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Everything posted by leper

  1. Yes. Just add it to the units of that civ.
  2. Can you run pacman -Qo /usr/bin/pyrogenesis?It looks like your install of 0ad is messed up, how did you install it?
  3. Use <Entities datatype="tokens">-structures/{civ}_farmstead</Entities>
  4. Have you tried reinstallig 0ad? If that doesn't help check if the libboost_filesystem.so.1.55.0 exist in the file system. Also try to redownload both 0ad and boost-libs if that doesn't work (remove them from the cache (/var/cache/pacman/).
  5. Ah right, it probably should. We should probably change the *nix build to use cmake too.
  6. You need to build tinygettext (build-osx-libs.sh doesn't do this yet). I also think you are the first one to try building on OS X. You should install scons and add some code to build-osx-libs.sh to build tinygettext and copy it to the proper place. Posting all errors would also help a bit.
  7. It does. (The function is called translatePlural(singular, plural, count) in the E.ngine)That string is part of the attack rate display code which isn't the nicest thing to translate properly. "%(arrowcount)s arrow / second""%(arrowcount)s arrows / second""%(arrowcount)s arrows / %(time) seconds""%(arrowcount)s arrow / %(time) seconds"are the 4 different variations in English, some other languages may have more. If someone can think of a nicer way to translate this, I'm all ears.I'll also upload some newer strings to transifex, since I changed that code since the last update.
  8. I think we already have a cage, but nothing against more variation.
  9. I kicked you. I didn't ban you (yet) as using racial slurs isn't the kind of tone we want in our lobby.
  10. Romolous: You do know of the edit button? Three posts in one topic within 30 minutes is a bit much.
  11. Did you check the link to the full hotkey list (especially the section on Camera Manipulation)?
  12. You can disable the camera restrictions in the developer overlay (Alt+D).
  13. Add a line to the hosts file of the clients with the ip and ubuntu.
  14. You should forward it to your internal IP (commonly something like 192.168.0.X or 192.168.1.Y). You can obtain that by entering ipconfig in cmd.exe (if you are on Linux or OS X ifconfig in a shell). On the same local network you can use the 'Host Game' and 'Join Game' buttons on the main menu. The IP you should enter is the local (internal) IP of the host.
  15. lobby.server = "ubuntu" You just want the server (domain) part for this one.
  16. Are you passing the script the correct domain, login name and password? The authentication error you are getting tells you that one of those parameters is wrong.
  17. (Assuming you are still following the README and are still stuck with that error you posted above.) Pass the correct password and login name to the bot (XpartaMuPP.py) (pass '-h' to see the available options (or read the source)).
  18. You're not using the proper password for the lobby bot. Also why do you want to run your own lobby server?
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