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Everything posted by Justinian

  1. AoE3 strategies probably wouldn't work spectacularly well in 0AD because you are more concerned with range et. al. when you are planning attacks. It's a game which lives on Guns, and there where no 'guns' in the 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, or 1st centuries BC.
  2. I think a good tactic for a rusher would be: Strong Troops (expensive): 60%, ready for attack Cheaper Troops 40%: in minority, gathering so that the Strong Troops can raid. A Boomer might: Strong Troops: 70-80%, gathering resources and defending points of interest Cheaper Troops: 20-30%, Gathering Resources/Raiding sporadically
  3. I will do what I always do against the AI, Slow, steady progress with a Boomer, If I had an Ally, I would use them as a feeder/guardian. It's all about taking as opposed to giving.
  4. Filipino mum, and an Aussie dad. Don't really think I can fall into any of the above.
  5. @ Emjer: Go for maybe 6 rows of 6 and you'd be so much closer.
  6. Major Thread necro THere is a shot of Romans attacking Carthaginian Troops but that's fairly old.... darn you all, making me want to play EB or RTW
  7. I'm not such a fan. Empirical Era FTW!
  8. This is where we get worried
  9. So it's due for release between now and the London Olympics... sweet .
  10. I was thinking more like an AI which plays the like you (or someone who kicks the living **** out of you). This way you would be able to learn how to play people who play in different styles. Which would probably raise the standard of play online.
  11. I'm sure that we can change that. Question: would it be possible to have the AI mimic a player in it's style for example: Michael is slow, and focuses more on un-important buildings and research over massed troops. AI michael is "".
  12. The Testudo should be formable, if only in pt.2
  13. An awesome campaign would be "Life and Times of The Roman Kingdom". You have Sabines, Celts (or is it Gauls), Etruscans and a Roman Civil War! Plus it falls into the right timeline for pt.1.
  14. Yes they AI will form formations, and (hopefully) not just swarms the base but actually masses before raids.
  15. If you had capturing enabled you could make NPF's and have the Player take the "town center" thereby subjating said peoples and giving you their UU. Just a suggestion.
  16. TLA is based on Arda, which unless I'm very mistaken is BASED on the Tolkien world. I seriously doubt you'll even hear 'bout the fellowship in that one!
  17. @ janwas: this is for people who can/will pay for 0AD (roughly 99.9% of the community), and are worried that they won't be a part of the closed Beta. Like me, 'cept I'd have to do some serious scrounging to make any kind of cash. Payable to the outside world.
  18. Easy to mod = EPIC WIN I'm taking an IT programming course in a few weeks so... YAY. If anyones ever heard of the AIE (Academy of Interactive Entertainment), then that's where I'm going for formal training.
  19. What Feneur says is preety much carved in stone. He seems to know what goes where and that's good enough for me.
  20. I meant no to the Star Wars, Star Craft and other © or objects.
  21. I think it will be more like x-unit is better at y-task. For example, the Hoplitai will be better at fighting, but the... Celtic Soldier would be better at gathering and building. Glorious Roma will have troops who are somewhere in the middle? Guess who I'm waiting to play as!
  22. Then they can learn! We still know HOW it is spoken, thanks in part to the Byzantines.
  23. Modern Greek and Ancient Greek differ greatly do they not?
  24. They are trying not to do these as there are certain copyright infringment issues which do need to be avoided.
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