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vladislavbelov last won the day on April 8 2024

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About vladislavbelov

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    Graphics programming

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Primus Pilus

Primus Pilus (7/14)



  1. Could you share your userreport_hwdetect.txt?
  2. If your backend is set to Vulkan and no errors on start (like switching to GL) then Vulkan is working. 100% check is to look at the userreport_hwdetect file at "renderer_backend"."name".
  3. Maybe a different folder? Like C:\Games\ Hmm, do you have an antivirus? Also did you have the previous version of the game? If yes was it working?
  4. Which OS and which version of it do you use? Maybe try to install the game to a different location (if possible)? Like another disk. Also maybe redownload the game installer or use a different source (https vs torrent).
  5. Could attach logs? (You might find a path to them here: http://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/wiki/GameDataPaths) Currently it sounds like an incorrectly installed application. Maybe try to delete all installed 0 A.D. games and install the 0.27 version again.
  6. I might suggest a bit techy way: open in-game profiler with F11 on a laggy scene and share result of the appeared window.
  7. Hi! You need to disable GPU skinning in the graphics settings. The command for screenshots is F2
  8. It seems Vulkan wasn't able to start for you. Maybe you need to update video drivers. Could you attach logs after a run when you got that message (https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/wiki/GameDataPaths)?
  9. And that the only people who enabled reports, we might have noticeably more. Yes, I'm waiting for the release. There is no daily statistics, only for some period.
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