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Posts posted by av93

  1. Well, I hadn't play the game a lot since the last 2 alphas, but I wanted to ask if somebody uses sword and spear cavalry (not champions). IRC, They die very easily to ranged (specially when massed), so it doesn't make really sense to train them. Buff them should also make spear and pike units more useful.

    Any thoughts ?

  2. On 6/8/2016 at 3:00 PM, civilis said:

    Ahhh, I see, his comment is a confirmation ... the land "sees" indeed, ok.

    Somehow I thought, he is contradicting me and already tried to figure out, what in the case Fog Of War ... it means to use an Alternating Turing Machine ...   :D




    An alternating Turing machine (ATM) is a non-deterministic Turing machine (NTM) with a rule for accepting computations that generalizes the rules used in the definition of the complexity classes NP and co-NP.

    The definition of NP uses the existential mode of computation: if any choice leads to an accepting state, then the whole computation accepts. The definition of co-NP uses the universal mode of computation: only if all choices lead to an accepting state, then the whole computation accepts. An alternating Turing machine (or to be more precise, the definition of acceptance for such a machine) alternates between these modes.

    An alternating Turing machine is a non-deterministic Turing machine whose states are divided into two sets: existential states and universal states. An existential state is accepting if some transition leads to an accepting state; a universal state is accepting if every transition leads to an accepting state. (Thus a universal state with no transitions accepts unconditionally; an existential state with no transitions rejects unconditionally). The machine as a whole accepts if the initial state is accepting.


    Atm mean "at the moment"

  3. Ten en cuenta que el balance entre facciones no esta realmente cuidado (de momento). Aunque algún desarrollador ha intentado echarle un rato (en la proxima version habrá cambios interesantes, como nerfear a los campeones en general). Los cambios están aquí.


    Y después de ver tus vídeos, los espadachines íberos (los normales, no los campeones) son iguales que los otros espadachines del juego (excepto después de desarrollar una tecnología en la herrería que también tienen los indios) :P. Los espadachines íberos campeones son muy rápidos, pero son superados por los británicos si van acompañado de Boadicea (eso si esta muy OP)  

    • Like 1
  4. Also there could be the possibility of making stances and formations submenus and move them to the right panel.


    The benifits would be less crowding with some unit commandos in the center panel with small icons. Also In the image that i have uploaded of 0 A.D I think it lacks back to work and patrol. Melee/Ranged stance for units with 2 kind of attacks should be in mind also.


    I think that would be nice to add an aura icon on the left panel (If all building are moved to a submenu) in a Warcraft 3 aura  style like with the passive abilities. If you hover in the icon, this would show you the technical numbers of the aura.

    Just personal opinion


    Hey guys, I bring some screenshots of other games to show different approaches of GUIs

    ·Dawn of War 1



    ·Age of Empires III



    ·Starcraft II



    ·0 ad



    That are a little bit old RTS (haven't take a look into new ones like Grey Goo

    Right know the GUI doesn't fill all the screen. (Just pointing). I would suggest to move all buildings into a submenu like Starcraft or Age of Empires 1/2, and then, move all the actions that under the unit/s icon in the center, to the right panel. I Just feel the GUI a little bit crowded.

    What do you thing?

    • Like 1
  6. 1. From this page.


    2. I really don't play so often now (don't have a graphic card right now), but mainly the open source and gratis spirit, the dynamic evolution within every alpha, the AoE nostalgia, etc. EDIT: Now it works (¿?). No idea why.

    3. Everything it's fine! I'm also in a volunteering educational project, so I know that work without being paid it's fatigues, but you do it cause you like. But it's important to feel that you effort it's valued, so big thank you. The only negative thing would be a personal one, regarding the personal necessity of a more cohesive gameplay, but as always, it's a WIP game, so no big deal.

    4. Hoping to see Beta someday. And more mods designed with pyrogenesis engine.

    5. Male, 23, Spain


  7. I don't like the arrow with poison, the two gears (too pixelated/blurry), the fish (weird position) the ship ram (I think that a object with a background doesn't fit with techs general art style).

    Others one that i find good but needs tweaks are: red hand holding spear (would need to get rid of the red line) and some armours that i find too bright (maybe this last are a taste matter)

    • Like 1
  8. About terminology: we need to differentiate capturing (buildings), conversion (age of empires priest) and capturing sheeps. For scenario making, it would be also useful gaia conversion units like aoe2 (when a human units reach  gaia units, they are given to that player)

    Capturing it's working. IRC initals plans were against conversion (with one roman hero ability exception), but there was in mind sheep and female capturing (the later as wow said, seems to have been discarded).

    Wololoing would be useful for modders: @Lion.Kanzen, wasn't a working version in Aristeia? It could be added to the engine without using it in the 0 ad main game. (Or just a scenario only priest for showing)

    • Like 1
  9. I usually don't play as sparta, but:

    1) As I said in the balancing topic some time ago, maybe the translation of Ekdromos Skiritai, Skiritai Commando, should be renamed: commando reminds to some kind of modern special ops unit. I propose Skiritai runner. Sources 1, 2. The explanation of why Mythos gave that name is here.

    2) Maybe it could given to them spartan pikeman champs with a Cleomenes reforms tech to train them in barracks and in fortress (researched in the second building). They won't be benefited from agoge, so in late game you could have some more champs.

    3) Give them walls? They already have the population malus/penalty. Or a tech that allow to build them in late game.

    • Like 1
  10. 17 hours ago, causative said:
    • Romans and Spartans both have strong swordsmen cit-soldiers and pike champions.  This is a good combination, particularly for Spartans.  Send in the swordsmen first with the pikes right behind them.  The swordsmen will make up the front row and deal damage and take hits.  (Romans should have their hero around to give the swordsmen +5 attack).  The champs will make up the back row and deal damage.  So you have 2 rows of attacking units, and your champs aren't getting damaged.  It's cheaper to let the enemy damage your Skiritai or Roman swordsmen than your champs.

    Well,  IRC, technically only Seleucids have pikeman champs. The entity template of carth Sacred Band it's showed as pikeman (should be renamed to spear?) and Sparta have pikeman champs that can't be trained right now.

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