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Everything posted by akya

  1. Modified? I made Black Op chocolates from scratch. I meant the first chocolate bar...it was a screenshot of the post...
  2. lol, I'm still in the beginning of it...since it's a cooperative book (I write a part, shykre another...etc.) I'm in the process of making another story called : The beginning of the Silver Dragon, which will tell the beginning of her life (what I've summarized so far) in more details. This will be a book made only by me
  3. Well, if cheezy isn't happy about it, we can always talk to him...
  4. Name : The path of the Silver Dragon It's about a half-elf, who has had a difficult childhood, living within the elves. Her mother (an elf) is brutally murdered when she is only 10 yrs old, her father dissapeared when she was only a baby. She ran away in the wood (at her mothers death) and was later rescued by the king's royal guardian. Since she was unwanted in the world of the elves, he kept her in secret, training her. Then, one day, she battled an unknown warrior. Who defeated her. It happens it was the prince. (ok, fairy tale a bit) They became friends and trained together...later, they seperated, each going in it's own way... Akya met Dreyro, a silver dragon... and it continues like that...but I'm not going to tell everything
  5. 1) have a nice job 2) have a husband and some kids 3) peace in the world 4...? get my book published once I finish it
  6. But there were races who resisted. The elves made some alliances with men...
  7. destroyed it by mistake, thus he couldn't achieve total
  8. just had an idea....could we have a mod that tells us if we already posted in the thread we're viewing...and if yes, then it could show us the posts we've made I could use it, cause some ppl just keep bringing back old thread and then I don't know if I've already answered to it...
  9. lol Each time I see that, I always have the impression that they're going to fall off and the guy is going to trip on them and fall down
  10. I'm pretty sure it's San Diego and not Sandi Ago
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