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Lobby Moderators
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Everything posted by Hannibal_Barca

  1. Guess it's irrelevant from a certain point of view. Don't think it influences anything. Also I managed to fix it by running clean-workspaces and make clean
  2. Layering, baiting, dance (hand), dance (formation) and mountain-scaling can be added to the list (besides the numerous anti-gaia strategies) Discovering and exploiting bugs is a very thrilling pastime.
  3. While Wendy might be right in certain points, it is nevertheless forbidden to quit a rated 1v1 game without resigning. There is no room for such things as "but, in this case, i would have won anyway, bored, had to go" since once we allow that kind of thing, everyone will be claiming this and that. Even when it is about unsavoury characters, if you accept the responsibility of a rated game, please fulfill expectations. So Wendy, this incident has been noted and you may be removed - temporarily or permanently - from the service. This verdict was pronounced without the unanimous consent of the moderator team.You may appeal to another moderator to contest it.
  4. Seems like the issue got resolved. There was a server restart at some point @elexis
  5. Your account was banned from the lobby by @user1 with the following reason: Do not make multiple accounts. (yuy137) You aren't banned so it must have been your connection. "Connection refused by server" message does appear in such cases.
  6. Case noted Player confronted and given 1 last chance before ban
  7. The values have been changed in the svn version This close to release there is not much point in continuing to develop and update this, best if people aren't distracted from testing svn
  8. As far as I know the cleanest and possibly only way is to re-create the account This happens by deleting it and registering it again Also any ratings you got (at least recently) will not be affected Please reply here and tag me (@) if you would like to follow such a procedure.
  9. If the axe and sword champions will be differentiated, imo it would be nice to see both Sure, both get the limit of 1 and the player may choose to "favour" one of the gods by means of a pair tech On one hand you get the normal costing temple with axe champions (whatever they will do, also there is a hero to bonus these), on the other you choose the expensive and bulky Amun temples with the traditional sword champion As for max 1 Amun temple I agree it would be nice to limit such a huge structure and also its champions since Kush already got enough (This discussion closed on this thread due to not being in the least related to the actual topic)
  10. Not the same icon, maybe only your mind gets confused. You still don't get the historical point of view, @Sundiata the creator of Kushite civilization would never agree and we owe him this much. It would be nice to have more axemen in the game.
  11. "may have forgotten"? Did you have an account already? What happened? You are trying to recreate your old account or you are trying to log in to it. If you already have an account, you must click "Log in to an existing account" and enter your login info. From the way you typed this line I would deduce that you have previously created an account then either reinstalled your system or are trying to access it from a different device. Instead of clicking the right button you try to log in with your credentials using the create account tab and are rebuffed due to it being already existent. If this is not the case and you have merely forgotten your password please say so in the following post.
  12. We got a shortage of possible candidates Actually it's posting on forums and mentioning us. Because I don't think @elexis would be thrilled to look over replays in his tiny free time. But it might be useful to have a subforum we can check everyday.
  13. People need to contact us, either PM or mention us @Hannibal_Barca @user1 Thank you for reporting, the problem will be addressed.
  14. In my opinion the mount of a general got nothing to do with his abilities But I'm fine with it An idea: Cavalry Campaigner: Cavalry units +1 armor and have movement speed and vision range increased by 15/20%.
  15. You can disable spectators in the options Edit: also no need anything special, just a new window
  16. If you manually ungarrison units that were garrisoned by the bell, those units will be insensitive to the next bell
  17. The practice of betting for points is (as very correctly pointed out by @mapkoc) forbidden by the Terms of Use. Although betting on some poor unfortunate may be very fun and spikes interest, it is exceedingly excessive to bet 5 instaresigns on the outcome. Indeed, there is nothing else to bet besides points so I understand the view that @camel is representing. Nevertheless, the players involved should not have bet in such a manner: betting 5 instaresigns and then openly talking about it in lobby is not acceptable. This betting is not something we want to encourage, ratings aren't there for people to gain undeserved points. Now some fellow colleagues may not approve of my following verdict but I will say it nevertheless: IF an observer wants to bet with a friend on a player, so be it. BUT: A bet may only be placed with a maximum of one (1) instaresign at stake. A player may place maximum 1 bet per game. (= with 1 person) The bet may not be discussed in lobby. Other players in the game may validly report them Summing it up: we don't want to hear about it, we will ban if we do
  18. One of the most important things - stood out on video starting image Your farms are very loosely placed: note the gaps between the CC and the farm edge Farms should be placed as tightly as possible, don't care about aesthetics, focus on productivity - basically as many as near as possible to each other and to dropsite
  19. Units gain experience (in barracks, or for romans after researching tech) In time
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