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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by Dizaka

  1. Issue with non-champion xbows is that Persians originally had non-champion chariot archers. Now those units are nonexistant as all chariot units are champion units. I think this kind of change might be going against previous changes, but idk.
  2. Actually, I change my mind. Fertility festival is about as effective as regular booming. I've tried regular booming and I can do about the same boom as with fertility festival. @LetswaveaBooksort of agree with you now. I haven't done regular booms and just played Maurya with a fertility festival. After playing other civs then coming back to Mauryas I can do same, and/or better, in booming without fertility festival. However, fertility festival is critical after 18 min +. It's important for quick recovery.
  3. I disagree. 90% games I've played I've used fertility festival in a25. Issue is most people still don't rush and are extremely afraid of it. If you are pocket more reason to boom with fertility festival. If your border enemy is Rome/Mace and you do fertility festival without spear then you're SOL and RIP. Scouting is important here. The only thing to be fearful of though is Rome/Macedonains for their spear cav. Spear cav for some reason are super dangerous. Skrim Cav are eh. Camel archers, if you can build regular archers, are easily countered.
  4. Axe is mostly slash damage. There is little pierce/buldgeon damage. This makes axe units appear to have the same stats as swordsmen units. Could be substitutes for civs that don't have sword. These units could cost 10 stone vs 10 metal. Either way, I would suggest axe be slash / buldgeon (bash) damage so that these units could take down buildings more-so than swordsmen.
  5. Valid point. Was thinking it is something that can be user-set. Either by modifying some xml files or through other means.
  6. Unintentional consequence could be that now you can split up ranged dmg to targets by doing max attackers as 2. Effectively, that'd make Macedonian xbow best units IG :P. Same range as regular bow but 40 pierce dmg. Usually, they target mostly the same units though, hah. But darn, I thought dancing was solved/done with.
  7. Make sure both of you are using the same version of the alpha (most recent is a25)
  8. #SAVEMACEDONIANS Edit: It appears that Kushites lost the 3x bonus vs champions that one of their temple champion units had sometime in the last 2 alphas. That was up there with the uniqueness.
  9. @Player of 0AD you're right. I need to stop skimming things ;(.
  10. More metal. Way more metal. Don't specifically have to worry about running out of metal. Means you don't need to tell yourself "I only have 1 metal mine, I cannot play offensive." Had plenty of games like that previously. At least two metal mines means it is ok to try to be offensive. Currently, there is so much metal there is no reason to worry about not jumping into the fighting.
  11. Mauryan Harmya (building for heroes) can be built more than 5 times (Description says 5 times only). Was able to build at least 12, didn't check how many I could build. This building builds champion swordsmen and maurya is one of two civs (Maurya/Iber) that receive the R3 blacksmith bonus for sword. Also, not sure if this is a bug but Maurya sword cav is now strongest non-champion sword cav IG. (Sword upgrade upgrades sword cav)
  12. I think archer walk speed decrease would be least impactful to Mauryas b/c of worker elephants. However, "resource walk speed" and "walk speed" should be two different attributes to prevent resource speed balancing from impacting military balancing. If other civs ever get 'carts' then archer civs at disadvantages ....
  13. This strategy only works in mins 15-18. The earlier the more effective. Afterwards, elephants as melee tanks/dps are not really usable due to their squishines. Anyway, this strategy (not 100 archers, more like 50/50 mix with spear and sword) still seems valid in a25. Moreso for Mauryas than any other civ.
  14. I like strategy in strategy games. The question would be is such a strategy the equivalent of 1 hero dodging 120 slingers and being unkillable. It appears to be the same thing, however, on a substantially smaller scale requiring more control and planning. Also, just played Mauryas and they feel the same. Probably still a tier 1 civ imo. Might depend on how well skrim kill elephants.
  15. Final (I believe but my beliefs can be wrong) RC made available by Stan'. Let's play? @borg_ @Feldfeld @chrstgtr @Stockfish @ffffffff@nani@Pudim@JC (naval supremacist)@Yekaterina@carthage@BoredRusher@Boudica@vinme@Dakara@Dizaka@faction02@cl2488@Jofursloft@Wendy22@badosu @MarcusAureliu#s@BreakfastBurrito_007@aixo@bbgotbanned@letsplay0ad@alre@Yekaterina@Gurken Khan@flint1@seeh
  16. @Stan`Got it, ty. @seehyea, definitely. Just making sure that I'm approaching this the right way before spending excessive time on trying to make something work in a way that it shouldn't work. Edit: Everything works as it should. Thank you for help.
  17. @Stan`@Yekaterina (Please note this a problem that exists between my keyboard and chair. The problem is likely dumb but an answer would put me in the right direction.) For Linux, would I just have to put the build and data files in the 'same folder' and build it as I would build SVN? Asking before I over complicate everything, without a knowledgeable background, so that maybe I'll get close to correct on the first try.
  18. @YekaterinaI got it working. For some reason my svn folder belonged to group and user root (likely used sudo like it was my coffee habit). Had to switch that as the build commands wouldn't work. So I have everything working at revision 25837.
  19. Currently a Debian n00b trying to get off his Windows high. Tried doing a24 on Debian but I've got a long way before I can follow the instructions provided to play a24. I think a25 might be more difficult. Wish I could participate, but currently my problems lie between my keyboard and chair. Have fun, though!
  20. There's the formation that puts healers in the middle. There's also the formation that puts elephants in the front (they 'god-walk' through your own units). Use this one when eles get stuck in the middle of units. The formation that puts elephants in the front, coincidentally, also puts rams up front. Rams, unlike eles, cannot attack units and/or farms. Makes it frustrating with rams.
  21. Random capturable buildings would be interesting. However, what would happen if someone decided to build their base around these buildings? Like highly fortify it. Would it impact the game massively? How effective would the mercenary training be? How many buildings? Would they be close together or all over the map? IDK. Ptolemies used to be a solely 'merc-oriented' civ with the Skrimishers. They used to cost 10 (or 20?) metal and be built right from the CC in p1. They didn't really impact balance. Actually, Ptolemies were always risky to use Skrimishers b/c you ALWAYS needed a 2nd metal mine. Actually, b/c of cav upgrades you couldn't rush in a23 with ptol skrimishers. In a22 you could have. Currently, the skrimishers are 60 metal. They are rarely used. They can only be built during and after p2. The main thing about mercs is the metal cost. The big difference between a23 and a24 mercs was that they ranked up faster than other units. Ptol, however, had the added bonus of discounted merc units. Currently, at 60 metal cost, mercs are a no-go in any game. As long as the cost remains at 60 they won't be used.
  22. Right, but for some civs you end up with bad stuff like Ptolemies getting their "no wood cost" dynamic taken away, etc. Now it is a reduced wood cost and the civ plays completely different (still strong though).
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