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Everything posted by fatherbushido

  1. what do you mean? we have yet that isnt it (number of gatherers)?
  2. @Enrique: can you look at commiting infantry_javelinist_b.xml infantry_javelinist_e.xml infantry_javelinist_a.xml <Icon>units/ptol_infantry_javelinist_merc.png</Icon> and
  3. @wowgetoffyourcellphone: in DE, the Mauritanian archer (Cart) is a mercenary. Currently it isn't in public mod. Do you feel it more a mercenary? Else could you provide us a blue version? And the same for the Judean slingers (Ptol).
  4. @LordGood I was talking of building (target). Indeed currently catapult should be more capturable or not capturable (we had that debate for rams). Else about rams, I find them ok (but de gustibus non est disputandum ;-))
  5. @Rufy Currently building are mainly intended to be destroyed by siege units or captured by infantry and cavalry. So siege units will destroy it and if it's not garrisoned or enough destroyed, you can capture it. One have also the possibility to damage a bit a building with unit but that's the second (alternative) attack.
  6. Ok! I will edit some templates. Else I don't see portraits for Ptolemaic Mercenary Thureos Skirmisher (nor in DE github, nor in current svn). That one in green could be nice mace_infantry_javelinist.png
  7. Ok! So some champs (athenian archers and some) should get red? I would prefer that too. In public mod that Mercenary Thureos Skirmisher unit is non champion mercenary.
  8. It would be nice to have a portrait for that Ptolemaic unit. (A green one to follow the current portraits design.) ping @Enrique@wowgetoffyourcellphone@niektb and others :-)
  9. 3 hours is a lot though. I played several days in an old alpha against AIs. And finally noticed it does nothing when loading a save game. (saved games didn't yet work with ai's). :-)
  10. Oh in your tech requirements, use 'phase_town' instead of 'phase_town_roma' as it's replaced (same for all such things). Be also carefull with things like "phase_town_expansionism" and "bottom": "phase_town_defensive" It seems that one is problematic? { "genericName": "Empire Phase", "specificName": { "imp": "Imperium Romanum" }, "description": "Moves your civilization from urbanism to imperialism, unlocking powerful technologies and abilities not available in earlier phases of expansion.", "cost": {"food": 0, "wood": 0, "stone": 0, "metal": 0}, "requirements": {"all": [{"class": "Wonder", "number": 1 }, {"civ": "imp"}]}, "requirementsTooltip": "Requires 1 Wonder to be built.", "supersedes": "phase_city_roma", "replaces": ["phase_imperial"], "icon": "imperial_phase.png", "researchTime": 0, "tooltip": "Advance to Empire Phase, which unlocks powerful technologies and abilities. Territory radius for Civic Centers increased by a final +50% (Imperium Romanum civ bonus) and vision range for Citizen and Legionary units increased by a final +25%.", "modifications": [ {"value": "TerritoryInfluence/Radius", "multiply": 1.50, "affects": "CivCentre"}, {"value": "Vision/Range", "multiply": 1.25, "affects": "CivCentre"}, {"value": "Vision/Range", "multiply": 1.25, "affects": "Unit"} ], "soundComplete": "interface/alarm/alarm_phase.xml" }
  11. @s0600204: any clue? The unit wich search tech could be involved (I really think that's it) or the glory cost.
  12. @wowgetoffyourcellphone: did you fix your specific phase techs? for example in your file phase_town_roma.json "requirements": {"all": [{"class": "Vesta", "number": 1 }, {"civ": "imp"}]}, should be replaced by "requirements": { "all": [{ "entity": { "class": "Vesta", "number": 1 } }, { "civ": "imp" }] }, Here is the list (in your a21 version) of the techs to edit phase_city_britons.json phase_city_athen.json phase_imperial_athen.json phase_town.json phase_imperial_roma.json phase_imperial_celt.json phase_imperial.json phase_town_athen.json mauryans/unlock_females_house.json phase_town_roma.json phase_city_gauls.json phase_city_roma.json phase_city.json
  13. Uhm that's strange. It appears in structure tree also or only in construction/training panel ? Imo, that's not needed as only js changed.
  14. Yes, it should! Sure, the structure tree load all techs. I m not sure that technology searched at unit is yet correctly handled by structure tree. Should be ok, we explicitely tested that case. Perhaps, it's related to 'glory' cost?
  15. We checked it for pair techs. Can you update one of your json file? Take care (I updated the doc) of the new form of class number requirements
  16. All those celts stuff are often complex. Here it seems there is nothing wrong. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galatia
  17. We had yet that. And it s nice to have units provided in some type of games but not in other. In fact all heros even not trainable in a structure are loaded from the units folder. So all is fine.
  18. @wowgetoffyourcellphone: it should work now. Have you some other idea for spartans? (http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Civ%3A_Spartans#TEAMBONUS)
  19. Yes! It's really missing, the current placeholder is smaller than the ptolem octeres :/
  20. Venustas sounds good related to all the new art content.
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