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Everything posted by akya

  1. Congrats all of you guys ! :w00t: still lingering around 1269
  2. that's you ? or another forumer ? or just a guy like that ? edited anyway...but plz tell me
  3. at least you'll swim ! (here it's too cold to swim for now )
  4. nope, never happened. or maybe it did what do you mean by roller ? (excuse me, I'm a bit tired )
  5. I have seen the first film, not so bad actually (though it could have been a lot better). I didn't see the second, care to enlighten me ?^^
  6. woah ! lot's of posts here since I last visited ! First thing I saw So, did you change your character description ? Anyway, I'm back and going in the Never Ending Story thread right now
  7. I never climbed in a tree, but I've fallen off a wall once and yes, it does hurt
  8. heh ! Go chichi go ! I'm on my way to the overall top ten posters [edit] ACTUALLY I'M 10th !! YAY ME !
  9. I like dogs and cats... I choose dogs cause I have one at home... For cats, I prefer the wild felines more than the actual cats...but they're cute anyway only problem is, I'm allergic to them
  10. Have you had a Great Dane? No, but I met one not so long ago... It can puts it's paws on your shoulders even though you're standing ! ( I have a mix lhasa and poodle, much smaller ) I'm sure it'll be a great dog
  11. A great dane ? It's gonna be big ! o_O Congrats :(
  12. merci Curu J'espère que tu as passé de bonnes vacances
  13. Welcome I'm sure I've seen you from somewhere...but where ?
  14. at that rythm, you'll get to 500 in no time Go Argalius Go ^^
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