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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Justinian

  1. Necro Time! It'd be kick-@#$% to see Sea-Walls.
  2. Like how in EE2, walls could be 'úpgraded' with either a wall tower or a gate!
  3. I mean editable. Like the Total war Years per turn, fatigue or supply.
  4. Please make it so. If it's only 200 I'll run out of room in seconds! (with cheats)
  5. No usually that gets done last Just Fixed maps, like an FPS.
  6. Knights of Honor is a good medieval version. If you like Europa Universalis. /shameless plug. It is pretty much M2TW with more choices. And it IS NOT a turn based strategy.
  7. You could always make some minor adjustments (hair, clothes, name, etc.) and make the cheats "similar".
  8. What Belisavrius said. 'cept for the part where egyptians are involved. Because they are not. They struggled to be EVEN a Regional power by these stages. If we had minor civs, definitely; otherwise, HECK NO.
  9. Yeah I was 13 and I knew how triggers worked. Well most of the Time anyway.
  10. There are set formations for troops. Eg: Hoplites: Phalanx Macedonian Pikeman (name): Syntagma Legionaires: Testudo Cavalry: Wedge
  11. I started at 13. I am now 16. I wonder if I'll reach 21 by the time pt 2 is released.
  12. Sounds like Dawn of War I look forward to it ! Also I was wondering whether Roman troops were flatpack (faster movement but have to be armed before battle).
  13. so lets say the host sets pop cap to 1000. does that mean it will be split evenly through the (eg/ 4) players. making 250pp in a 4p match (p = player) or does that mean 1000 soldiers for all.
  14. Maybe it's time to start thinking about 0AD pt.2.
  15. With amount of time they are taking is just making the game better. Think of the game like a very fine wine. I tastes better and is worth more the longer you keep it. That doesn't stop your 16 year old child from wanting to drink right away though. As I've heard a hundred different people say, "quality over quantity". So surely it can't hurt to wait just a little bit longer for true quality.
  16. It's great because here there aren't two billion threads asking for when and if this mod is finished. Or at least not that I've seen (I haven't looked).
  17. So the archers on the walls get damaged. @ Mythos: the way you put it I almost thought that the catapualts besieging the fort would take the hit.
  18. I think he means Degradation (word) as a building goes down healthwise. For those who don't understand what I meant: I think that Alex meant as a building or unit takes damage will it be visible. Also will it be Dynamic (from what I saw of AoE 3), depending on where it gets hit is where the damage shows up, Or will it be Static (AoE 1-2) where the damage is constant and only happens in a set order at set damage triggers.
  19. I would be very surprised if the building damage isn't implemented, though I personally have only seen one instance of somewhere that employs infantry damage and that was M2TW.
  20. Beta's are usually a collection of SP maps and sometimes MP maps (look at Halo 3). The campaign gets worked on while the bugs and kinks are ironed out of the system.
  21. @ Belisarius: Isn't one of RTW's criticisms that it was so inaccurate. @ Mythos : It sounds alot like RoN, where horses are a strategic resource, a bonus if you will, and having them made your cavalry tougher (I think). It also gave you food and gold but I like the bonuses more.
  22. Would we be able to extinctify (word), make extinct, animals from a map...
  23. from what I understand: 1: AOE style 2: No 3: Little - Very little
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