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Posts posted by av93

  1. Yes... but it would be even better to not have it at all..... you can add it if you like but from my 18 years experience of RTS gaming I would recommend to ditch it.

    Think farmlands like yellow minerals of SC2

    • Like 1

    there's already a slave upgrade in the game anyway

    It's only a game!

    Btw slaves have been discussed in the past.


    I suggest to make slaves available in the third phase, replacing citizen soldiers that are being upgrading to higher ranks, thus loosing economy efficiency. (Slaves could have male bonus)

  3. I think that nomad gamestyle should stick to the original age of empires mode, a game that you start without cc. If there're different new aspects, rename to another game mode. Maybe i'm a little bit conservative with things like that...

  4. My goal is to make the base of a mod that I think that will have continuity, also I want motivate people use pyrogenesis, I think that the thematic will do. I don't want post more info unless I get something working.

    Regarding the 2n paragraph, If I make an unit that uses an actor of the original game, I should copy the actor and paste it in the mod folder, right?

  5. I have been trying to mod, now i have some units and some buildings. I have unzipped the public folder and i have pasted the mod, later i have eliminated the original civs .json, having only my own civ .json file.

    The main problem is that the game crashes, giving an error, but i can't copy it cause the pc gets frozen (the pc makes an awful BIOS sound and i have to shut down all. Also there's not an error log... so, I know that this is hard without more info, but what I can do?

    ....editing units and civs by office writter it's very slow... I hope that a civ/unit editor will be made eventually..

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  6. General

    - Improve Tribute screen (AOE style)-> With right click you select the amount by adding 100 units by click, with left click you decrease the amount by 100. When you have finished, click to send. (Right now you can't see how much of units are you sending.)

    - Minimum distance between markets. Also between allied and enemy markets (maybe shorter distance req between those and yours)

    - "Headquarters" game mode. (Could be another name) You lose automatically if you don't have any CC (faster than the actual conquest)

    -Safer healers. When clicking to attack a unit, make healers stay in their currents position. Except those with attack

    About Factions

    - Give athenians the possibility to train marines and toxotes also in docks. Although this doesn't solve the problem of not being able to train this units in "only land" maps. Any suggestion to fix this, or just leave this "drawback"?

    - Remove Thebans from history screen


    -Possibility to go back to the general screen without exit your game. Possibility to see the level of your opponents...

  7. I remember Imperium III with a similar concept: In each city you have diferent stockpiles, and you have to move donkeys with gold or food between citys. I don't know if the devs wants to develop a thing like this, but a little concept that could be implemented is a little delay between you send the tribute and the moment that the ally get the resources.

  8. Yehey!! Some things that I had think

    - Annoying moving camera : When you press "enter" to speak but there's no click on the dialog box, you press some letters that make you move the camera, it's a little annoying. -> Disallow the letters that make you move the camera while you're with the text box

    - Another suggestion related: make the "team only" box checked by default in team games. Normally, when you're playing in games with teams, you don't need to speak with enemy, so making that would make harder to send a wrong message to enemy

    - About formations: I know that are being redeisgned (some info?) but some points that could be changed in the current system:

    - Make box formation by default. When you have units near the border (turrets, castles) some are killed cause the formation it's very large when you have an important army, making some units trying to defend and die, destroying your strategy.

    . Making the way that formations are made by another way. (hard to explain in english for me):

    ---------------------- <- That's land

    --x-------xxxx------ <- X are units

    --x-------xxxx-----y <- You select all the units and click on the Y position to move

    ----x-xxxx-----------y <- some units go back and later...

    ------------xxxxx--y <- All march to the Y

    I suggest that the front units go slowly to the position and then the back units catch the first running, instead of regrouping and going some back.

    - And another bug important to multiplayer are that you can see buildings being constructed in explored but no visibles areas. I know that you're aware of that, it just wanted to remember!

    -And of course, a lot of improvements that could be made to the lobby, but i think that you have thinked about it: make check boxes for starting the match for players, makethem in skirmish choose civ and teams, unreated games..

    Thanks for making that awesome game

    av93. :)

  9. I just want to say that, regardless of the final game and if there's an unlimited farms or not, that you guys are making a great project. Not only its free and awesome, you always are open for the fan feedback (of course, they cann't do it everything that is suggested)

    People should think about it, its only a game. And remember, you are arguing against another human that are making that not for money. Be a little more humble, please...!

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