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Grapjas last won the day on February 12

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  1. IIRC someone was working on improving AI and making personalities for it. Not sure how that progressed, havent been on IRC for some time. His name was jcwasmx96 or something like that. Edit: he hasn't been active since may 2022 it seems.
  2. I'm pretty sure someone can recompile the game and still play with people in the lobby if all you did was disable a check. Maybe someone more knowledgeable can confirm. A checksum can be networked, what isn't there can be made. Still leaves the problem above though. But you'd cut out a decent portion of cheaters, untill someone publishes an alternative 0ad build they can install with a simple .exe. It only shows signed mods afaik. Or better said, mods downloaded through the ingame downloader, which is the same thing.
  3. Yeah it's gotta be exhausting being obtuse on purpose i guess. It's wasted energy. But now some volunteers have to find a solution to make games fair, which would've happened sooner or later anyway so its not a bad thing persé. Onto that subject, i think a "no mods" toggle for the host would be nice thats on by default. But im not sure 0ad supports loading/unloading mods on the fly yet, seeing how you need to restart the game if you download a mod. On the other hand coding while playing does live update. Haven't looked into that much yet, and if it's on the cpp side of things im not even going to lol. Maybe a mod can be made that detects unsigned mods or shows what files people have altered.
  4. I mean alot of games have tasks/routine that come with the genre, but that's not what i said anyway. You still need to adapt to the game and what's happening around you and be faster than the enemy. And thats excactly the unfair advantage it gives opposed to someone who doesn't use it, dont you see that? You're being really obtuse about it tbh. I'm sure there are people that would love to play it. It honestly sounds like total war games are better suited for your RTS itch if all you want to do is slay but w/e.
  5. I'd be heavily against implementing more automation into vanilla. It's part of the rts to juggle all balls, economy, warfare and management. Satisfaction comes from mastering those aspects of the game and beat your opponent fairly, meaning either all have the same mod(s) or no one has a mod. If you feel you need automation to win certain games then you are simply playing against players out of your league. Or if you feel like you are forgetting to keep producing units then you have an area to focus and improve on. No disrespect meant to any player whatsoever. I do think you have to be a little dense if you think automating half the game for you does not give you an advantage and isn't cheating though.
  6. You could probably do it via triggerscripts, you can then control which maps you want what soundtrack on very specifically.
  7. Can confirm you can do this via delayed damage cmp, just tested it. Fun fact; only missed projectiles stay on the ground in vanilla (if they have an actor anyway).
  8. IIRC the delayed damage cmp does all. Might misremember though, been a while. Also, I doubt theres anything to gain from this at all if a projectile has no particles tbh.
  9. You can override the impactActorLifetime in the Attack component. There is also a DelayedDamage component, which I used in grapejuice as a workaround at some point (not anymore though). You're going to have to test OOS cases yourself although im fairly sure when doing it through DelayedDamage component it wont OOS.
  10. It's not an abandoned project, i'll come around to it but it's not a focus atm. Ty for the interest
  11. I thought they did this to just troll and f around, but this is honestly a sign of mental illness in some form. Although taking pleasure in ruining other people's experiences is also walking that line but i digress.
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