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Stockfish last won the day on August 2 2024

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About Stockfish

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  1. Well, after watching you all have been investigating all of this that hard I will share my ''script of autosniping''. I've always been open about using ProGUI and I've been open about this to people who've asked me and I haven't just said that I have an autosnipe script. As some of you may know, I have a gaming mouse that has a click multiplier. That way, with one click you can do 2,3 or 5. On top of that, I have a pretty high CPM. Then, I can also customize the mouse to change the position of the buttons, and my right click was the wheel. Each angle of rotation is one click. I'll let you imagine the rest. Those high clicks that you have seen are becouse of that wheel change. I invite you to test it if you can customize the buttons of your mouses. Whether these are cheats is up to you, but in all competitive games there are these kinds of hardware manipulations. Mouse in the case of PC and Scuff controllers in the case of Play
  2. Buenas tardes a todos. Escribo este post para agradecer a todo el equipo de 0 A.D. su tiempo y también a la comunidad por la cantidad absurda de horas de disfrute que este juego me ha brindado. Creo que ya es hora de cambiar de aires y dejar el juego ya que no me aporta nada mas. Han sido bastantes años en los que he estado jugando en los cuales he aportado mi tiempo y dedicación además de nubear juegos contra @borg-. No tiene sentido seguir jugando a un juego el cual ya no me motiva a seguir progresando. Solo me queda agradecer a todos aquellos jugadores y personal de WFG por todos los buenos momentos y horas de entretenimiento que hemos pasado juntos. Con algo de tristeza pero con ganas de empezar un nuevo ciclo me despido de todos vosotros. Pero con la alegría de haber hecho amigos. Solo queda desearos a todos que os vaya genial. Estaré jugando AoM Retold intentando llegar al top, si alguien tiene el juego y quiere desafiarme por mi genial .
  3. He got angry becouse the ban, but he insta-bans all the people he doesnt like. Full contradictions.
  4. @leopard , I am probably the most affected player in what you are describing. My most honest advice is to enjoy the game until you dont enjoy it anymore. I stopped playing game becouse i got tired of that harrasing stuff. That is why I only play 1v1s with @borg- ,which i try to take serious, or i try to find bugs or unbalanced shits on tg to have fun and make them patch (like i did with the champs, bolts or the last ram thing). In other order of things, I am sorry if i played bad or i trolled in some tgs, is a behaviour that I understand is not good and I wont do it again. Have a good day you all
  5. HEAR THE MASTER!! Btw It is funny the borg - geriatrix thing hahah. Btw, +75% vs felderson borg?? eaeeee
  6. Wether you consider that cheat or not is not my business. Progui is a public mod that many people use. Even some of the detractors of that mod. But it is funny that the only one judged by using it is me. I dont even use the autotrain in mayority of games, you can see speccing me.
  7. Hi Lilyfox, what you mean. Cant you click on enemy? Or when you press H units dont attack
  8. Hi! I am glad you are enjoying 0 A.D. You should ping stan to make sure he knows someone new wants to contribute. I hope to see you and your friends on Mainland Team Games! Good morning!
  9. It looks very nice, and a very good project, as I read it's not possible to upload replays directly, but maybe it could be fine to add a "upload to pallas" on the replay when you watch it from your game. Are you @Stan` going to use the site for something else?, it has good design tbh. By the way, any recent new about A27?
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