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Everything posted by Grapjas

  1. I thought they did this to just troll and f around, but this is honestly a sign of mental illness in some form. Although taking pleasure in ruining other people's experiences is also walking that line but i digress.
  2. lmk if you need some help or have some suggestions when you get to it, would love to hear it.
  3. @real_tabasco_sauceYeah i plan to expand upon it with different types of envoirementals in the future with some even having some beneficial effects. It's technically an template entity with an aura. I made a small component for the moving and spawning, but needs a map script[1][2] i made so that i can control what maps get what types of envoirementals. Not familiar with the random map gen code but i guess it should be failry easily if you wanted to.
  4. Big update! New structure: Braziers! Ranged units near it will shoot flaming projectiles and apply burning. Can be toggled on or off. While on it consumes 1 wood per second. Han civilization is working Arcing projectiles! (thanks to @BB code with some of my own modifications to it) Improved rearm aura code Numerous prop & animation fixes Code cleanup Better flaming projectiles Walls can be built on top of tree's (tree's will be destroyed upon completion) Improved tooltips (added ammo and energy stats to them aswell) Unit resistance corrections Pikeman and spearman cav bonus fixed Add bleed status effect to the game (dogs have this now) Envoirementals like sandstorms! (just sandstorm for now). They will spawn randomly throughout the game and move around and dissapear after some time. Sandstorm effects: Slowly damages organic units caught within and heavily reduces vision range. sandstorm maps: atlas valleys, butana steppe, crocodilopolis, death canyon, egypt, golden oasis, hindu kush, libyan oasis (2p, 4p), median oasis (2p, 4p), saharan oasis (2p, 4p), sahel, syria, team oasis, tarim basin (2p, 4p) Probably other new stuff i forgot to note down along the way. sandstorm.mp4 sandstorm showcase arcing_fire_projectiles.mp4 brazier & arcing projectiles showcase Updated orignal post download links. @Stan`when you have time can you take a look and approve on modio? Also why is my orignal post hidden after edit?
  5. It gets called alot throughout when the foundation is being built, but the statement should still only run once. Maybe twice, but engine.DestroyEntity does nothing gamebreaking if the ent doesn't exist anyway otherwise i'd expect it to throw an error. EDIT: you are right the var should be emptied if it does called multiple times though
  6. Well, as i said it was more of a prototype code and expected someone to build off of it . As for entsToDestroy, it doesn't need to be cleaned or emptied because a foundation will just start with an empty variable to begin with and be gone when the foundation has been built. The new zip below has some fun JS edge case (also why are empty arrays truthy ) going on where it pushes ent twice, not really an issue but it shouldn't regardless. Also got the shading to mark entities red that would be destroyed semi working aswell (not in this zip tho) but i've honestly got to much projects going on to finish it anytime soon lol. Lemme know if this one's better and tweak it as you need. BTW, can't you simply delete my mod (or files) to test if it still happens without? walls_destroy_trees.zip
  7. The last line in Stan's link is pretty important and different from a "normal" component type aswell so be sure to get that right. If that doesn't solve it, could you share your code on pastebin or something?
  8. Just a heads up this line should be if (this.GetBuildProgress() == 1.0 && this.entsToDestroy) and i also didnt check OOS (probably fine though). Was more of a prototype code.
  9. Was a bit bored so i made it anyway, lol. Do with it as you (anyone) please. Delete the Foundation file if you want the trees to disappear the moment they start building, otherwise they will only be deleted until the wall is done (to prevent exploits?). walls_destroy_trees.pyromod Btw, the tooltips like "cannot be built on another building or resource" for walls aren't working in vanilla. A project for someone else
  10. You could probably do something like replacing this line with let collisions = cmpObstruction.GetEntitiesBlockingConstruction(); then check if those entities are a tree class (or whatever class it is) and pass ret as "success". Not sure if that would delete the trees but if not then you probably need to tweak the commit function in foundation or the IsFinished() function if you only wanted them deleted when the building is done.
  11. Could try to add these to the tree template <BlockConstruction>false</BlockConstruction> <BlockFoundation>false</BlockFoundation> But it would work for all structures though. If you need, I can share a snippet on how you can probably do this in components tomorrow.
  12. since TemplateLoader returns undefined, i'm guessing you either are missing a template you are referencing to, or have a typo to a template you are referencing to (within the mixin's/parent's template ref). I think the errors that come after the 2nd error line are just the result of templateloader not returning anything. Which could explain why you can just play a civ just fine, but only untill that buggy template comes into play, if you haven't encountered it yet while playing it's probably a not much used unit. Those are my quick 2 cents but maybe someone else might help you better. EDIT: I also just noticed you have `.keep` files in your templates folder for mycea in both units and structures which troj doesn't have, you can try deleting those. It might be that templateloader is trying to initialize those.
  13. What map size are you using? It doesn't seem big. With a bigger map you can have more details (chili for example is uninhabitable), and players will have more build space, because some spots don't have alot of space to build (with in mind that tree's etc still need to be placed). You can also look into generating a map from height terrain map data, it'll basically sculpture the terrain based off of real data. Obviously a bigger map also means more work but you can have some cool results. Up to you ofcourse. EDIT: I just noticed in your OP that you were using heightmaps already, lol.
  14. @JoaGalo2 I forgot to mention, the semi release has a folder inside the zip (it's the way github does it). Extract that folder into the mods folder. It might be the culprit for not showing up.
  15. @JoaGalo2 the 'no mod has been selected' simply is because you didnt select a mod from that list. Try starting 0 ad normally then go to settings>mod selection. If you installed the semi release version grapejuice will be in the list. Double click it and press save and restart.
  16. I'm not sure what's going wrong, can you post a screenie of your ingame settings>mod selection menu? The version i just linked definitely works though.
  17. The mod is out of date unless you use this semi release version.
  18. Dont think so. I could look into making it sometime but i would do it differently than how its currently done in Grapejuice. As a matter of fact, i would probably rewrite Grapejuice entirely because of the things i learned along the way.
  19. I remember this bug, i believe it had something to do with units that are there when the game starts (units placed by the map creator). Those will be out of sync. But units created by players don't have this issue. I think theres a ticket for it but trac seems to be down atm.
  20. You need to focus on the ones that aren't there, theres a decent chance the other errors will dissapear aswell. Also templates have a inherit/mixin system, is the entire root present? You could try working from a version that last worked with vanilla (if there was one), instead of a full reset this would obviously better. I doubt Wow has a magical solution for you but who knows.
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