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King Tutankhamun

WFG Retired
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Everything posted by King Tutankhamun

  1. Game: Halo Movie: Terminator 2 TV Show: CSI Food: Sushi, pizza Dessert: cake Sport:bike riding Website:WFG, ebay Day: Friday Holiday: Christmas School Subject: Science Book: Treasure Island Music: Rap/rock
  2. Indeed Nathan, where in California? perhaps Thousand Oaks or Westlake? Have fun everyone.
  3. Ok, look here http://people.howstuffworks.com/fireworks.htm and on the next page on the bottom.
  4. Ohh goody, I have some and I think Brian has a weird one too. Also look at the custom ones from messanger MSN Special Icons I might have more, but they are in .ico format and won't display on a website correctly. Hope you like!
  5. Interesting, very interesting. Here in the US it is illegal to drink under 21 and illegal under 18 for smoking I belive. I do none, because I am 14 361/365 days old.
  6. My biology teacher has the exact same one for her Power Point shows.
  7. The topic was changed after I posted, so therefore it makes no sence. I don't have a job, except being the street computer repair guy.
  8. I will be at home and probally on the computer some of the time.
  9. I always look forward to this time because it it my birthday and Christmas on the same day! Yeah!!!! I love taking a break form school, it is just cool.
  10. Very nice theme going guys. Maybe have it change for all of the major holidays (my birthday) Only 4 more days everyone!
  11. Humm, this thread sounds familar and it Was Closed before! I am not usuing any of those except kazaa to find sound effect clips to mix into a song.
  12. Some would say 'poor us', but I am fine with staying home some of the time as long as I can go on the compter or watch movies.
  13. Those cop jokes are good ones! I like number 19. Keep them coming, I love laughs!
  14. I will stay at home and play games, read 600 pages, play with presents and other stuff. Take some pictures for me!
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