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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Cleopatra is ugly( in the real life ) XD. @Liz Taylor you did what you did??. Joke. Nice unit.
  2. interesting and about clons? They can crate a massive id. I think, and when game be more popular this think can be worst.
  3. How works to good user? I mean how the spammer take the bait?
  4. We need double validation ? Phone number may be or special catpcha?
  5. I voted for included this one in the game, we can show this to Michael, he like do it maps and he can put in game if he are pleased with this one.
  6. I found AOEO blog desing. Is divided in 4 parts for courious guys designer that want to know why take the desition to do it the game in that style, may be this one is not all truth. But have good arguments and good tips for game makers. http://remember-ensemblestudios.com/2011/08/age-of-empires-online-review--part-3--art-design/ For me the most particular is the desing justification or reasoning of their carton style, but far of this matter probably the most interesting is this image: This one is common in historic based RTS like AOE saga or 0.A.D the proportion of building with units I know the artist and developer knows this one but not all players have a dominance of this rule. And here is the multiplayer concept, this one may be is best than gameplay and art desing concept , because this mostly innovative in AOE saga, not because be original concept, it's because is the first in the saga to adapt to modern online gaming. http://remember-ensemblestudios.com/2011/08/age-of-empires-online-review-part-2-multiplayer/
  7. all European lenguages for now. May be only now for sing up and sing in.For me is very say crate an user even in Russian forum I perform this with Ciliric fonts( without google translator)
  8. The torrent version like more. Torrent is best client for sharing large files. I using utorrent since (2006) and is basically program for me. Is easy, faster and you can pause every time. Git hub it's complicated may be in Linux or Mac don't but in windows there aren't good client to git hub like SVN tortoise.
  9. Yeah can be so nice to many user that want join to the community.
  10. We need. Say, was a joke AF is not celebrated in. All countries(western).
  11. Looks like when they fighting agains William the conqueror
  12. What represent anglosaxon in what time frame? I'm confused
  13. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Civ%3A_Carthaginians Folllow those formats .without illustration de document is for artist and scripting.
  14. -climbing into a ladder -climbimng into a horse - improving death may be we can have like this. Our addon to Gore , decapitations. Etc. Improved roman fighting etc.
  15. Haha do it Stan , many animations for the game
  16. Is obviusly the blacksmith was not planned in 0 A.D in that date ( a year ago) You can put actual ptolemaic.
  17. We have a Testudo animation? I want to see it.
  18. In gameplay: for many modding reasons is necessary a inventory system and abilities( yeah like action RTS and Moba , not we have animations unlocked.
  19. I found a saxon very similar to my desing .
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