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Posts posted by av93

  1. 1 hour ago, sanderd17 said:

    In case you want buildings that automatically generate resources, there already is a "ResourceTricle" component. See an example of it in the Persian palace: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/structures/pers_apadana.xml (line 55)


    (hint from leper)

    I know that was already possible. But for making building indestructible (besides having svn?)

    Thank both! :) (I usally read logs, but rarely I enter on the irc)

  2. Now we have indestructible units/buildings. Captured wonders trigger a victory timer?

    If so, King of the hill could be done for next release, right? (I could try to make a scenario, but not a random map script)

    EDIT: yes I tested and captured wonders trigger victory timer.

  3. On 22/2/2016 at 10:27 PM, av93 said:

    don't have the numbers, but establishing a trade route (better wiht an ally) is very good for your economy. You can change the resources you get in the upper icon. Allies get an additional share. Protect them.

    It's somehow explained already. Maybe isn't very well explained.

  4. This tips are for the actual balance (Alpha XIX). Keep in mind that later it will be outdated. Is not a Pro guide.


    Overview tip:

    - This is a strategy game and if you have a deep look, it's all about economics and numbers: The player with a better resource avaibility, should win in most cases in a long run. So strategies games are wars for resources control.

    General tips in the first minutes:

    -You want always a continous flow of  new units to have a better economy (and in this game, also a better army cause male units are also soliders).
    Try at first to establish a good food and wood economy (females only need food and you will need wood for houses).

    -Try to use berries and animals before going to farms (unless there's no alternative). Farm is slower and need wood investiment. Cavalry are very fast when working on animals, and females are better on berries and farms than men. Use ranged units to hunt (saving domestic animals)

    -Try to never get housed. That means that you can train a unit because you have the resources but you can't cause you need more pylons houses. Some factions have more expensive houses, but with double population capacity, and some are cheaper with less capacity. Use the houses like a wall protecting your Civic Center  (CC) or whatever you want.

    -Always build your farms around your civic center. I've seen players that build the granary away and then the farms. This makes you more vulnerable to raids.

    *First objective: Establish an CC flow: With the first 9 females and your cav hunting you can train women in batches without worry until berries and chickens have depleted. Men to wood building first a house later a storage center. Other females created goes to wood that you will need for more houses and...

    *Second objective: ...farm transition. Also it's very important to make barracks: Then you can double your productivity. As always, try to have a continous flow of women being created on CC, and now soldiers on barraks. Then it's up to you. You can make more barraks, go to second phase and research economical techs.

    Right now, the most used strategy it's to get to 3 phase quicker than your enemy, mass champions (they can't work but have very good stats) being trained in the barraks with the appropriate tech (not all civs have it) and maybe train an heroe (usually the heroes that enhace champs stats. Remember that all heroes give a conquest bonus when capturing or resisting a capture when garrisoned) Some armoury and special techs can make the differance.

    Some other tips

    Garrisoned CC and fortress can stop a lot of citizien soldiers (c-s) (and some champions). Women don't add arrows. If you see your base overwhelmed with c-s try to garrison soldiers. Also towers, specially when upgraded.

    I don't have the numbers, but establishing a trade route with a market or a dock (better with an ally) is very good for your economy. You can change the resources you get in the upper icon. Allies get an additional share. Protect them.

    Healing champions with temples are a good idea (inside healing is faster)

    Walling is useful, but difficult and more expensive than other games.

    Don't chase ranged units with slower units.

    Cavalry is fast (with corral tech), but isn't heavily armoured.

    Some other strategies

    Cavalry archer rush: Go to second phase and mass cavalry archers. If you stop the enemy to reach the 3 phase, you can easily win. Countered with towers. Only ptolomies, seleucids and persians.

    CC rush: Reach second phase. Sell food and some wood for metal and stone. build a  CC near your enemy, specially near wood lines or in a place for controling metal. If you mange to finish it, then build towers. Try always to stop them to reach 3 phase.

    For the next level, search build orders, youtube videos and recording games from pro players. Keep in mind that the game is in alpha status, and it lacks features, it can be buggy and it's unbalanced.





    • Like 5
  5. For actual release? No.

    Usually the date get changed until there're enough features. Then you will start to see devs moving tickets to the next alpha (21) and then it will come feature freeze. Then in 1 month or so they release the next version.

    • Like 1
  6. On 19/2/2016 at 3:20 PM, Pandor said:

    Spearmans have exactly the same dmg as swordsmans, swords are better to destroy building, thats all. for example macedon has hero + 5 atack aura and silver sheilds have even more hp then extraordinarii or longswords but dmg is same.

    Then nerf Phillip heroe aura also :P

  7. 17 hours ago, SeleucidKing said:

    In defence of all those members who are coming up with these threads and conversations regarding gameplay (myself included), while it is probably unrealistic to see these changes implemented anytime soonTM, we can still come up with ideas to streamline the gameplay balancing in Beta, and give the devs a reservoir of ideas when the time comes.  And none of us non-programmers really have the smarts to discuss big programming stuff..;)

    Of course! the sense of my post was because I understood some annoyance before. Is the problem of communication each other without non-verbal communication, you can miss the mood of the other.

    BTW, nerf the swordman champion + heroe gameplay :P

    Sorry for the offtopic.

  8. Relax! At this time there's not a real effort regarding gameplay. Altough a lot could be done, I think that right now Devs are focusing in finishing the features, don't know if because lack of manpower, motivation or because it doesn't have sense to make a lot of effort when some features are missing. (Some words about gameplays and balancing from the devs would be nice, and would clarify things about how they want to work that stuff)

    Later, probably when Beta, I think that balancing, gameplay and all stuff will be relevant one more time.

    At first, they have a game designed, but when you have to make real the thinks on the paper, everything change. Also, reading the DD and some open tickets, I think that you can see thath some of the first ideas of the game were a lot of features without a cohesive design.

    Later, when you can play, you can decide what add, simplify or remove. Sometimes you have a lot of ideas, but makes things a lot of complex. Sometimes you add a lot of things that nobody uses.

    BTW, if right now you can play 0 a.d, (and I think that it's funny enough!) it's more to test the engine than for the real gameplay, and solve the bugs and make things work.

    • Like 2
  9. Maybe the problem is your graphic card, that doesn't show particles effects cause is too old. You can see the ore mines sparkling or smoke in some temples?


    Or maybe you have disabled the particles effects

  10. Better now :)

    1. Game is not finished, so some information and tooltips that you can read on web or in game can be outdated or unimplemented

    Currently, flaming javelins can only be unlocked when iberian skirmishers get into third rank. I don't know if its cosmetic only. Mounted iberian skirmishers champions get flaming javelins by default.

    2 I haven't done a research, but it's good to keep a well established trade route to get metal. Better with allies (cause both gets benefits). Mineral and stone are less abundant in comparison with food and wood. Always try to have more soldiers, working all the time, they can fight and work. Later, make champions when you have a economy that can handle a good flow of production of them.

    3. If i Recall correctly, Death Canyon was a scenario with a battle of iberians against roman leggionaries (champions). In this game, there are 2 kinds of units: citiziens soldiers (that can work and fight) and champions (can't work, but are very strong and very good capturing). Maybe you are fighting citizien soldiers against champions.

    Hope that you can understand that.

  11. It was tried some months ago. There was some talk, and then Karamel tried to make a balancing mod with the reached guidelines.

    The topic:


    And his wikia



    EDIT: IMHO devs could make a statement saying that they won't focus in that topic until Beta, or just saying their view about how they will work about gameplay and balancing. 

    I think that isn't easy, and everybody have a personal view of how the make should be, but making a cohesive, fun, historical game isn't easy. If every idea is added to the game, it could be a mess.


  12. You have to be faster. BTW, i think that right now if you lose a building while under construction you don't lose resources.

    Actually, the main strategy is skip the second cc and go straight to 3 phase, then mass champions with a heroe and capture everything. If you do it right, is better than make a CC in mosts situations.

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