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Everything posted by gameboy

  1. Just now, I tested the latest SVN22925. When I saved the game, the error occurred: ERROR: JavaScript error: globalscripts/sprintf.js line 66 Error: [sprintf] property'hotkey'does not exist printf.format@globalscripts/sprintf.js:66:1intf@globalscripts/sprintf.js:50:16getRepairTime Tooltip@gui/common/tooltips.js:455:3displaysingle@gui/session/details.js:277:34update: LectionDetails@gui/session/selection_details.js:483:3 update GUIObjects@gui/session/session.js:945:2 onTick@gui/session/session.js:815:3__eventhandler65(tick)@session:0:1 ERROR: JavaScript error: globalscripts/sprintf.js line 66 Error: [sprintf] property'hotkey'does not exist printf.format@globalscripts/sprintf.js:66:1intf@globalscripts/sprintf.js:50:16getRepairTime Tooltip@gui/common/tooltips.js:455:3displaysingle@gui/session/details.js:277:34update: LectionDetails@gui/session/selection_details.js:483:3 update GUIObjects@gui/session/session.js:945:2 on SimulationUpdate@gui/session/session.js:876:2__eventhandler68 (simulation update)@session simulation update:0:1 ERROR: JavaScript error: globalscripts/sprintf.js line 66 Error: [sprintf] property'hotkey'does not exist printf.format@globalscripts/sprintf.js:66:1intf@globalscripts/sprintf.js:50:16getRepairTime Tooltip@gui/common/tooltips.js:455:3displaysingle@gui/session/details.js:277:34update: LectionDetails@gui/session/selection_details.js:483:3 update GUIObjects@gui/session/session.js:945:2 on SimulationUpdate@gui/session/session.js:876:2__eventhandler68 (simulation update)@session simulation update:0:1 ERROR: JavaScript error: globalscripts/sprintf.js line 66 Error: [sprintf] property'hotkey'does not exist printf.format@globalscripts/sprintf.js:66:1intf@globalscripts/sprintf.js:50:16getRepairTime Tooltip@gui/common/tooltips.js:455:3displaysingle@gui/session/details.js:277:34update: LectionDetails@gui/session/selection_details.js:483:3 update GUIObjects@gui/session/session.js:945:2 on SimulationUpdate@gui/session/session.js:876:2__eventhandler68 (simulation update)@session simulation update:0:1 ERROR: JavaScript error: globalscripts/sprintf.js line 66 Error: [sprintf] property'hotkey'does not exist printf.format@globalscripts/sprintf.js:66:1intf@globalscripts/sprintf.js:50:16getRepairTime Tooltip@gui/common/tooltips.js:455:3displaysingle@gui/session/details.js:277:34update: LectionDetails@gui/session/selection_details.js:483:3 update GUIObjects@gui/session/session.js:945:2 on SimulationUpdate@gui/session/session.js:876:2__eventhandler68 (simulation update)@session simulation update:0:1 ERROR: JavaScript error: globalscripts/sprintf.js line 66 Error: [sprintf] property'hotkey'does not exist printf.format@globalscripts/sprintf.js:66:1intf@globalscripts/sprintf.js:50:16getRepairTime Tooltip@gui/common/tooltips.js:455:3displaysingle@gui/session/details.js:277:34update: LectionDetails@gui/session/selection_details.js:483:3 update GUIObjects@gui/session/session.js:945:2 on SimulationUpdate@gui/session/session.js:876:2__eventhandler68 (simulation update)@session simulation update:0:1 ERROR: JavaScript error: globalscripts/sprintf.js line 66 Error: [sprintf] property'hotkey'does not exist printf.format@globalscripts/sprintf.js:66:1intf@globalscripts/sprintf.js:50:16getRepairTime Tooltip@gui/common/tooltips.js:455:3displaysingle@gui/session/details.js:277:34update: LectionDetails@gui/session/selection_details.js:483:3 update GUIObjects@gui/session/session.js:945:2 on SimulationUpdate@gui/session/session.js:876:2__eventhandler68 (simulation update)@session simulation update:0:1
  2. Today, I tested the latest SVN22922, with a warning message in a single player game: WARNING: GUI object has no setting "sprite_heading", but the style "ModernList" defines it
  3. @Stan` I tested the latest SVN22758, and when I built a dock to produce fishing boats, this error occurred. @Alexandermb Please help.
  4. @Stan` @elexis Today, I tested the latest SVN22748, and there are some error: ERROR: art/animation/biped/fisher/fisherman_death.dae: Assertion not satisfied (line 393): failed requirement "recognised skeleton structure" ERROR: Could not load animation 'art/animation/biped/fisher/fisherman_death.dae' ERROR: CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/fisher/fisherman_death.dae): Failed loading, marked file as bad
  5. Today, I tested the latest SVN22696. When I was playing a single-player game, these error messages appeared: ERROR: Could not load animation 'art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/death.dae' ERROR: CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/javelin/death.dae): Failed loading, marked file as bad My operating system is win10 64 bit.
  6. @elexis @wraitii Today, I tested the latest SVN22680 and there was an error. When I compiled it with VS2015, the error occurred: Severity Error Code LNK2019 Description unresolved external symbol public: __thiscall glooxwrapper::Jingle::Session::~Session(void) (??1Session@Jingle@glooxwrapper@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function public: virtual void __thiscall XmppClient::SendStunEndpointToHost(struct StunClient::StunEndpoint const &,class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > const &) (?SendStunEndpointToHost@XmppClient@@UAEXABUStunEndpoint@StunClient@@ABV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@Z)M/pre> Project test File D:\trunk\build\workspaces\vc2015\lobby.lib(XmppClient.obj) Line 1 I used update-workspaces.bat.
  7. @elexis Can this be fixed?
  8. @elexis The font color has changed. It used to hover over the button with the mouse. The font color is white, but now it's black. Today, I tested the latest SVN22610.
  9. @elexis Today, I tested the latest version of SVN22601. When I compiled the solution with VS2015 Community Edition, these errors occurred and I couldn't compile successfully: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error C2065'GetTextSize': undeclared identifier GUI D:\ trunk source gui gui scripting scripting face JSInterface_IGUITextOwner. CPP 27 Error LNK1181 cannot open input file' D:\ trunk binaries system gui. lib'pyrogenesis D:\ trunk build workspaces vc2015 LINK 1 Error LNK1181 cannot open input file'D: trunk binaries system gui. lib'test D:\ trunk build workspaces vc2015 LINK 1
  10. @Angen Instead of a post-processing option causing a crash, I'm going to compile using VS2015.
  11. @historic_bruno I tested the latest SVN22550, and there was a crash problem. When the game was loaded to 100%, the game crashed, indicating: (Not enough memory), I have 8 gigabytes of available memory. My operating system is WIN10 64bit.
  12. @elexis Yes, I clean it up and recreate it, but the error still appears. Should I change it to VS2015 for compilation?
  13. @Angen Yes,I run update-workspaces.bat,but error again.
  14. @historic_bruno @wraitii Today, I compiled SVN22531 with VS2013 Community Edition. Errors occurred: Error 83 C2039: "GetDirectoryPath": Not a member of "Visual Replay" E: \trunk\ source\ ps\ Visual Replay. CPP 43 1 engine Error C2039: "GetCacheFilePath": Not a member of "Visual Replay" E: \trunk\ source\ ps \Visual Replay. CPP 48 1 Error C2039: "GetTempCacheFilePath": Not a member of "Visual Replay" E: \trunk\ source\ ps \Visual Replay. CPP 53 engine Error C2039: "GetDirectoryPath": Not a member of "Visual Replay" E: \Trunk\ ps \Visual Replay. CPP 64 engine My operating system is win10 64bit.
  15. Every civilization is like this, and it can be copied.
  16. @historic_bruno My friend, what's the progress? Do you have the relevant patch?
  17. I tested the latest SVN22522 and found a problem. I was asked to press the pause button in the menu of the game. After the game was paused, background music paused and played again.
  18. @historic_bruno Thank you so much for your help, my old friend. I'm waiting here for your patch.
  19. @historic_bruno This time I was away longer. I was away for half an hour. But the same problems remain.
  20. @historic_bruno I've hot-loaded files in your way, in non-full screen mode. But the problem still exists.
  21. @elexis I didn't modify any files when I suspended the game. My game mode is full screen mode. Please help.
  22. Yes, I followed this method. When the game was in full screen state, I paused the game. After nearly 15 minutes, I clicked anywhere on the screen again with the mouse.
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