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King Tutankhamun

WFG Retired
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Everything posted by King Tutankhamun

  1. Ads would be cool, it would bring more people in.
  2. Yes, it was dissapointing to me. I didn't like the storyline and the graphics.
  3. I havn't realy played a game in a while. But the most used is Halo.
  4. I am not a expert on C++, but I want to learn more about it probally.
  5. Or how about that the winner decides the theme for the next contest. Probally a month is good time.
  6. I guess it is tomorrow for some people, I am wrong. See you in school tomorrow Brian.
  7. Actully his birthday is tomorrow, but happy early birthday Brian.
  8. OMG that is a good one Elf. I will have to try that when I start driving soon. Follow somebody around, it is funny. I liked so much I give rep+
  9. I both like action and comedy. There are so many great ones of each type.
  10. That is really neat Klaas. I also like old war collectibles. My grandpa was in WWII fighting aginst the Japanese, and he shot one and stole his sword around his neck. Now we have this old sword in a closet, with neat incriptions on it.
  11. I used to play Rollercoaster Tycoon alot but not anymore. I beat it and it boarded me.
  12. I guessif I counted it , I have been 3-4 times on a LAN. I didn't realize it at first, because it was with only one other person.
  13. What's something that people do in traffic that really borthers you? I don't like it when they think they are being 'discreet' when the finger is in the nose, but they are not. It is obvious what their goal is. When people cut us off, it bugs me as it does everyone else. So, what are your thoughts?
  14. BTW I was not 'flamming', I first responded saying "yeah, Matt." then on the next line it was my reponce to my topic(one word description). I had described myself as a "genious" and was not referring to any previous posts, but was stating a new word. Maybe before you might have considered it 'flamming' but I was explaining false acuzations that were to me. I hope you undersand. Creative- I like to invent new things,a nd make up new ideas.
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