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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. in Rise and Fall Civs at War the Battalions act as a single entity.
  2. Suggestions about battalions can be made here.
  3. in theory the feature is not completed. It needs a lot of development to make it work.
  4. Use no formation this cancels formation.
  5. YouTube channel trolls me. Me: omg 0 A.D on a top... the good thing is that people ask for the thumbnail.
  6. I like the art and sound design. also a lot of Praetorians gameplay. Like Scouts, ambush through forest or grass, special abilities.
  7. I am noticing that we hardly have many references or symbols of Iberian Celtic Iberian origin. Our words hardly have many symbols to adorn Our words hardly have many symbols to adorn culturally these factions.
  8. I know. Still people are clueless sometimes.
  9. reminder, add it as a visual card when uploading it to YT with the link at the end of the video.
  10. I have to admit that this level is far beyond me. Yes, because generally these are the best students who come since they are children in an art school. To which we are simply casual artist without adequate preparation of years. Drawing classes and drawing schools always seemed boring to me. This is why fine art students always have an advantage over students who simply want to learn the business side of art. It is how to compare a simple soldier of the Greek city-states, with a Spartan soldier at his best level and veteran.
  11. My own hand my own interpretation. But the question ...interpretation of what? It serves as inspiration.
  12. Si no me equivoco el autor de Jojo se inspiró en la moda pero no sé si en la italiana.
  13. It's truel what is shown in the tutorial to a style very close to the Renaissance. This style is not very far from the Roman which serves as the basis for this style. What Renaissance art takes further are the ornaments, the perspective, the colors and the anatomy. But in theory it is still copying Hellenistic art And it uses a lot of Roman sculptures.
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