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Everything posted by gameboy

  1. @Angen I've seen the changes you've made to the code, and it seems to be a bit of a hassle. I think I'll wait until you're done with this patch.
  2. @Angen When can you achieve the visual effect in the GIF diagram of Stan? Please.
  3. @Stan` I tested your patch. It's strange that it doesn't work as well as your GIF.
  4. @Stan` The blacksmith in the blacksmith's shop should be set in the blacksmith's shop. He only needs the action output of forging weapons, for example.
  5. @Stan` You can refer to trade caravans, which will not fight back until they die.
  6. @Stan` If you set a blacksmith to work in a forge, when the forge is destroyed by the enemy, the blacksmith dies.
  7. @Stan` If there is a blacksmith in this blacksmith's shop, it will be more vivid and real.
  8. @Angen About this problem, can you try to fix it for me, my friend?
  9. I think the 3D motion of a model airplane needs to be made.
  10. @Angen Hello, this error has been fixed. But I found a problem: the propeller of Mustang fighter didn't rotate when flying.
  11. Yes. Please help, my friend.
  12. @Angen I tried to get the soldiers in the plane, and this error occurred. This error occurred when the plane took off and bombed the enemy Municipal Center. I've tested the patch. ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested
  13. @stan Can you tell me? I can help him test, thank you.
  14. @Angen Do you have a solution to this problem?
  15. @Angen My friend, I will wait until you have fixed this error message this weekend, thank you.
  16. I got a new error message: ERROR: JavaScript error: simulation/components/UnitMotionFlying.js line 206 ReferenceError: MT_MotionChanged is not defined UnitMotionFlying.prototype.OnUpdate@simulation/components/UnitMotionFlying.js:206:3 ERROR: Script message handler OnUpdate failed ERROR: JavaScript error: simulation/components/UnitMotionFlying.js line 206 ReferenceError: MT_MotionChanged is not defined UnitMotionFlying.prototype.OnUpdate@simulation/components/UnitMotionFlying.js:206:3 ERROR: Script message handler OnUpdate failed ERROR: JavaScript error: simulation/components/UnitMotionFlying.js line 206 ReferenceError: MT_MotionChanged is not defined UnitMotionFlying.prototype.OnUpdate@simulation/components/UnitMotionFlying.js:206:3
  17. @Stan` When I use the cheat code to make the Mustang fighter fly in the sky, when I control the flying direction of the Mustang fighter, the error message appears: The cheat code I used was this: how do you turn this on? Creates one or more fighter planes. Enter a space and a number after the cheat text to get more than one, and you need to have a building selected for it to work. ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested
  18. The 0 A.D. development team can consider upgrading wxWidgets 3.1.2 release
  19. Yes, my friend. The reason for the problem is the character problem, I changed the character.
  20. @Stan` I finally fixed the error. I spent a lot of time, and I finally found the cause of the error.
  21. @Gallaecio The latest SVN23201 does not address this error, which is regrettable.
  22. I didn't use any special characters, but I think the Asian font should be changed. I used the simplified Chinese font in SVN23175, and this error occurred, but strangely I didn't use the traditional Chinese Taiwanese font in SVN.
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