If your backend is set to Vulkan and no errors on start (like switching to GL) then Vulkan is working. 100% check is to look at the userreport_hwdetect file at "renderer_backend"."name".
Which OS and which version of it do you use? Maybe try to install the game to a different location (if possible)? Like another disk. Also maybe redownload the game installer or use a different source (https vs torrent).
Could attach logs? (You might find a path to them here: http://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/wiki/GameDataPaths)
Currently it sounds like an incorrectly installed application. Maybe try to delete all installed 0 A.D. games and install the 0.27 version again.
It seems Vulkan wasn't able to start for you. Maybe you need to update video drivers. Could you attach logs after a run when you got that message (https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/wiki/GameDataPaths)?
And that the only people who enabled reports, we might have noticeably more.
Yes, I'm waiting for the release.
There is no daily statistics, only for some period.