It's been done on historical Infantry slighlyt faster base speed, cav actually slightly slower base speed.
  11. pretty sure 0ad is just 500 BCE to 500 CE But if you have some ideas for civs let me know and i can try working them into the historical patch.
  12. Im playing around with "Helots +100% grain gather rate, +50% wood/metal/stone but champions take 25% longer to train."
  13. well and soemthing like helot economy is ONLY useful with one civ Doesnt that affect thigns?
  14. yeah it crashes wheni try and use it with histoical patch
  15. if it doesnt train women from houses, definitely isnt @Atrik It crashed 0ad twice the times i had it enabled... Ill have to see if i can figure out whats going on.
  16. OPPP I wanted to learn some coding to improve bot, hope it works with historical patch. Will maybe help with testing things out! Thanks
  17. Ive modified it from the current version, but in the tool tip it tells you. It adds default arrows to the fort, pretty sure its 6? Ive done this instead: "genericName": "Professional Garrisons", "description": "Hire soldiers to hold defenses against enemies.", "cost": { "food": 400, "metal": 200 }, "icon": "coinage.png", "researchTime": 50, "tooltip": "Fortresses +5 default arrows and 50% more garrison.", "modifications": [ { "value": "BuildingAI/DefaultArrowCount", "add": 5, "affects": "Fortress" }, { "value": "GarrisonHolder/Max", "multiply": 1.5, "affects": "Fortress" } ], "affects": ["Fortress"], "soundComplete": "interface/alarm/alarm_upgradearmory.xml"
  18. Ok so I'd like to have a "town" ram weaker/slower cheaper than the regular ram... and then a regular/city ram. Ive created a test and its working OK. However, I'm wondering is it possible for the town ram to only show up in town phase and then disapear in city phase? cause currently when you get to city phase you can still train both. Which isn't the worst case, but it could be slighly confusing. And related I'm wondering if its possible to have all "town" rams convert to city rams once you hit p3.... Or else I guess what I could do is something like roman centerians. Thanks!
  19. can you send me some reading material and Ill see what i cam come up with?!?
  20. link to git! Emacz2/historical-patch
  21. that's why you diversify a little one of these days you might try historical and realize its not that bad. In fact a couple things have made it into mainstream game already. Ssytion pop bonus and ram garrisoned speed. I havent given romans slingers yet... but they do have access to archers, and yes gauls/brits have access to archers. However, each civ has to unlock different types of infantry. So you still pretty much start out like in vanilla. But they you decide if you want to invest in unlocking another type of infantry or not. Also some civ may have a basic version of a unit that doesnt promote. Things like that. You can still make it VERY interesting
  22. I like this! I may ask you for some help incorporating parts of it into historical patch Ive already retweaked their overall stats a little, but only p3... less HPs but in general more dmg.
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