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Everything posted by coworotel

  1. Have you tried nomad mode? It's basically that but you have to walk to where you want to build your base.
  2. Yes, with the name "Mappa Europea III Secolo a.C." (which is the name given by @imperium inside the xml file). Map type "scenario".
  3. You can install the mod community maps (via Settings > Mod Selection).
  4. A24 probably is going to take a while to appear (as mentioned in this thread), and even if it is released the breaking changes in the mods probably won't be so huge.
  5. Seems that Alpha 24 is going to look much better than A23.
  6. It's very nice to see a new voice set. They feel much more Persian now. And cool new buildings! Any chance it is included in vanilla?
  7. I approve this + grid. Makes it look more like chess
  8. Scrolling quickly I thought this was a photo.
  9. I don't know if you guys heard of this project called openage, but it is interesting to see that in their desired feature list there are many things that are in 0 A.D. and some that are planned for it. https://github.com/SFTtech/openage/blob/master/doc/ideas/fr_technical_overview.md
  10. Looks nice! @MarcusAureliu#s do you want it included in the next version of the Community Maps mod?
  11. Another guy running 0 A.D. in Raspberry Pi. It seems that tiny maps with not too many resources could run smoothly. Maybe we could even make a mod for less powerful computers. hf
  12. Done! For the next version: Slow Tower, maybe Mines if I manage to implement. I made it a separate mod, so now I will have the freedom to mess up with all units, etc. That will help to try to fix the lag with the big waves (+100 as borg said is lagging and crashing the game).
  13. Are you saying this is the first fridge in history?
  14. Nice, I will make a map on this style.
  15. Thanks! Yes I thought about this, would be great if I changed the unit stats. I wanted also to change the loot for the units, but I thought having the original units could be interesting to see how much fire they can handle. I really wish there was a scale option in the template of actors to resize the models. In Warcraft III editor you had this option, usually these op units used graphics of standard units but scaled up like 1.5x.
  16. Yes, slowing towers would be really great, but I'm not sure how to implement that (if it is possible). The same for the mines
  17. I found a bug in the script, it was skipping the hardest waves I'll post an update soon. Edit: updated the files on the original post.
  18. Not sure if this is intended or a bug, but I was playing this map today and started without any military units... I went to phase 2, but since I only had workers, I could not build a barracks. The AI apparently had the same problem.
  19. Wow that's impressive! haha My best was 37th I think lol
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