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Everything posted by leper

  1. See the README which should contain all information you need.
  2. So the player with the huge army is defeated because his last house was destroyed? We should rather fix the AI.
  3. Fixed that, thank you for reporting it.
  4. Cleaning the package cache, as well as any other method of making space on / (assuming you don't have a partition for /var) will help, but extracting the package files somewhere that isn't root will not work as the executable will only read specific absolute paths.
  5. The proper place for asking this question would be the Arch Linux forums (or their IRC channel, or their mailing list). You could either build the package yourself to use other paths (ABS is your friend) or resize your / partition to be big enough. I would NOT advise you to extract the package somewhere as your package manager will not know of these files and the game will probably not run (as it expects files in specific places (the BINDIR, DATADIR and LIBDIR defines) so if you place all those files somewhere else it will not find them; you could do whacky stuff with symlinks, but that is just too much hassle to be worth it).
  6. You could make a cheat, but that would also allow units to one-hit buildings too. See the wiki pages on technology modifications (You'll need the Attack related ones) and on technology templates (autoresearch is something you want) on how to create such a tech. 'affects' should probably be "Unit".
  7. True, we should improve the attack preference code to include/exclude some attacks and use that in BuildingAI.
  8. The attack code in BuildingAI and the attack code in UnitAI don't have any dependencies on each other (at least not in the sense that you can't have a melee attack in UnitAI and fire arrows at the same time using BuildingAI). Ships don't have a ram attack because just using that all the time would look weird, so the primary (UnitAI) attack fires one arrow and that one can be targetted, but all other arrows fired are a result of the code in BuildingAI. Making the Assyrian ram fire arrows when garrisoned would be as easy as changing a few lines in the proper unit template file. Josh's damage work is mostly done to be able to reuse features like splash damage and to allow us to implement features like continuous damage or unit death damage (e.g. explosions on destruction) without having two implementations of one feature.
  9. I'm quite certain that we'll add the ability to load .po files from user mods, so translators can just place their translation files in the right folder and the game will be able to use that (see the user mod paths on the wiki), but first we need to get the translation code into a good (committable) form (Alpha 16).
  10. What did you expect? Those P-51s don't have floats...
  11. The game saves new maps into the user mod folder (see GameDataPaths on the wiki) irregardless of what path you specify in the save file dialog in Atlas. This was fixed in SVN so you only have this problem if you are using Alpha 14. The game also loads the user mod folder by default (if you are not using the dev version), but there was a packaging issue with Alpha 14, so if you got the installer in the first few days you should just delete the binaries/data/config/dev.cfg file from your intall.
  12. In the game setup screen it should show up under "Scenarios", if it isn't there select the "Demo Maps" filter and check there. It should either show up under the name you entered in the map name field (not the filename) or as "Unknown Map".
  13. This is a bug in the web interface of Transifex (see bug report). When you use an offline editor you can just upload the correct translation without having to work around bugs and without having those characters show up in game.
  14. In your User CP (reachable from the dropdown next to your username under My Settings) under "'Ignore' Preferences" there is a checkbox to ignore signatures when viewing topics and personal messages.
  15. You can (or could (fixing the code to support it ought to be trivial)) use more than 3 layers if you want it as a main menu background (less than 3 works too).
  16. Also as noted in the link Erik posted you should create a mod folder (as you are working with a release) in ~/.local/share/0ad/mods/ and just put your modified versions in there. The game will then (if you pass it -mod=yourmodname) load your mod after the public mod and replace any files that are present in the public mod and are in your mod (with the same file name in the same (relative) path) with your modified versions.
  17. Yes, you can install the svn version alongside the packaged version. Just change to the directory you want to have the svn version in before following the instructions.
  18. Yes, it can be argued that way. But I'd like to make it clear upfront that the translations have to be CC-BY-SA too.
  19. (Posting here to gather some input) Currently there is no explicit license for the translation specified, so I'd like to add a contributor license agreement (releasing the translations as CC-BY-SA 3.0) that needs to be accepted by the translators.
  20. Almin: Why not ask in the transifex group?
  21. binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/ I'm just telling you to not use the AI API 1 or 2, just go with 3 which has support for features the other two are lacking.
  22. Maybe make those one story parts a little less sloped (like the house behind the farmstead). It looks a bit weird with the second story not being sloped at all (or at least it looks that way) and the first one being that slopy.
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