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Everything posted by feneur

  1. As you can read on the Screenshot page (in a comment, but it shouldn't be too hard to find) that's because it's not done yet. As with everything else we show, this screenshot is presented "as-is", and things can, and in some cases surely will, change 'til the final release.
  2. Population cap will have to be determined by playtesting, at the moment there is none AFAIK (apart from the fact that the number of houses/City Centers you own limits how many units you can build of course ) That is NOT how it will be at release though
  3. Welcome to our community Hope you're going to enjoy your stay
  4. Nah, don't think so either And if it's just a day it's not that bad, it's worse if it's weeks or months
  5. Read and replied Now the discussion can continue (In a way this is related to the topic though, new members either helps making the game finished earlier, or if they leave the project after us investing time in helping them getting around the project they may even make the process take more time. )
  6. (Oh well, oh well. How hard is it for people to read? :P ) It says clearly at the top of the page that we're testing using the forums for applications No prob though, I can post it up for you. You'll have to navigate to the Applications forum to see it and our replies. (You'll have to wait a moment 'til I've posted it though I guess I should let you do it as a test, a project of this size requires people to be able to read and follow instructions you know , but on the other hand you were told to go and fill out a form, so I can understand if you didn't read all the info on that page ) I'd suggest that you upload some example files to one of the many free sites, as that is the easiest. Otherwise just email them to me at feneur@wildfiregames and I'll upload them to our server, would be appreciated if you found somewhere else to post them though, as that saves us bandwidth (Some examples that I've seen referred to are www.megaupload.com or www.sendspace.com ) EDIT: The link to the Applications forum: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showforum=306
  7. Hehe, for your sake I hope that meant that you love this game more than your girlfriend loves this game (And on a more serious note I really hope that you don't take this game that serious. True, we are doing our best to make it a great game, but it's only a game )
  8. While we could, and perhaps should, make it more obvious it clearly says "under development" on the 0 A.D. site.
  9. Unless you've got a better answer that's about how specific we can be I'm afraid.
  10. Strange that you don't see your previous post, I can see it fine Thanks for your offer Right now we don't have much need for that kind of assistance (we're past the design phase and not yet in a testing phase, so at the moment it's hard work we need =) ), but feel free to be around and post in our forums. And if you've got any suggestions/comments don't hesitate to post them, while we aren't very likely to be able to implement new ideas it can if nothing else be inspiring for future games and other gamers
  11. In my very honest opinion I'll say that 1.5 years is at least out of the question. That would require a miracle and a bunch of extremely skilled people added to the team. 2 years, I don't know, I wouldn't bet on it. I mean, we all hope that it will be done soon, but there's simply too much left before the game is ready to be released for us to be able to make any estimates. And also there are too many things we don't have control over, like when people have time to work on the game etc. To have something to compare with I've read that a professional team working full time takes at least 2-3 years to finish a game, we're not professional in that sense and don't have the ability to work full time. Thinking about that we've come a long way in these three (roughly, I don't have the exact date) years since the actual development began, so I do believe there's hope for the project, I just don't believe it will be finished very soon.
  12. Screenshots/showcases and the like are scheduled to be released monthly (hopefully I've got to add, things don't always work out as planned and people don't have as much time as they'd want). So the next screenshot should be available early February unless something unexpected happens. I'd also like to add that there are two new History Articles posted each months (again unless something unexpected happens and the size will of course affect the number). I'll leave it to the different Departments to describe it in more detail, but there are a number of gameplay features not yet implemented (and some which have begun to be implemented, but still needs a lot of work before being useful) and quite some art yet to be made. After that has been finished there is still a lot of bugs to get rid of and testing to be made before the game is finished.
  13. While we strive for historical correctness we do also take gameplay into consideration, and despite not being a part of the team at the time the design was decided upon I think I can find enough reason why not to include children. What role would they play? Units can't be added just because they improve the correctness, in that case we should include old people, and sick people, and every other detail. One can imagine a different kind of game, where the player has to take care of an entire civilisation and thus has to deal with such factors too. This game is not that kind of game though As can be read in the FAQ on the site we're aiming more for the warfare part of Real Time Strategy than economy etc, to go as far as including children etc would make it more of a City Building game or similar, which while that may appeal to some people it's not what we intend with this game. Another factor of this game is that it will be very moddable though, so it should be possible for someone with the right skills to change the game in such a way (to just include children one would merely have to know some modelling/texturin/animating, but to change the general gameplay some programming skills would also be needed.)
  14. Great And we will of course want 0 A.D. to be available in as many languages as possible, regardless of whether hundreds of millions speak them or just a few (Got interested in how many who speak Dutch and according to the more or less accurate Wikipedia.org it's about 30 million people or so which is not that few )
  15. Sounds like a great idea (though I'm no texture artist, so don't take my word for it ) Perhaps you should edit your post a bit to better reflect that it's posted here and not on PDS Some parts sound as if it is and may confuse people
  16. Read your first post, and it sure was interesting. Nice to get a chance to know more about you
  17. Not sure whether you've seen it or not, but there is a note on the 0 A.D. front page which says "currently in development" which means that the game is not finished yet, but that we're working on it Welcome to the forums and please enjoy your stay Oh nice to get some visitors from that article.
  18. Welcome to the Wildfire Games forums! It's interesting to get to know a bit about the people and your introduction was not an exception. I hope to see you around for a long time and I hope that you'll find your visit/s to this forum worthwile Would you care to tell us a bit about how you found out about 0 A.D.? It's always nice to get an idea how people find out about us
  19. I'd say it's worth it even without the discount. It's an interesting magazine and well written/illustrated articles for a fairly low amount of money. (And it's interesting to read even if you're not obsessed with the exact details of old weaponry etc, I've got a more general interest in history, but do still find it very interesting. There are a lot of those kind of things, after all it's called Ancient Warfare, so if you're into those things it's extra good )
  20. Hmm, you're a demanding lot you WFG/0 A.D. fans We'll see if we'll bring forth something more, but I'd suggest that you wait for next month and get pleasantly surprised in case we get something more together for this month (We need to "get the team together" after Christmas and all if nothing else )
  21. That's the plan yes I'm fairly sure that's how things will be set up yes.
  22. That's indeed a good idea, after all encouraging people who's into scenario designing is not a bad thing So Michel: upload your stuff!
  23. Great as always Boris! You've really managed to get all the tracks (that I've heard at least) to sound both individually unique and as parts of the same unity (and thus game). I really recommend everyone to download and listen to this (Only side effect might be that one gets too enthusiastic and can't contain oneself waiting for the game and thus tries to hunt down the team and imprison everyone in a cave until the game is finished ) EDIT: (That would have to be a cave with plenty of computer horsepower and coffee of course )
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