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Everything posted by niektb

  1. Good news! While exploring the repo, I discovered that there was a viking longboat present as a structure. One less model to be created! It should only be transformed into a unit. You can find the .xml-file in /art/actors/structures/viking
  2. I created an organisation with a repo instead of one on my own account: https://github.com/MillenniumAD/millenniumad this means a new URL.
  3. So far, so good. The land units are finished in the proposal, the modeling and (re)texturing can begin. Next step in the proposal will be the buildings. But first I want to discuss the viking gameplay (I do it now because buildings take a vital role in it). As one might recall I had already posted some ideas: What I'm actually saying here is that Longhouses are more important as you can train female citizens and one basic type of viking warriors. CC's will actually not exist, the Chief's House would look like it, but shouldn't be exactly the same (or should it?). Does somebody has a good idea on how to fit the Longhouse and the Chief's House into the game?
  4. Berserker Type: champion-soldier, melee infantry, one-handed spearman wielding a rough dark (brown?) shield. skills: low armor / hitpoints, strong attack, swift. Especially known for their berserkergang, they worked themselves into rage before battle and consumed drugged food and the berserkers were used as shock troops. These Odin's men, as they also were called, had a habit of wearing a pelt as armor. Being lawless madmen they were feared by the whole community and outlawed in the 11th century by King Erik. They are a bit like the Gaul's Naked Fanatic with the exception of wearing a shield and pelt.
  5. Better upload it as .patch file. (See the wiki)
  6. An update: Theme song: To the Ends of the Earth / Sons of Avalon I can't decide which one to use, any suggestions? Victory song: On the Road to Adventures (The other song.) Battle song: - Valor - ? I need a second song, any suggestions? Viking songs: - Land of Eternal Winter - To Valhalla Once more I want to point out that you can find Antii's songs here: http://anttimartikainen.bandcamp.com/ http://www.jamendo.com/en/artist/426659/antti-martikainen Edit: I changed my mind. Vikings are going to have 2 songs. I changed the victory song into On the Road to Adventures. Any opinions are very welcome. Antti_Martikainen_-_To_Valhalla_.mp3 01 - Antti Martikainen - Sons of Avalon.mp3 01 - Antti Martikainen - Valor.mp3 04 - Antti Martikainen - Antti Martikainen - The Forbidden City.mp3 20 - Antti Martikainen - Antti Martikainen - To the Ends of the Earth.mp3 Antti_Martikainen_-_The_Land_of_Eternal_Winter.mp3
  7. Well, basically the Viking Huscarls and the Saxon huscarls are exactly the same, so yes, they would look like each other and could be used for each other. (how do you mean mini-faction?)
  8. I suggest having this one as victory soundtrack: On_the_Road_to_Adventures.ogg
  9. That certainly looks good. It would indeed be more realistic to give combo bonuses and it gives an extra level of planning and building. Wouldn't it be implemented in vanilla then certainly it should be tested in a mod. Regarding to the bonus shown: you already get range bonuses, in the same way you could display other bonuses.
  10. Huscarls Type: Champion-soldier, melee infantry, two-handed axeman. Skills: heavily armored. Being the elite units of their time, they served as bodyguards to lords and kings. They wielded superior equipment and had an excellent training. I suggest making them wear their shield at their back and carry a two-handed axe. References: (Although being a varangian guard, I think that the left perfectly fits the style, with the exception of the axe)
  11. It's a bit forced but perhaps we could bonus the gathering rate in relation with the distance to the first CC?
  12. The roofs are only a bit lengthy in comparison with the building itself. I think you should take a look at the mines from Knights and Merchants.
  13. niektb


    @Romulous: Could you perhaps rework the logo in your signature (our a similar logo) into a high-res one? (I like that one to use as logo) I will create a banner then and update all sources and finally create a ModDB page. The startup milestone is then finished after you have finished the signatures. Yes, it would be good to have a design element which you can find in all Millenium related artistry.
  14. How about this being our theme song? 20 - Antti Martikainen - Antti Martikainen - To the Ends of the Earth.mp3
  15. Good news! I contacted the author, explained the problem to him and he gave permission to use the music! Now we can select the tracks we like and fit them in appropriate places. I know, but mods are there to change and it would be nice to feature whole new soundtracks. (I'm certainly not saying that your songs are ugly. On the contrary!)
  16. The musician uses the following license:http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ Is this not compatible with cc-by-sa?
  17. Here I want to discuss what to do with the music. We have a few options: 1. Use sounds and music already implemented in 0 A.D. 2. Compose them ourselves. (not really an option, I fear) 3. Look for royalty-free soundtracks on the internet. I prefer to use the sound already implemented in 0 A.D. Regarding to the music however, I think that I have found a good composer: http://www.jamendo.com/en/artist/426659/antti-martikainen I've listened just a few seconds but I think it's perfect to use as music in-game! It is totally free to use for non-commercial purposes as long as you credit him (on a well visited place).
  18. Has to do with the renderer as well. (Almost no light, almost no shadows etc.)
  19. The Saxons The Saxons were a confederation of German tribes living in the north of Germany. In the early Middle Ages they expanded toward Great Britain and colonized large parts of it. A large part of the Saxons however stayed in northern Germany where they resisted the expansion of the Franks. Facing the Viking invasions the english realms (Saxons, Jutes and Angles) were unified during the period of Egbert till Alfred the Great and it became the Kingdom of England.
  20. The Normans are balancing right on the edge of part one and part two. It does belong only a slightly little bit more to part one (the armies' style), so I think we can add this civ to part one as a standalone civ.
  21. Viking Hunter renamed from bowman to hunter as it better suits the function of the bow. Type: Citizen-soldier, ranged infantry, bowman. Skills: swift, lower gathering rate with the exception of the hunting rate which is higher. References: regarding longboats: Well, we could try making the longboat a trainable entity, but I suggest limiting the amount of types instead of the amount of units.
  22. As this mod (part 1) is going from the fall of the Western Roman Empire till the founding of the Holy Roman Empire is it best suited to mainly depict the raiding vikings.
  23. Please remember, Lion, that 1,000 A.D. is split up into 2 part. Part one goes roughly from 500 AD till 1000 AD. Part two takes care of the other 500 years.
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