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Posts posted by av93

  1. Me also. No purpouse to fight.

    Aside from pathfinding, I agree about gameplay, it don't like at all. There was a topic that in quick search I couldnt found froma veteran modder, talking about looking at resources at first to design the game. Later other aspects... I think that 0 ad tried to add a lot of gameplay features in a Aoe game, but it lacks cohesion.

    There had been some changes and with the game development, long awaited features had been implemented. But one thing is designing a game in the paper, and other it's making the game. There had been changes trying to stick into the original plans, but maybe later, before going beta with all wanted features (I hope this 2016), maybe the devs should stop, take a look in the game as whole, the meta, maybe took some crazy expert players like this. No need to aim to design a competitive game, but maybe in the lines of easy to play, hard to master.

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  2. The game is very greek-centric. IMHO, i would join sparta and athenas, and maybe macedonia with seleucids. But that would mean losing artwork, and people have accostumed to have these civs. But with less civs, easier to balance and then they can be more unique. It's a design choice and I think that it's already taken.

    ButI suggest that in the future, it's better to cover more territory than focus in one. BTW, I know that it's impossible to represent all cultures and civs, but it would be a little weird to see every greek colony or city-state and no focus on others..

    Just opinions, cheers.

  3. Ah

    Empire earth 2.

    It wasn't a disaster, in that it.. ah.. had too many resources.

    I mean, saltpeter, oil, gold, iron wood, stone, tin,

    Yeah, too much muck, not enough guck.

    Yes but if i recall correctly there was the 4 basic resources (food, wood, mineral, gold) and later one or two special resources every era

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  4. It seems weird but, sometimes my settings about showing chat messages before you enter the lobby change into default 0. I don't know what happens to the pc, but it doesn't have relationship with restarting pc. I usally play 0 ad two times a week, so i don't know what happens.

    BTW, right now if you host and you go back to the main lobby screen, the chat is cleared. I think it would be nice to preserve the chat. Don't know/remember if it happens with joining a game and then going back. It doesn't happen after playing a match.


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  5. I was playing today, elephant archer are not great unit, I feel they aren't useful, the hp is very low (144/basic) in other games they have low attack but high hp

    Right now, ele archers share the same stats than cavalry archers, like persian chariots. It have been stated before that furter differentation between units will be after

  6. If somebody already doesn't know, there's a new expansion for Age of empires 2 HD. In a recent interview, one microsoft guy had said that's called African Kingdoms (the theme was already know), and will feature Berbers (with camel archers) Mali, and probably Portugal (it's shown a white king on the front). In the interview there's also a imatge of a new AoM expansion. The post where i found the info said that the civs that are probably in are the celts, chinese and some mesopotamian civ (probably babylon or persia)

    Source: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1067222

    BTW, the announcement that I'm eager to hear are 0 ad going Beta ;)(and a aoe1 remake that I know that it will be done someday)

    • Like 3
  7. Yes, we will include the new pathfinder soon, but the new pathfinder will have more bugs and hiccups than the old one.

    Like a few days ago, we saw that games with the AI had lag spikes of turns that took around 300ms (while singleplayer turns should be completed in 200ms of calculation) every time a building was constructed. The structure of the new pathfinder is better, so it can be used to allow faster code in other places. But the new pathfinder itself isn't optimised or bug-free yet.

    But overall, the new pathfinder will be faster in the first release?

  8. I agree on most things that DarcReaver said. I agree also on that there's a need of a designed vision of a major picture to make 0 ad in some direction (There's already some but I think it should be hard worked on). The problem is that there's a need of all features before all that stuf, altough the status it's near finished.

    I agree than now in this alpha, rushing it's very difficult (old cav skirmishers rushes are gone), and every strategy should be viable and more different.

    Regarding food strategy, I think that farms could be builded on the first phsae, but very less productive until a lot of techs. A new idea that I have thought, instead of making herdables costing some food, I would made them autoproduce by the corrals. Garrisoned herdables would make to train them faster (having to choose between fast food or long terms production) It's not very micro, on my opinion. Also limit the number of corrals that a player can build

  9. I very disagree on having bonus or unlockable content with ranking. Ranking system it's done and was working on first multiplayer version, but I think that was closed cause the game it's on alpha (right?)

    There a lot of factors making a game losing popularity... look on starcraft 1 or age of empires 2, none of them have unlockeable content and are still played. BTW I have nothing against trophies or cosmetic content.

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