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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Do not have any ambition for campaign? What is the plan? And the game has all kind of eyecandy stuff and buildings.Maybe should delete all of those too?
  2. I think Diplo screen need complete redesigning to be the honest. And I like your suggestion. 1. Should not see civs of each player until they have been scouted. 2. Maybe see info about your allies after you have research Cartography (expanding on jonbaier's idea). 3. Tribute needs complete overhaul, the way the buttons work, everything, (and would be nice to have tribute penalty at first that can be remove with tech, like in AOE franchise). 4. Overall the window is too small for new stuff/updated overhaul.
  3. AO maps need 2nd set of UVs exported with mesh. Also, each mesh need to generate its own AO map in Blender first.
  4. I use to have a PDF that told of the commands that would be use in a phalanx battle. I will see if I can fins.
  5. Just make some with the different civ building textures. Persians Ptol and Carths textures would be good for desert, etc.
  6. The current ruin objects are good start! Keep going with it. Ruined Greek temples. Ruined Persian temples. etc. Burned out/destroyed versions of some buildings. Don't forget AO maps.
  7. The game is not currently large at all. AAA downloads are now approaching 50GB (this is of course excessive, but 0 A.D. download is what? 600mb?).
  8. Right, but not like it can't go into Atlas for eye candy or other purposes it's what I'm saying.
  9. Bronze age (Minoans/Mycenaeans) end in 1100 BC. Classical Age starts at 500 BC (so, 600 years). But you are right, the ruins would still be pretty substantial and ruined.
  10. Maybe originals included for modders or reason game fail to launch if you remove them may be some kind of (obsolete?) crosscheck?
  11. The game does use them. If there is newer XML than XMB, then the XML overtake. Game caches lots of stuff to binary format as far as I can tell.
  12. Make sure to have AO maps to make them fit with other structure. This is a great topic.
  13. Ruin objects would be great. Ruins of existing building and ruins of previous building would be wonderful to depict the rich history of the 0 A.D. world that stretches back thousand of years. What about the Great Sphynix? Also, someone mentioned Minoans and Mycenaeans. Great ideas. Make sure they use AO maps and normal maps and spec maps.
  14. Right hand of statue has bad geometry and possible flipped normals. Overall it is a very cool wonder.
  15. I read on this forum a long time ago about Siege Tunnel idea to undermine wall and defensive structure.
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